You know that song that goes 'It's a party, it's a party, it's a party' if not here is a Linky Link so you can understand what I am talking about. Anyways, all day I've been singing 'It's a kitty, it's a kitty, it's a kitty' to my cat. That's right. Thug Life Bitches!
Fun fact. I had to teach my mom how to change a tire today. (Sorry I've been teasing you all day, I love you mom!) We hopefully will be seeing Brave tomorrow! Disney Pixar is AWESOME!
I feel like I really have nothing to say. Maybe I've said it all. Maybe this blog isn't supposed to be a part of my life anymore. I don't know. I feel bad, like I am letting you all down. You (may) want to read about my life but I'm not really sure how. I guess I'm speechless? Or is it writers block? I don't know!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Cheetah Cubs
Today must be, INTERNET DAY! I don't really feel like writing anything. So here are just some cheetah pictures for you guys. I promise tomorrow there will be more to be said. Maybe... I'll sure as hell try.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Brief Update!
HELLO! It has been forever my pets! So I started my internship at Wildlife Safari and I am exhausted. Shoveling shit all day is no joke people! I also had to move bails of hay. Sorry if this blog is short and not very structured. I have limited internet time.
Some perks of working at the safari. I got to pet a Rhino and a Giraffe. I also get to play with cheetah cubs. That's right, CHEETAH CUBS. Pictures soon. One of the cubs broke her foot so she gimps around in her adorable cast.
I only get two days off a week so I will most likely be online only on Tuesday and Wednesday. Expect blogs on those days. This is a rare exception.
I'm off to go to sleep! So much work tomorrow!
Some perks of working at the safari. I got to pet a Rhino and a Giraffe. I also get to play with cheetah cubs. That's right, CHEETAH CUBS. Pictures soon. One of the cubs broke her foot so she gimps around in her adorable cast.
I only get two days off a week so I will most likely be online only on Tuesday and Wednesday. Expect blogs on those days. This is a rare exception.
I'm off to go to sleep! So much work tomorrow!
Monday, June 18, 2012
Facebook is Boring
Facebook is boring yo. Like super boring. Why did I find it so enticing. It is just full of crap. I don't care. The only thing interesting about it has been Graduation Pictures. I start at Wildlife Safari tomorrow...Sort of. I get to pee in a cup. I don't do drugs. So at least I should be relieved that there is nothing that I should be worried about but at the same time I wish people would just take my word for it. I apologize for the short blogs so much to do so little time. But starting tomorrow or Wednesday is the end of daily blogs. I will write whenever I can but I'm not promising anything.
I sort of want this cat shirt. I wish this was my life.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Travel Day!
I am exhausted, like 100% exhausted. Still in Waldport and I am in desperate need of more sleep. Pretty much I have today as a travel day and tomorrow as a sleep get everything prepared day and in Tuesday I'm in Winston!
Sorry for the Short blogs I haven't had time!
Sorry for the Short blogs I haven't had time!
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Blah Blog
Currently I'm at the beach house with Rachel in Waldport. So instead of going out side we are inside watching 'My Drunk Kitchen'. I think today we are going to go to Newport for some shopping. Sorry I do not have much to say, my mind is kind of exhausted.
This is like the coolest thing ever.
This is like the coolest thing ever.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Moving Day!
I'm such a good person. You can go ahead and argue with me otherwise, however I found someones iphone last night and I returned it. Some sleezy person may have just stolen it. But no, I, Morally Correct Victoria decided to not steal a new iphone but to return it to it's rightful owner. However she fucking took her sweet time to pick it up. Didn't get it till 2am! Fuck, that is WAY past my bedtime.
I had to move out of my apartment today. It was the longest day ever! The day started 8am and the moving ended at 4pm. I'm exhausted. I'm done with dumb bitches forever!
I almost forgot about blog...I'm am at the beach house with Rachel drinking beer and girl talkin.
I feel like i'm not done with finals. Blerg. I need to let myself relax.
I had to move out of my apartment today. It was the longest day ever! The day started 8am and the moving ended at 4pm. I'm exhausted. I'm done with dumb bitches forever!
I almost forgot about blog...I'm am at the beach house with Rachel drinking beer and girl talkin.
I feel like i'm not done with finals. Blerg. I need to let myself relax.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The Last Facebook Free Blog
Day 126, That means 126 day without facebook! I only missed one blog day because I was at a scuba diving field trip and I had no internet access. I would like to call this blog a success. I quite enjoyed putting my inner crazy on the web for you all to read.
This experience was nothing special. All I did was show some self control and now I feel like I have accomplished something huge. I started this blog back in February and that first week was the most difficult week ever. I cannot tell you how many times I ended up on the Facebook login page. The most disappointing thing is how many people I lost contact with. People that I thought were friends, turned out to just be internet illusions. I wish I could tell you that colors are brighter, tastes are sweeter. There is one thing and it could be connected or it could be completely irrelevant my grades are higher. (personally I think it is just a coincidence)
After I post this I will log back onto Facebook knowing that it isn't important enough to rule my life. I probably will delete many photos or make them private. I probably wont make very many status updates anymore. I would rather write a blog encompassing all my feelings and experiences, rather than trying to fit it into 160 characters. This time I round I want to view facebook as a chance to keep in touch with people, in stead of living my life through it. I know many of you voiced your opinion as to me returning to facebook. Some ecstatic for my return, others want me to delete it entirely. I'll let you know how it goes in my next blog.
Other changes that will occur the Day ### will no longer appear. It is not like I am going after a sobriety chip. It's purpose was to account for how long I could make it. Could I make it to my goal? How many days is it actually? Well now I know. 126 Days. Soon there will also no longer be daily blogs. My Wildlife Safari Internship starts a week from today. The house I will be living does not have internet of any kind. Which means I will not be online very often. So even though I am getting back facebook. I will have to learn how to live without the internet like I did back in the 90's. I will try to do a once or twice a week blog, to tell you about my week, my adventures, thoughts and feelings.
Get it because I am working all summer.
Tonight is the last night I will spend in my apartment. Aside from the stupid crazy bitches who live here now I have spent three years of my life in this apartment. I'm not sad to leave because of the people but I will probably always look back at this apartment and smile. In the morning Rachel and I will be filling our storage unit with the remaining items in our room.
I would like to thank everyone for reading. Shout outs specifically to the people I know are reading. If I missed you I apologize and comment to say HEY I'm reading your blog!
Mom & Dad, Nathaniel, Aunt Linda, AZ Josh, Brandito, and Allison
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Slim Shady is an Oscar Winner
Day 125, It's odd. I've been wanting to get facebook back for the last however many months but now I'm considering just holding off. I'm not promising anything though!
In other news, my ornithology final went well! It was long TONS of writing but it did go well. I am now preparing for my Community Ecology Final which is tomorrow at 9:30am and I am NOT prepared! SCARY! I went to my professors office hours- which I had told her I would be attending over email and she never showed up. Thanks Professor Jack Ass. That may have been a little mean however I'm a little high strung right now.
I would just like to point out that this man as an Academy Award. Old people, you may not recognize this face. This is Slim Shady AKA Eminem. I find it funny that he has one. He is just one of those people you wouldn't expect to have one on his self. Now he won an Oscar back in 2003 for Lose Yourself' which I believe is a good rap song. It is just interesting.
The reason I bring ole Marshall Mathers up is because I've been really into rap lately. Maybe it is my pent up anger that can be released through the tense sound of rap. Who knows. But one this is for sure Pandora knows who they are advertising to.
In other news, my ornithology final went well! It was long TONS of writing but it did go well. I am now preparing for my Community Ecology Final which is tomorrow at 9:30am and I am NOT prepared! SCARY! I went to my professors office hours- which I had told her I would be attending over email and she never showed up. Thanks Professor Jack Ass. That may have been a little mean however I'm a little high strung right now.
The reason I bring ole Marshall Mathers up is because I've been really into rap lately. Maybe it is my pent up anger that can be released through the tense sound of rap. Who knows. But one this is for sure Pandora knows who they are advertising to.
- When I listen to a rap/pop station- pampers commercials, laptop commercials, you name it
- When I listen to film score station- cat commercials.
There for rap and pop listeners have kids and technology and instrumental listeners have cats
My theory is flawless!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Day 124, Tuesday of Finals week.
Today is my ornithology final at 6pm. I'm not sure if I'm ready. I'm almost prepared for the new material but but the old material has some cobwebs on it. I can't wait to be done with this term!
It's a good thing I'm wearing matching underwear. For some reason that makes the day feel 10x better. I mean come on how freaking cool would you feel looking like this.I think I would be able to do anything that day! Especially if I was channeling Wonder Woman! Unfortunately I do not have matching superhero underwear...
I studied for 10 hours yesterday racking my total finals studying time to equal 32 hours in four days. Which is equal to a full time job. That's right studying is my job. Well wish me luck folks here goes my studying for my first final!
Monday, June 11, 2012
Acupuncture?! AAAAHHH!
Day 123, Today is acupuncture day...I'm freaking nervous, I will tell you how it went when I get back. I've heard it just feels like a tap. Still acu= Sharp so it is technically called SHARP PUNCTURE!
So I have now emerged from the acupuncture appointment. It was kind of painful. Not like super painful. But the insertion of the needles felt like just that, needles being placed into my body. I felt super relaxed but at the same time I feel like it did jack shit. I don't know what to say. It could of been a waste of money like airborne- that stuff does jack shit mom you'd be better off taking a placebo, it would be cheaper. I'm not a big believer in 'miracle cures' I guess I figured acupuncture was another one of those treatments.
Anyways, more about that later. I just feel glass half empty today. I'm just exhausted. Since Friday I've studied 22 hours. I probably will be here for at least 6 or 7 today.
Attack of the Adorable
Sunday, June 10, 2012
More Studying...
Day 122, Another LOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG day of studying is ahead of me.
I studied for 7 hours Friday and 7 hours yesterday and I probably will study for 7 hours today! I'm one dedicated student. One thing I don't understand- and I am not kidding when I say this- EVERYONE is partying and getting shit faced! How the fuck can you afford to not study?! I asked one of my friends who was drinking skittle vodka he said 'You must care about your future'
I studied for 7 hours Friday and 7 hours yesterday and I probably will study for 7 hours today! I'm one dedicated student. One thing I don't understand- and I am not kidding when I say this- EVERYONE is partying and getting shit faced! How the fuck can you afford to not study?! I asked one of my friends who was drinking skittle vodka he said 'You must care about your future'
Sometime this happens to me... usually it is something my father would of said or done.
Sneaky little brain washing bastards!
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Stoopid Brian
Day 121, I know I spelled Brain wrong in the title (obviously I spelled stupid wrong to but I hope you have a sense of humor) I was making fun of myself for confusing brain and brian all the time.
Finals Studying COMMENCE! I shall become the most unintelligent person in the next few days. The only thing I will know about is birds and ecological communities. You could ask 'Victoria what time is it?' and I'd reply 'Sexual Dimorphism'.
The time really 10:30 and I am already in the library. I would be studying but I'm waiting for my partner in crime (Rachel) to finish reviewing something so we can discuss stuff. Since we are taking ornithology together we study together. Great way to learn things. We also get some good giggles out if it. I'm trying to finish today's blog prior to studying so I don't get distracted by my unfinished personal life.
Thank you to the 6 people who voted in the poll. That would actually be 5, because I voted too. There is another poll YAY FOR AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION! There is a new pole to the Right that asks you if I s should return to facebook or not. You should tell me how you feel.
Finals Studying COMMENCE! I shall become the most unintelligent person in the next few days. The only thing I will know about is birds and ecological communities. You could ask 'Victoria what time is it?' and I'd reply 'Sexual Dimorphism'.
The time really 10:30 and I am already in the library. I would be studying but I'm waiting for my partner in crime (Rachel) to finish reviewing something so we can discuss stuff. Since we are taking ornithology together we study together. Great way to learn things. We also get some good giggles out if it. I'm trying to finish today's blog prior to studying so I don't get distracted by my unfinished personal life.
Thank you to the 6 people who voted in the poll. That would actually be 5, because I voted too. There is another poll YAY FOR AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION! There is a new pole to the Right that asks you if I s should return to facebook or not. You should tell me how you feel.
Time to study birds!
Friday, June 8, 2012
Spongeformia Squarepantsii
Day 120, Only 7 days until I move out of this shit hole, only 6 days until I am returning to the land of facebooking. Life will be bliss in a week. Well Rachel, Partial Boyfriend Josh and I will be moving out the big comfy couch today!
I found this next scientific thing super hilarious. Spongebob Squarepants name actually makes 100% sense.I StumbleUpon this Wikipedia site. The creators named Spongebob Squarepants after a sponge species called Spongeformia Squarepantsii. No joke Squarepantsii....His name is not just funny, it is actually a living thing! However they are not square, nor do they have pants. You'd be surprised how scientific Spongebob actually is and how often they crack marine jokes. It makes me giggle all the time when they throw invertebrate words in and marine terminology.
*Apparently I can't read, no surprise there, this sponge was named after spongebob, not the other way around. Yay Dyslexia!*
Still working on my final project! Almost done, except now there is extra credit avaible which I really need. I am not going to be able to memorize everything I need to. FREAKING OUT MAN!
Well now later in the day the couch got moved and moving out is more of a reality :) I'm super excited to get rid of this drama shit. So nice! Tomorrow is going to be a big study day. I have lots to do and time is now my enemy. I can do it! So now i'm going to watch a movie/do extra credit and I hopefully my sanity will stay with me!

*Apparently I can't read, no surprise there, this sponge was named after spongebob, not the other way around. Yay Dyslexia!*
Still working on my final project! Almost done, except now there is extra credit avaible which I really need. I am not going to be able to memorize everything I need to. FREAKING OUT MAN!
Well now later in the day the couch got moved and moving out is more of a reality :) I'm super excited to get rid of this drama shit. So nice! Tomorrow is going to be a big study day. I have lots to do and time is now my enemy. I can do it! So now i'm going to watch a movie/do extra credit and I hopefully my sanity will stay with me!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Crunch Time!
Day 119, Excuse me while I freaking panic, I have a lot due tomorrow. Sometime I think to myself. Is college worth it. I could make a lot more money if I was a prostitute...
I calculated out my grades I have B's in all of my classes as of now. However they are like 80% B's. Which means I have to get B's on the final to get B's or C's in the classes. Fuck man. Right now this feels fucking impossible. Since Final Projects have kept me busy I still feel superbly screwed for final exams. They are less than a week away and I have barely studied for any of them. My last final project is due tomorrow so I will be in serious study mode. Like super duper serious. Study, eat and sleep. In that order mind you.
My internet is poopy here in the library making it super difficult to do anything like download assignments. Education should not be this difficult. right?
Only 8 days til I get to move out! I should get a spiffy counter to show how excited I am to leave that shit show!
Rachel showed this to me. I really appreciated it.
I calculated out my grades I have B's in all of my classes as of now. However they are like 80% B's. Which means I have to get B's on the final to get B's or C's in the classes. Fuck man. Right now this feels fucking impossible. Since Final Projects have kept me busy I still feel superbly screwed for final exams. They are less than a week away and I have barely studied for any of them. My last final project is due tomorrow so I will be in serious study mode. Like super duper serious. Study, eat and sleep. In that order mind you.
My internet is poopy here in the library making it super difficult to do anything like download assignments. Education should not be this difficult. right?
Only 8 days til I get to move out! I should get a spiffy counter to show how excited I am to leave that shit show!
Rachel showed this to me. I really appreciated it.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The Science of Sexual Selection
Day 118, Another massage day. It was rough! Painful and uncomfortable. I ended making an acupuncture appointment so hang in there for details.
Only 9 more days in my miserable apartment! It's getting so close to where I don't have to deal with dumb bitches! I just need a solid night of sleep. I woke up at 5 am and my mind told me there was someone in my room. I may have freaked myself out. I went to turn on my light to face this stranger however I said to myself ;Victoria you dumb ass no one is in here, go the fuck to sleep' I listened to myself, I could of died last night guys. Or at least my imagination thought I could of.
Do you ever feel like people are looking at you? I'm having one of those days where I just feel like everyone around me is scrutinizing me. I'm being 100% paranoid. My brain has broken. Any smart person want to donate theirs to me? I could use it, especially one with great knowledge retention or photographic memory. IIn return I will give you a brain that doesn't think all the time and may panic when you get to close to a automatic door when it doesn't open automatically.
It's time for Scientific Talk with Victoria! Today's Topic: Nice Guys who complain as to why the opposite sex always chooses the douche bag over nice guys. The fact is we are animals. Take away technology and advancements, we are naked omnivores. Now sexual selection plays a huge parts of our animistic instincts. Men competite for females, and females chose who their mate will be. The male that has the best show in our human case is gonna get dat ass. When you dim sex down to the basic behavioral science, females want to choose males with the best genes, the highest survival rate. Now the real argument is what are people supposed to be monogamous? Polyandrous? Polygynous? I believe that we are supposed to be monogamous because of the altrical young, can't take care of one by yourself. To sum up the guy with best show- muscles, healthy, will have better genetics than that weak guy who could not protect the potential family. Sorry if my scientific banter makes no sense to your non scientific brain.
This one is for my father, I felt like he would appreciate this.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Pity Party Over Here
Day 117, Hang on to your butts (Jurassic Park Reference), it is going to be a depressing bloggity blog.
Today is one of those days where I just feel down, blue, filled with melancholy (I learned that word from Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent says it. Disney teaches us so many things). What is it that is making me feel, so shitty. My theory is that I had final projects due, it is dead week and I have yet to start studying for finals. There is this cloud of worry above my head and I am unable to open my umbrella to prepare for the rain. I try not to be a depressing in blogs but sometimes its hard not to. I thought my to do list shrank but my studying for courses grew. I feel 100% totally fucked. And being unable to sit for a long period of time in the library is making it rather difficult. I know I will make it through this trying period but right now if feels like I'm 6 feet under. Who wants to make me a ladder? Throw me a rope? Anything?
I am exhausted. I didn't really sleep last night. I'm sure making it difficult for me to successfully survive finals. My back is getting worse. I can barely sit in the damn library chairs. I'm just Debbie Downer today. I am going to throw a pity party. Anyone who wants to show is more than welcome to. There will be party hats and lack of enthusiasm.
Today is one of those days where I just feel down, blue, filled with melancholy (I learned that word from Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent says it. Disney teaches us so many things). What is it that is making me feel, so shitty. My theory is that I had final projects due, it is dead week and I have yet to start studying for finals. There is this cloud of worry above my head and I am unable to open my umbrella to prepare for the rain. I try not to be a depressing in blogs but sometimes its hard not to. I thought my to do list shrank but my studying for courses grew. I feel 100% totally fucked. And being unable to sit for a long period of time in the library is making it rather difficult. I know I will make it through this trying period but right now if feels like I'm 6 feet under. Who wants to make me a ladder? Throw me a rope? Anything?
I am exhausted. I didn't really sleep last night. I'm sure making it difficult for me to successfully survive finals. My back is getting worse. I can barely sit in the damn library chairs. I'm just Debbie Downer today. I am going to throw a pity party. Anyone who wants to show is more than welcome to. There will be party hats and lack of enthusiasm.
If you can barely read what it says:
'Welcome to my pity party, help yourself to a glass of self-loathing'
Monday, June 4, 2012
Welcome to Dead Week
Day 116, So sleepy, I shouldn't of stayed up so late checking the years of coins... I'm so cool. That's right. The oldest coin located in my room is from 1958.
It is dead week or as I say Sweat pants week! Even though I am currently wearing jeans do not expect a well groomed Victoria. That is not to say I am dirty, I mean no makeup, hair=whatever I wake up with, and comfort is key. My to do list is shortening. Now I only have to do my Ornithiolgy extra credit, my final project for population dynamics, and a quiz, followed by finals! AH! When will I ever find time to start studying?! I want to study in the library, but the chairs have been wreaking havoc on my lower back. Tomorrow I am cancelling a chiropractic appointment, adding a massage and possibly an acupuncture appointment. My body is a hot mess. Acupuncture worries me, but my massage therapist and chiropractor have been suggesting it. Guess it can't hurt to try. From what I hear there is really no pain. I will keep you all posted. I've been here for 30 min and my back is already saying WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME!
I didn't say anything two days ago but I would like to One of my favorite little old ladies, Kathryn Joosten died two days ago from lung cancer. I just thought it was sad, I always enjoyed watching her on tv. She made me smile as Mrs. Mclusky in Desperate Housewives and I loved her in the Scrubs episode 'My Old Lady' as J.D.'s first experience with accepting death.
I found this freaking hilarious and I wish I had three awkward kittens to play with
because when you are little, awkward is adorable.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
I Drank too Much Last Night
Day 115, I drank too much last night.
Do not assume that I am hungover. I just drank too much for the work I have to do today. Last night was battle of the bands and there were too many people. It smelled to much like booze, too much like cigarettes and too much like weed. Because of these factors I went to Harrison's for karaoke and got drunk enough to have a really good times with friends. I am completing homework today. A task difficult in itself is a lot harder with lack of sleep. I need a nap nap.
Fortunately I just have to fight that I drank alcohol last night feeling, you know that weird feeling you get in the morning. Maybe I am just weird. I just need to hydrate, and eat greasy foods!
Do not assume that I am hungover. I just drank too much for the work I have to do today. Last night was battle of the bands and there were too many people. It smelled to much like booze, too much like cigarettes and too much like weed. Because of these factors I went to Harrison's for karaoke and got drunk enough to have a really good times with friends. I am completing homework today. A task difficult in itself is a lot harder with lack of sleep. I need a nap nap.
Fortunately I just have to fight that I drank alcohol last night feeling, you know that weird feeling you get in the morning. Maybe I am just weird. I just need to hydrate, and eat greasy foods!
This is just 100% adorable! Can I have a duck?
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Allison's Birthday is TODAY!
This morning Rachel and I took a butt load of stuff to the storage unit! It was a success! Thank you Dad for letting me borrow the truck, it has made our lives SO MUCH EASIER! We now have lots of room in the apartment. Thank god it will no longer be ours!
Today in the USA is Allison's 23rd Birthday! She technically turned 23 yesterday in France, but I am celebrating it today! Allison- I cannot wait for you to be back in the states! I'm glad you will be here, however New York is still too far away! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I'm working my way down on my to do list...unfortunately I can't find my To Do list. That is a real shame. I'm going to continue working on my paper now. Only two pages left!
This morning Rachel and I took a butt load of stuff to the storage unit! It was a success! Thank you Dad for letting me borrow the truck, it has made our lives SO MUCH EASIER! We now have lots of room in the apartment. Thank god it will no longer be ours!
Today in the USA is Allison's 23rd Birthday! She technically turned 23 yesterday in France, but I am celebrating it today! Allison- I cannot wait for you to be back in the states! I'm glad you will be here, however New York is still too far away! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I'm working my way down on my to do list...unfortunately I can't find my To Do list. That is a real shame. I'm going to continue working on my paper now. Only two pages left!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Would you? I wouldn't!
Day 113, Finally, its Friday. Oh's Friday! AHH! But Happy JUNE!
I want Saturday Morning to be here! Because Rachel and I are taking a load to the storage unit! SO EXCITING! Moving out!
I realized that there are only 14 days left of being Facebook free. Technically after my final Thursday the 14th I am allowing myself to enter that world again. Funny how time flies when you aren't on Facebook. And that final day I shall write a poignant message to all of my readers. I wish I could start writing it now, but we still have more time together my pets! Yes, I just called you pets.
I currently am writing my ornithology paper -but Victoria! How are you writing a blog AND writing a paper?!- Well folks, I'm freaking talented! Well I'm taking a mini break from the paper. I just have so much to say.......... I guess not.
I would just like to share a 'you're dumb' for the day.
My obnoxious, irresponsible whores of roommates- you know the two. Were loudly talking about how they are going to get a dog next year. This is what Irresponsible Bitch #1 says
I want Saturday Morning to be here! Because Rachel and I are taking a load to the storage unit! SO EXCITING! Moving out!
I realized that there are only 14 days left of being Facebook free. Technically after my final Thursday the 14th I am allowing myself to enter that world again. Funny how time flies when you aren't on Facebook. And that final day I shall write a poignant message to all of my readers. I wish I could start writing it now, but we still have more time together my pets! Yes, I just called you pets.
I currently am writing my ornithology paper -but Victoria! How are you writing a blog AND writing a paper?!- Well folks, I'm freaking talented! Well I'm taking a mini break from the paper. I just have so much to say.......... I guess not.
I would just like to share a 'you're dumb' for the day.
My obnoxious, irresponsible whores of roommates- you know the two. Were loudly talking about how they are going to get a dog next year. This is what Irresponsible Bitch #1 says
"Yeah, we are going to get a dog next year, I'm thinking a Pit Bull. So what is going to happen is I am going to buy the dog, but it is going to be a house dog so everyone is going to pitch in for food and anything else the dog needs. And when we part ways I am taking him with me because I bought him."Rachel and I had a long talk after we overheard this. Were laughing- Are you fucking kidding me?! I would NEVER pay anything for her dog *note this will be next year we will not be living with them we are just sharing our opinion* Here is what we came up with:
- That is like us buying a video game for my Wii but when I leave I get to keep it- even though you paid half
- That is like splitting concert tickets but when it came to concert time only I got to go because it is mine.
- So if her boyfriend moved in, you would the roommates have to pay to feed him?
Would anyone else actually agree to this? Does she really think people will pay for HER dogs food? I wouldn't! Anyone who would seriously agree is stupid. I envision this not going well. Starting a new responsibility by being irresponsible that should work great!
To the right there is a poll concerning this issue, it will expire in a week so click an answer and let me know! AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION IS FUN! (It will expire in a week so sorry if you read this past June 8th 2012)
To the right there is a poll concerning this issue, it will expire in a week so click an answer and let me know! AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION IS FUN! (It will expire in a week so sorry if you read this past June 8th 2012)
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