Thursday, May 31, 2012

Studying is Super Boring

Day 112, Chiropractor Day!

So after a couple of lovely adjustments-*crack crack crack*- my chiropractor said I was making progress but he is still worried about my lower back and suggests that I get two more additional massages and that I make an appointment with an acupuncture person! Scary! Well I have loosened up my muscles, adjustments were actually possible. I no longer have 2 rotated vertebrate, I'm down to one rotated! Yay! My pelvis is still rotated and I still have too much tension in most of my muscles. But hooray for slight improvements!

I'm having a  hard time studying though, the library is less than comfortable but bed it too comfortable. I wish I could find that balance. Maybe I just need more sleep, or maybe I just need a healthy back!

If you do not know about My Drunk Kitchen, I feel sad for you. Hanna Hart is the coolest chef ever and I always have fun with watch her. She is so funny and punny. I suggest you check her out for drunken cooking tips!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Ugly Picture of the Day

Day 111, Massage Day!

It was not nearly as painful as last time. However I had spots where it just hurt so badly! I forgot to shower at Dixon after because I have SO much to do, so now I'm all oily and gross and I just want to take a shower.

I do have a lot to do and I'm getting stressed.
Due Sunday: Excel Spreadsheet, Precis, Discussion and 251 Discussion
Due Monday: 5 page Ornithology paper
Due Friday June 8th: Ornithology Extra Credit, Final Project FW 320, Final Project FW 107 and Quiz 251.

Then FINALS! AAAAHHHHH! Breathing is difficult when you are sitting next to some guys who have gone overboard on the cologne. Just because you didn't shower doesn't mean you can hide it with that shit dude.

So I am officially in moving mode! Rachel and I got a storage unit yesterday and I took my bed apart today! I finally get to move away from crazy bitches! I can't wait to just live with Rachel and Allison. It will be so nice and peaceful! Full of laughter, full of love, full of happy times!

This is today's UGLY PICTURE OF THE DAY! This was Rachel's idea
A quote "You should take a picture of me and post it as ugly picture of the day"
I cannot be in trouble for her weird decisions

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Play Date with a Cougar Cub

Day 110, My allergies are wreaking havoc today. I think I've produced enough snot to build a snot kingdom. Sorry that was a little gross, but I do feel like my bodily fluids are producing some kind of community with shopping malls and playgrounds.

Now, I left you with an adorable picture yesterday with no story! So long time a go I worked at this Wildlife Rehabilitation place and I often return to say hello to the people AND the animals. It was recently that I discovered the new resident cougar. Dying to see him Rachel and I drove down to see him. Then realizing that the perks of being and ex-intern are that we get to take him on a walk and PLAY with him. Best. Day. Ever. Please enjoy, awww if necessary.

This is what Jill calls 'Mattress Land' a big pile of mattresses that Brady LOVES to play on. This picture may look a little intimidating but, that is a playful baby! 

Have you ever taken a cougar for a walk? I have, Brady was a little nervous and liked to hang out in the tall grasses. He loved climbing on anything and would often run between legs and give love bites.
 Rachel Holding Brady, just a big kitty that's all! 30 pounds of kitty. 

It got a little hot out and Brady sought out some shade, he just plopped down under a car and looked ...well, adorable. He has the prettiest blue eyes! Can I take him home?

Have you EVER done anything this cool? 

 This was obviously the highlight of my memorial day weekend. I might not be able to play with him again when he gets bigger so I will appreciate this time spent with the little guy! Working with animals is always so rewarding and I can't imagine another career choice.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Brady the Snuggler

Day 109, short blog again. I have a 5 page paper tomorrow due at 8am. That is what I have been doing for the past few hours and what I will be doing the next few hours.

I did the coolest thing ever today. This blog will be cute overload, my new favorite picture of all time. I will describe the events in tomorrow blog but here is an adorable sneak peak. 

This is Brady, my friend the Cougar Cub. He had enough time to take a break and snuggle.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Boatnik: The White Trash Celebration

Day 108,

So I guess I have a little more to say today. This memorial day in my hometown has a Boatnik parade and carnival. Except when you live here, we call it Dirtnik. I mean white trash, druggies, and alcoholics galore. During the parade there was one especially excited woman. After careful observation I decided she was on drugs, as did the rest of my group.

After experiencing Dirtnik Rachel and I decided to go home and watch the Borrowers. You know, that movie back in 95' with John Goodman. Turns out it has a lot more people in it than you'd think!

  • John Goodman (duh)
  • Tom Felton- AKA Draco Malfoy- freaking adorable he is like 7 in this movie. 
  • Hugh Laurie- Whaaaaa
  • The guy who plays Arthur Weasley- Whaaaa?!
  • Another guy from Harry Potter, who was also Dad it Bridget Jones diary- WHAAAAA? 
It was a rather exciting experience. I also will have a super exciting blog for you either tomorrow or on Tuesday. I have to have picture proof of how cool I am!

I'm going to go see Men in Black III tonight with the Rachel and the Rents. Hope its some good shizz!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Day 107,

I don't want to write anything today. I just do not have what it takes to entertain you lovely people. Please forgive me, maybe tomorrow will be a better day. I don't even feel like posting an image.

That is all.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Rant Friday: Professor Edition

Day 106,  Happy Memorial Day Weekend! The only real day I get off of the term. College sucks in that aspect. We only get one day off a term and every term it occurs towards the end of the term or the beginning. Because I really need a week before dead week off or I really need a day off a week after winter break which was four weeks long! If I could chose the days off I think I would pick week 6. It would be far enough in the term to where I need a break but not close enough to the end so that I have nothing to do. 

I got my ornithology midterm back today. Because of this I am going to make it RANT FRIDAY!
Now, I got the average. I am actually really relieved that I got the average, I thought I did a lot worse after our professor said we bombed the midterm. However I would like to say a few words towards this professor. 

Dear Ornithology Professor,
 Your midterm was graded too difficulty. The entire class agrees with me.
If we bombed the midterm it is YOUR fault as the professor. If you want us to explain the answer we have chosen ask 'List and Explain' not 'List'. Just saying list means like a grocery list. I do not describe what Milk is on my grocery list, nor should I have to. Also if you abbreviate things in your slides, we as a class will learn it that way. So saying FSH, Tb and Ta are inappropriate answers is your fault because you, the professor never defined them. I deserved 10 points more on my midterm. It is rather frustrating when a correct answer is given, but is deemed incorrect because of your impossible grading structure.
Anonymous Student
Yeah, I totally would do this to my bird professor and then yell, 
I've got a bird I want to show you professor...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Packing for the Weekend!


I have so much to do in the next 3 days so these next few blogs may be short but packed with high entertainment value! Well, maybe not. It depends on what you find funny.

 I would like to share this video to all the ladies. Gentlemen can laugh at if any of their ladies in their life act like this... Because I do this too. Please enjoy- How Girls Pack A Suitcase!

My Community Ecology Midterm went well :) I'm very happy about that! 
Going home tomorrow, so we will see what I pack in my suitcase!
 I definitely will need to bring a lamp, never know when you are going to need  light!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Knots Upon Knots

Day 104,  knots knots knots knots! That is 70% of my body!

Massage day! It was super relaxing, but brutal. I have knots on my knots and they also have knots. I came out of the massage in a dazed state and was totally in my own little world for about and hour after. It was like a out of body experience...except I was still in my body moving around. Even though I took a shower I still smell like icy-hot, which was the only way she could work out the knots. This is how I looked after my massage.

After going to ornithology my professor was furious at the class because apparently we bombed the midterm. Which we haven't even been given back yet. She said "Maybe I didn't grade the first midterm hard enough because you all slacked off" Super frustrating. Because some of her questions made no sense, and I even asked her a question and it STILL didn't make and sense...Now I'm thinking I did bad on the midterm :( Scary!

Ugh, well I'm super achy and frustrated! I have a midterm tomorrow morning at 8:30 am and I feel less than prepared. So much scientific information and sitting for long periods of time has been really stressful on my back.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I'm Broken

Day 103, Like super duper broken folks. And my 'healing' regiment is going to be AWESOME!

Soooooooo I don't remember if I told you bloggity blog readers how I injured myself. After perusing my past posts I in fact told you all that I am and old person and hurt my back after sneezing. So in order to get rid of back pain I made an appointment with the chiropractor. After visiting the chiropractor I discovered a few things.

  • My hips are out of alignment, visibly out of alignment
  • Some vertebrate are out of alignment
  • My sacrum is surrounded by muscles that are so tight that natural movement is impossible
  • I have very poor rotation of my left hip flexor
  • And my muscles are so tight I was prescribed to go to a massage therapist once a week so I could actually be cracked to fix my back pain. 

Basically I'm an extremely tight mass of muscles that cannot be cracked because it could potentially cause excess pain. I can't believe I have to go to a massage therapist once a week! LIFE IS SO *UNFAIR*!
*Obviously I mean life is FUCKING AWESOME! It is going to be so painful though to loosen the muscles*

After my appointment though I realize how much I ache.  My back hurts, my muscles hurt...I have a prescribed massage tomorrow so lets hope I feel better.

This is the coolest thing ever, action movie!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bob Loblaw Law Blog

Day 102, I wish my blog sounded that cool. Bob Loblaw Law is just fun to say!

My favorite thing about arrested development was the quirky comedic stylings. When shall you return to Tv V? One of my favorite minor characters is Bob Loblaw. Because it sounds like Blah Blah Blah. It makes me giggle every time. If you haven't seen Arrested Development you should watch it. Or make me happy andsend me all 3 seasons on DVD. 

So I would like to share something with you all because I think it is a stupid little thing I do and it makes me laugh because I act like a freaking high schooler. Set Scene- Nightclub at school. Me- maybe slightly tipsy not even that. So I was dancing less than enthusiastically on the floor with my friends Brittany and Rachel because the music was crappy. Out of no where this guy comes over and dances in the center of us. And begins to flirt with me. Like 'I like your nose ring' and winking at me. 
Now instead of being an adult and being nice to this person I react like this.... 
...and I became super embarrassed and awkward. 
My self esteem seemed to be a little weak that day and I obviously needed more liquid courage
You ask me why I don't have a Boyfriend mom? Because I react to guys hitting on me like a dummy.

Quick Question- Whatever happened to the Baha Men? Do they still exist? Now I already know the answer because I used the google gods. But I just listened to 'Who Let The Dogs Out' have they done anything since?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Good Vs. Evil

Day 101, Just like 101 Dalmatians but not nearly as adorable. 

Now I am super tired. Like super lazy. Rainy days make me I need to hibernate. Unfortunately the amount of work needed to be completed makes it difficult to have an extremely lazy day. I have better things to do than homework. Like watch Arrested Development. Because it is the funniest tv show ever. 

Maybe I should take a break until I get less sleepy...hmm...that sounds like a bad idea maybe. 

I have this mini little thing that I do. I call it the Good Vs. Evil battle. It occurs many times through out the day over little dumb things. For instance- sleeping in from classes.
Evil beings by saying you need sleep. You deserve sleep. Just sleep in and you will feel so much better
Good responds to say that going to class should be good and I will enjoy a nice lovely day. 
Evil but your bed is so warm and comfortable and you could have a nice relaxing morning. 
                                                 Sadly Evil usually wins. BUAHHAHAHAHA

Saturday, May 19, 2012

100 Days of Being Facebook Free!


I am actually really proud of myself for not having facebook for this long. It is hard to be a college student with out it. Well, its not hard but when all of your friends are communicating through it. In a way it is like not having a phone. But anyways, lets stick with the positives! In celebration of this event I did jack shit today. Well sort of I did get homework completed and watched Ace Ventura Pet Detective. 

So now that I am writing today's blog I feel like it isn't as exciting as I make it out to be. It's not like I get my 3 month chip for sobriety. It is just simply a choice to step back from technology to be able to view the world in a simpler way. Funny how the simpler way can be more complicated. Being without facebook makes me want to expand my technology free life. Unfortunately its not a 100% option these days. Especially while I am taking 3 online classes. I would really love to abandon the internet (but then how could I write these wonderful blogs!) and cell phones. Lets be honest those two things will never happen. 

The most disappointing thing about abandoning facebook was how many people stopped talking to me. Getting rid of facebook has really shown me how many friends I actually have. Plus I can't shamelessly stalk people from high school who are married, have babies or get arrested.

Even though I miss some of the things it has for the most part been a positive experience. I have seen the people who have continued our friendship more in public and I have done better in school. (not really sure if it is related to the major change) And I really enjoy writing daily blogs! It is like a online diary that isn't private! Thank you to those who read. I doubt I would continue writing if no one read it. I will be getting facebook back at the end of spring term, with the knowledge that facebook is not important enough to get in the way of me living my life. 

Does my experience make you want to change your life? Or has it already? If anything I hope that I can make you consider what is really important in life. 

See this Panda, it appreciates a Facebook free life style!

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Friend The Golden Eagle

Day 99! So exciting! Tomorrows blog is going to be off the hizz-ook!

So whilst preparing for my ornithology midterm yesterday I spent what felt like eternity in the library. So I think I spent about...9 hours in the library...this might of been a new record. It was all very productive. But I really needed to spend that time studying the foraging patterns of birds. 

So my midterm went alright. Some of the questions were worded very poorly and frustrating to answer. I felt like I knew the material, but even asking her what the fuck this question meant was confusing. So we will see how I did. My bet 'C' which is frustrating! AAARRRRGGGHHH

A surprising thing happened today. Rachel and I were sitting and studying while she was procrastinating on facebook and discovered that Wildlife Images, our old internship place was on our college campus! So we got to visit with Cyndee and Phoenix the Golden Eagle. I probably will be coming home next weekend with Rachel mom & dad because Cyndee personally invited us out to wildlife images (maybe we will get to play with the new cougar cub!) *SQUEAL*

I am actually going dancing tonight! For the first time in like 6 weeks! I haven't been dancing in forever! However it is going to be a mostly sober night. I got responsible shit to do! Like homework, study for midterms, and write a fucking awesome blog tomorrow. When I say mostly sober, I mean I will probably take two shots before we leave and sober up prior to leaving the bars.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Day 98, I can't stop sneezing, DAMN ALLERGIES!

I have a big Ornithology midterm tomorrow. I've been studying all day and I'm headed back to the library around 6:30. After my midterm I have to do a weeks worth of homework in 3 days. So not much of a blog today. I'm just a busy busy Beaver. 

To Arizona Josh, Skype told me today was your birthday! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH! I would give you the same treatment as my family but I do not have a picture of you. My favorite memory was giving you crap for not showing up to Psychology for a week until you told me you were gone because you had your appendix removed. Good times Bro.

So I brought some pans from home that my parents no longer use. Old but in very good shape. I've had them here for less than one year and those pans now are destroyed because of my dumb roommates. They are unable to care for others property. Scar pretty much sums it up.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Campfire Song Song

Day 97, Dirty Bird Joke- I'll do you in the cloaca. *wink wink* If you know what I'm sayin.

I look adorable today. Skirt, T-shirt, Jesus Shoes. Yes freakin' adorable. I also am still sporting my giant bruise. I probably could of worn something wild and wacky and that bruise would still be more noticeable.

I'm still not really focused on school. It is so freaking nice outside and all my homework has to be done inside on a computer! WAAAAHHH! I also have a song stuck in my head and when I asked Rachel what she thought it was the guessed three songs. Two of which belong to KRISPY KREME! Which wasn't actually the current song I have stuck in my head but gosh, that kid is a lyrical genius. "I've been shot 500 times and done about one million crimes" Shit, this kid is like 50cent but cooler.
But anyways, I have a cheesier song stuck in my head titled 'Campfire Song Song'
I personally love Patrick's struggle to sing the Song Song.  And Squidwards Solo.
Pulls at the heart strings ever god damn time. 

So for this next section it is a little more serious. I just wanted to state that I am proud our President can openly say that he supports Gay Marriage. The fact is marriage should be between two people and we should all be more accepting. This will be the era of gay rights. History does repeat itself. Anyone else remember other rights that we fought over that people thought were wrong? Does Woman Sufferage, African American Rights ring a bell to anyone. I predict that Gay Marriage will happen. It might be years before it is legal, but it will happen. I remember in high school I knew a girl who was STRONGLY against homosexuality. And we got into a huge argument about marriage. Her reasoning for the sanctity of marriage was if gays can marry what stops them from marrying animals? The fact is Gay people come from straight people. You can't really argue that it is a choice because obviously there are more than just a handful of homosexual people. I say let them get married. How can a homosexual marriage hurt yours? The answer is it can't you already have a shitty marriage. And preserving the sancity? Its only as sancious as you make it. 
Kim Kardashian- married twice, and one for 72 days
Ellen Degeneres- married since 2008. 

To me marriage is between two people.
 And I would love to go see some of my gay friends get married someday. 
Sorry, some people just need to open their minds, and their hearts. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Alleviate is a Fun Word

Day 96, Just, another, day.

Since I am having back pain, the dad bought be a back brace which really is helping alleviate some of the pain, however is isn't getting rid of enough of it. So I have a chiropractic appointment next Tuesday! I'm SO EXCITED! I haven't been cracked in over 5 years! Speaking of Alleviate, I always though it was cool that the pain killer Alleve was like a shortening of alleviate, like that damn headache you have.

I saw the legendary Skateboarding Cowboy John Lennon today! He is just the coolest! Some day I will shamelessly ask to take a photo with him. Nah, dream on folks.

Why am I so unfocused on school! I can thing of a million things cooler to do.

So it is official, next Fall term I will have classes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! That's it! FOUR DAY WEEKEND! Well, of course I probably will be studying everyday but WOO! Blocking all those classes probably will super suck, I'll manage!

I found this website for my dad. Forrest Gumps Running Route, so now you can actually go and experience the run of your life! Retirement I think?

Here is another Adorable of the Day! AawwwWAwAWwWW

Monday, May 14, 2012

Haters Wanna Be Krispy Kreme

Day 95, I am officially old. Yes, I'm an old- 22 year old.

Why might you ask? Because yesterday when I was driving to Newport with the father, I threw my back out. From a sneeze...I'm apparently 90 guys. I think I'm going to try to get a Chiropractor appointment just to get everything straightened out. I sometimes have long spurts of back pain so I'd rather be rid of this. My last back pain problems lasted an entire term, so lets bite this problem in the ass.

I have no drive to study or do anything! Can't I just be lazy for eternity? I need a rich man...da da da da da da da da da. Then I could do cool stuff or nothing. 

Here is another hit from my favorite rapper. That's right- Krispy Kreme! In this new video we get a look at his bad ass bowl cut. Check out his new Club hit- Haters Wanna Be Me.
 I promise though, he brought a tissue this time.
*I apologize the video was removed :( Maybe he will repost it later*
*Yay he re-posted it hopefully it works!*
My favorite line is "I put poop on your Porshe and light it on fire"

Oh and thanks to my good friend Lydia, I get to watch the Lizzy McGuire Movie tonight. 
Hey Now, Hey Now! This is What Dreams are made of!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

For Mommy!

Day 94, Mother- for your present I shall give you what you desire. A happy expletive free blog!

Yesterday after the race, I took my Dad to a bar. I asked him about the last time he went to the bar in which he replied a year ago. Anyways we had two rounds and I managed to get convinced to do Karaoke by the DJ who is sort of creepy but nice. Anyways I belted out Ballroom Blitz with pride, pure alcohol induced pride!

For my mommy! You are a good mommy! There for me when I cry and when I am completely strange and well, acting like Victoria. You helped me become who I am today. In your honor, Dad and I will go have breakfast at the Broken Yolk. We will enjoy our breakfast in your Honor. That sounds pretty good for being no where near me right!

Everything in today's bloggity blog is butterflies and rainbows
Happy Mommy Day!

Also I've had this song stuck in my head since Dark Shadows and this 
band played it at the finish line of Dad's Race. It's Happy! 

P.S. I had fun with you Daddy!
P.S.S. Mom, tell Dad you are going to Dinner and trick him into going to go see the Avengers, you both will enjoy it. He will complain, he will whine, but he will enjoy the movie. Dad just needs a little shove. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Race Day

Day 93, Dad had his 50K today.

Happy Saturday Folks. Saw Dark Shadows with the Dad last night. I thought it was going to have more humor in it. Very dark movie, but it was alright. Dad was tickled by the whole 70's setting.

So anyways Dad completed his race in 6 hours ish. Other than that, nothing happened today. Woo. I love to be super entertaining in 4 sentences. Short sweet and to the point!

I had a picture to show you but bluetooth is being a little bitch. So here is a stupid little image that is not really related to this race

Friday, May 11, 2012

This One Is For The Brother

Day 92, The Father is coming today, he is going to give me shit about my messy room. I tried cleaning it but it's just so damn boring! Maybe I'll get a little more done before he gets here. Yay Procrastination!

Today is my brothers 24th Birthday! Ladies- He is 100% available! WOOT! Now unlike my Dad I know this kid is 24 because he becomes two years older than me. And since I'm so fabulous at math 22+2=24! WHOA! Anyways have a freakin' happy birthday over in Arizona and celebrate with some alcoholic beverages and some bitches. Oh and by the way being the Birthday Boy can get you lots of perks! For instance if these are available to you...

- Free Ice Cream at Coldstone
- Free Dutch Bro!
-Free Hamburger at Red Robin
-Free Drinks at Bars

Just google free birthday stuff and you will get a whole bunch of free things. Good luck beating my record of free things- $250.00

Oh and to my Aunt Linda (or anyone else who is interested), you had mentioned that "it pains me that there is no 'like' button on your blog" Well ---> to the right, below my beautiful face is a share button for facebook. Yeah I know, this blog right now is all about me not having a facebook, but if you want to share my wild and wacky adventures with your friends you can. I tried adding a 'like' button but that is the best I could do. Apparently you can also Tweet it. I am personally not a tweeter. Whatever floats your boat I guess. 

Black, Blue and Purple update. The Calf one goes around to the other side! So much Bluer and Blacker! And Purpler!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Black and Blue

Day 91, Black Blue AND Purple!

Ugh, it is already Thursday, I have so much to do and I feel like I haven't completed anything. 

All that said I actually am having a pretty good day. It is sunny, I got a great workout in and I have two big ass bruises that I got from my Fisheries and Wildlife class playing a predator prey game. The game required us to put ropes around our knees and run. Well the rope gave me two knots and some great coloring on my left leg.  The lighting isn't very good but they are pretty gnarly bruises!
The way I took this picture is really awkward looking, like it isn't even my leg. It's been getting darker and more colorful. I can't wait til it turns that nasty yellow color! JOY!

Currently I am cleaning my room in preparation for the Father to visit. While cleaning I am attempting to slowly move out of this apartment. However cleaning my room usually turns in to dance parties like this.
I'm not the most focused person sometimes. And yes, I do dance like that. I bet I could get free drinks at the bar for doing that. Maybe... I might come off as adorable. Or super drunk. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I'm the Baddest

Day 90, I am the Baddest of them all.

So here is other things I enjoyed about The Avengers, no spoilers I swear, I swear on the hammer of Thor.

  • Gwenyth Paltrow thighs look AMAZING in shorts. I want to know how see gets those stems
  • Scarlett Johanson's butt-DAAAAAMMMMNN GURL, I doubt any man would argue with me.
  • Jeremy Renner's arms could hold me any day.  
  • Tom Hiddleston (Loki) looks a lot like Rooney Mara from the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

I would also like to show you guys the baddest new rapper to hit the scene please, give this guy who goes by 'Krispe Kreme' a chance...and a tissue, he's got some boogers. 
Sick rhymes right, I've got 400 Houses and 400 mouses. What the fuck do you do with 400 mouses or houses. I don't think he's kissed every girl in the world with that snot river. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This One is Dedicated to my Dad.

Day 89,  Another day of possibly boring material
I watched the avengers today... TOTALLY AWESOME SAUCE! Every character was practically gold...well still not a fan of Thor but, I'll take it. LOVE LOVE LOVED Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner! The hulk was one of the best characters.

There isn't much to say today either, not much happens in my college life when I study all the time.

I would like to wish my father a Happy Birthday. He is an old man now. He probably will rather unhappy with me because I'm not quite sure of his age. My best guess is 55 or 56. My reasoning behind that guess is that I am thinking he was born in 1957. Whatever age you are at dad, you are pushing 60! WHOA! However you look like you could be 45. And you act like you are 25. Thank you for being my goofy father. You're kind of cool. L is for love

Monday, May 7, 2012

This Blog Mentions Cats

Day 88, Back to the grind.

Finally made it back to school after many debates in my mind. Would it really be that bad to live at home until I am 30? It sounds nice now but I know that after 3 weeks I would abandon that idea. I think the only reason I really enjoyed going home is because I barely left my nice peaceful house. I pretty much sat on my bed or sat on the deck with the cats.

Speaking of cats. I miss my Kitty. She was a complete goofball last night and decided to sleep with her butt on my shoulder and stretch out down to my hips. Her fuzzy booty made quite an amazing pillow.

I've been at the library since 2:30 studying and I'm checked out, but now I have to wait for Rachel to get out of Frisbee because all of her stuff is here... speak of the devil.

I have nothing else to say other than
Kitty in a Cup!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Crazy Realizations

Day 87, I would like to point out some crazy realizations, which may or may not mean anything to you.

This guy from Malcolm in the Middle, you know Otto the German incompetent but sweet ranch owner. He is also in Young Frankenstein and the original producers, voiced King Triton in The Little Mermaid. 


Oh and Shaq is now Dr. of yesterday. Weird right?

 After watching Matilda again this weekend I discovered that: Rhea Pearlman is her mom, and Miss. Trunchbull was Aunt Marge in Harry Potter.
This blog might be a well duh to some of you old folks but I was like WHOA! 
Also food for thought. 
  • Robert Downey Jr. was an SNL Cast member. 
  • George Clooney was in Spy Kids
  • Cory Feldman voiced Young Copper in Fox and the Hound
  • Jane Krakowski from 30 Rock, was Pot Smokin' Cousin Vicky in National Lampoons Vacation.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo Alcoholics

Day 86, CINCO DE MAYO! Another excuse for everyone to GET DRUUUNNK!

Just kidding, but maybe... So I still haven't done any work. I've tried but I'm very checked out of school mode. First, I would just like to share how adorable my freaking cat is. Look! She's hugging me! AW! 

It is a very sunny day. I should go outside instead of lazying around and sitting in my bed. There is something about being home that makes me never want to leave my room. I really dislike Grants Pass, but I do enjoy my home. Being in the country is very relaxing, it is quiet. No drunk people screaming, no sirens, no fireworks, no cigarette smoke, nothing. It is beautiful here. Deer, birds, greenery and I haven't seen a single person since I got here. Well other than my parents of course. 

Tonight we are going to the Buckets for Pizza. (Their real name is Bouquets but if you've ever watched Keeping Up Appearances you would find it amusing) It's always a good time at the Bucket household, excited to go see them!  We usually have weird conversations and drink alcohol. 

I'm watching some Futurama while attempting to write a precis. I am almost done with it but obviously I got distracted by my unfinished bloggity blog. I try to write it right after my classes, it makes me nervous if I don't have a blog posted by 6. It;s like I will forget a day! GOD FORBID! 

Happy Cinco de Mayo people. Remember GET DRUNK!
And stay adorable! 

Friday, May 4, 2012

May The 4th Be With You!

Day 85, May the Fourth be with you!

My cat is snoring. I'd take a picture but her face is shoved into my arm pit. I need to do homework, but I have had no drive this week to study. I've kind of cleaned today, but spent lots of time online. It gets kind of boring with out the parents here but oh well.

I apologize, I have been so uninspired to write anything remotely interesting. Usually when I'm bored I have nothing to say. I'm one of those silent types that loves to sit in a room with people and everyone being ok with not ruining the silence with useless blabber.

I am currently trying to keep my cat distracted from her 'starvation'. Feeding time is in an hour and she is getting restless. So I am jingling something to keep her attention. Surprisingly it is working....and then I found $20.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Explosion of Rage

Day 84, I may need a hug.

So last night, I was watching netflix when...I smelled that awful smell of pot. My window wasn't open, it was coming from inside the house... Walked down stairs and Bitch Roommates are smoking weed in my fucking living room with their dead beat friends. I lost it, every frustration and every little detail built up. I don't think i've ever yelled at someone like that before. And then I cried. Big time. I barely slept, and I don't feel how I want to feel. I want to feel relief, but I fear I exacerbated the problem. Only 6 weeks left of living with those dumb bitches. I've needed a long weekend so badly! School has become stressful. My class got cancelled today and I'm skipping tomorrow to take some time off.

I'm home with my cat. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Day 83, It's past 5:00pm and I haven't written anything. By the title you should realize that today will be short and boring.

I also really have to go to the bathroom but Rachel is in the Shower. 
I may or may not of just woken up from a nap. I did, I napped. 

I am just so exhausted lately. Blerg. I studied from 11-2:30 today, and now I have to go back for a couple hours to work on my excel spreadsheet. Lots to do in so little time! And yet I nap! 

I do not feel the least bit inspired today. Nope. Chuck Testa.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First of May

Day 82, I learned something creepy and new today.

Now I know Ted Bundy was a serial killer. That is it. I didn't know anything about him or his murders. Until today. OOOH creeepy! Until today I had no idea how close he was to me (of course I'm speaking location wise not time wise.) On May 6th 1974 Roberta Parks disappeared from OSU when she was leaving her dorm in Sackett Hall to meet her friends at the MU. Rumor has it that Ted Bundy took her body into the catacombs underneath Sackett Hall to know.

Creepy Right!

Well today was the 1st of May. Every 1st of  May my friend Ian sings a song, called The First of May. He takes his guitar to a populated areas and sings this awesome song! Give it a chance, this song is the best.
You should see people smile when he gets to the good parts. He actually got a couple dollars in his guitar case for this song. I will be ready next year for this song. It's better than Christmas!

This blog seems to be a little short today.
 I tried to take the 'Day off' to kind of unwind for the next week of crap. 
This just looks fucking weird.