Thursday, January 31, 2013

Last Episode of 30 Rock Ever!

I left out a movie on my Movie Mania Blog- Warm Bodies. To be fair it isn't in theaters until tomorrow.

GASP! Today is the last ever episode of 30 Rock. Ever. In the entire world.
 Ever. Life is so Sad. I don't know how to live without Tina Fey's quirky antics.

Who will teach me how to get out of Jury Duty?

How will I know how to react to male attention?

Who will teach my how I can get what I want by acting like a crazy person?

Dear Tina Fey, 
Thank you for creating one of the best T.V. shows ever. I am so sad it has to end but I'd rather it end on your decision rather than it getting crappy and getting cancelled. Please spread your comic gold around. Because lets be honest. Dane Cook just doesn't do it for a lot of us! I loved Baby Mama, Mean Girls and I read your book. It was the only book I read in the past 5 years, and I giggled the entire time. 

And just like that...It's over. I think I'd be crying right now if it wasn't so funny. 
I'm going to really miss 30 Rock.

This song is catchy and I like listening to it. However it sounds familiar like I've heard it before.
 Listen to it before I tell you what I hear.

Odds are you probably saw this before you finished the video. 
I hear Britney Spears- Crazy and Maroon 5-Misery

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Movie Mania!

I think I'm going to have to seriously take a trip to the movies. Like maybe spend $50 in one weekend. There are times when there is NOTHING in the theaters but right now I'm feeling stuck!
  1. Les Mis 2hr 37min- 4:20, 7:40
  2. Silver Linings Playbook 2hrs- 1:15, 4:10, 7:05, 10:00
  3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 2hr 46min- 1:00
  4. Life of Pi 2hr 6min- 1:15, 4:10, 7:00, 9:55
  5. Wreck-It Ralph 1hr 48min- 4:40
Friday- 1:00 The Hobbit, Dinner, 7:40 Les Mis
Saturday-1:15 Life of Pi, 4:40 Wreck-it Ralph, 7:05 Silver Linings Playbook

Perfect. There goes my weekend. 

Lets see how much this will cost...I was close, about $40. Is this ok mom? Can I spend this much money? Or should I pick. I suppose if I had to pick 3 I'd choose Les Mis, The Hobbit and Silver Linings. But I don't think I could cut any more movie fat out! Why are movies so expensive?! I don't even buy candy, soda and popcorn! Its the most expensive thing ever. And plus I avoid drinking soda at the movies because the odds are I'm going to have to pee like crazy and there is no pause button in the theater!

Or maybe I'll spend the weekend doing homework and attempting to play True American (True American is a 10% Candy land 90% drinking game) Google True American New Girl if you are curious!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Jennifer Lawrence is Awesome

I was going to make a celebrities I dislike blog. Which could be a pretty  long blog. There is a lot not to like about people in the spotlight. From the choices they make to way they handle themselves in the media. Most of the times the wrong people are being exposed.

But instead, I decided to write about Jennifer Lawrence and how she seems to be a super awesome person. Like she legitly seems like a fun person to be around and I really like how she presents herself in the media. If you aren't aware of who she is, Jennifer Lawrence is an actress who appeared in the Hunger Games, X-Men: First Class, Winters Bone, and currently nominated for an Oscar for the Silver Linings Playbook.

She's got a sense of humor

and she makes goofy faces.

She just seems so awesome to be around and that's rare with people in the spotlight. She knows she's a role model and takes it very seriously. She stated that she is considered fat in Hollywood but she would never shed pounds for a role because she doesn't want young girls thinking they should skip dinner to look like her
 I don't know, it seems like she is just being Jennifer. Which is the coolest thing ever. 

Jennifer, do you want to be BFF's?! I'm pretty dorky myself. 
Is it weird that I look up to her but I'm in fact a year older than she is.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Niquil Induced Sleep

I slept 12 hours last night, part of a Niquil induced sleep. I still don't feel great. I woke up still feeling tired and with my fitted bed sheet some how pulled off of my bed and over top of myself. My throat is scratchy and I just coughed up the nastiest phlegm ball ever. You're welcome for that disgusting mental image. I think we should take this time to WebMD myself!

Alright so I entered the following symptoms: Difficulty swallowing, large swollen glands, sore throat, swollen tonsils and cough.

And I am suffering most likely from viral pharyngitis. Which basically means sore throat from a cold. Well that was less exciting than I thought it would be. I was thinking I'd have cancer or something. The fourth option seemed a little ridiculous- Heartburn- but that was a pretty lame adventure of WebMD.

Anyways I'm on the couch and I need to start doing homework. Apparently the library is closed due to a power outage so I won't be going there. All I want to do is sleeeeeep. But that is impossible because I'm in college. And I have this thing called responsibility. Damn you adult hood!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Settin' Traps

I'm finally finished with my two credit weekend course and I am exhausted. Today we played with traps. And by play I mean carefully observe how to set up traps and don't stick your fingers in them. Then we set off a big net gun that made a big boom. And when I say we, I mean the professor set off the detonator. I tried to prepare the best I could for today but we were outside for 4 hours. From 8-12. I wore two pairs of leggings, a tank top, a long sleeve shirt, a sweat shirt and a zip up as well as a rain coat. That wasn't enough. My toes were numb and I just felt chilled. I should of placed another pair of leggings on, another long sleeve shirt and my carhart jacket. Basically I should of been Randy from a Christmas Story

Unfortunately my throat is sore and I'm very tired. I took a big fat nap today the nap I've been dreaming about for three days. It was glorious. I think I'm going to just get to sleep early.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Shootin' GUNS

I am so very tired. A full 9 hours of classes today. 4 hours of lecture and 5 hours of lab. Lab was great because we actually got to do stuff. We shot dart pistols and dart rifles and a net gun. I've never been a gun person. The most I've ever done is a BB gun. I'm kind of afraid of guns because they are loud, and scary things come out of the end. I didn't mind the pistols and the rifles because they were quiet! All that came out is the sound from the CO2 forcing the dart out. Now I did ok shot wise, I hit some targets, I missed some. I defiantly shot a turkey in the leg and a javelina in the rump.

Then we shot the net guns. The net guns were big, bulky, and heavy...and high powered as well as loud. My favorite, not.  I was terrified to fire this gun, but I knew I had to face my fear. I had a hard time holding it up and when I fired it, it hit my safety glasses and startled the shit out of me. But even though it knocked me bag I managed to actually net the Bear...SWEET! And by Bear I mean the bear was the size of a dog. But I still caught a non-moving bear.

Alright, I'm tired and I still have homework to do. Weekend course 75% completed!

Friday, January 25, 2013

When Drunks Attacks

So last night I was hanging out in my bed, all warm from my electric blanket and then...


Drunk Hana gets me to get out of bed and put pants on, and drags me to Downward Dog and Jack Oakles. Both bars. Jacks on Thursdays is western dancing.  I was suprised how many people I knew. Thank goodness for my friend Andrew who stuck with me all night and lead me in country dancing. Lots of swinging, lots of spinning and good fun.

This weekend is going to be tough, but do able. I have a 2 credit course this weekend and I had a four hour class tonight, a 8-5 class tomorrow and a 8-11, 1-2 class Sunday. So now I'm going to hit the hay. Sorry today was boring.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Super Serious Life or Death Accident

I had an accident yesterday. Life or Death . I fought for my life. 

Blood was spewing everywhere and I placed pressure on my wound. Throbbing pain and expletives. I ran into my room and whipped out my first-aide kit to try and find something to temporarily stop the bleeding. Rummaging around I could not find what I desperately needed. I was seconds away from passing out from blood loss when I finally found the thing I needed... 

Spongebob Squarepants Band-aids and neosporin. 

Ok so I may of been exaggerating and eensie bit. I was grating cheese and thought some flesh would be a great flavor to add to my chili. It did hurt like a mother fucker. And I did bleed. My ouchie is now a rectangle shape, just liked grated cheese. 

See how painful it is, and how swollen and red it is despite neosporin. Obviously I'm unable to take care of myself. I'm a lost cause, I should of just given up the battle and let the cheese grater win. I'm sorry if I worried you with my introduction. I am in fact fine. Just imagine if something actually happened how completely complainy I would be. Pray that I do not actually get hurt. I'm going go put spongebob on my ouchie. 

Nick Offerman, Sam Elliot, Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, Louis C.K., Zach Galifianakis

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

High School Mugshot Yearbook

High School...

Either you loved it. Or you hated it. I was closer to hating it. Maybe which is why I enjoy my new hobby. Occasionally searching the County Jail for past classmates. I'm more successful than you may know. I have collected a few mugshot and I share them with a couple of friends, however I will not share them with you because I'm going to make millions with this! Picture this, your high school reunion! You haven't seen some o these people in 10 to 30 years! And at the reunion entrance table there is a yearbook! Aw sweet memories! What's that... Bobby was arrested in 88' for theft? Jan from your freshman English class felt like prostitution would pay for school! So, Greg the burnout finally got caught with his green, possession of illegal substances! 

Wouldn't this just make you smile. I know I would. Because every time I find someone I know in the inmate list I get this big ole smile on my face. Anyways anyone who went to high school with me or around the same time can order them in 5-20 years for $19.95. A point was brought up to me while talking about this yearbook idea. Won't people be upset for being in this book? I replied, yes but I'm not in it so that's ok. Besides my new drivers license picture looks enough like a mugshot than anything. 

Would you want to see mugshots of your high school classmates?

Oh wow Carol assaulted her ex-boyfriends baby mama two years ago, Mike stole some old ladies identity back in 1993, Marcia got a little wild on New Years of 2012 and landed in prison for Public Intoxication. Cindy, the Prom Queen, embezzled from her work place in 2020. That class clown Peter, sure loves fires, arson two years after High school Graduation! 


Did anyone else catch onto the devious Brady Bunch, I'm so clever!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I will never procrastinate again. Ever...well at least not this week. I ended starting my homework at 8 and since I suck at  rhetorical precis and I spend two hours trying to figure out a four sentence assignment. It might seem dumb, why does a four sentence paper take you two hours. Because it has specific form that can't be broken. Like a puzzle. I hate puzzles. Sometimes they are fun but I get frustrated easily with that crap.

Anywhozits long story short I had to get up early this morning because I'm a dumb ass. And to prove to you how much of a dumb ass I am, I took this flattering picture of myself. Hopefully this image will make me think twice about procrastination.


This week is going to be filled with homework because I won't have time this weekend to take care of everything. I am taking  a two credit course this weekend called 'Wildlife Capture and Immobilization' not really sure what I will be doing, but I will be where ever there is for the whole weekend. So I did more math and I have only 9 more classes to take after this term. Unfortunately that's 29 credits. Next term I'm taking 13. So that leaves me 16 more credits to take. In either the summer or the fall... I think. I probably will go to school in the fall because of classes that are offered. Anyways, graduation is around the corner and I am so ready to be done with this insanity!

Speaking of insanity, I'm feeling peculiarly quirky. Obviously with my super sexy picture above. Now for an extra treat. That picture was not my only attempt and since it made me giggle, I have decided to post another picture that hopefully will not come back to haunt me. It could be worse. I'm not nude. There are no illegal substances involved. I'm not fornicating with someone's husband. I'm not stealing something. I'm not killing someone. I'm not wearing a twilight shirt. Basically, these picture are not the worst, because in fact it could be worse. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

A Double Letter to Myself

Dear Lazy Me, 
Dear Productive Me,

It's 3pm. You have a rhetorical precis tomorrow what are you doing? 

Oh you know, watching some Pewdiepie, Psych, hanging out
 on Facebook, searching on Yahoo and Perez Hilton. 

Don't you think that is a bad idea, I mean homework, hello!
 Due in less than 24 hours!

Nah, I'm living the sweet life. Hanging out in my bed, 
with cake and a heated blanket.

You know  you are going to start freaking on in a few hours.
I'll get it done!


Riiigggghhhttt. You are just hurting yourself in the long run!

PISH! Who could go wrong with CAKE!



Yeah, this is how I feel when I argue with myself. We have the classic Jackal and Hyde going on here. Does this mean I'm Bi-polar? Or does this just mean my inner demon is really into cake? Anyways I've been fighting my inner lazy all week and sadly, the lazy has been winning. I've found it hard to argue with the lets stay in bed all day and watch movies...and eat cake. I'm so devious. Watch out for which one of me you are dealing with. Your best bet is to present a sacrifice of cake. Then the demons get fed and I get cake. 

I must be tri-polar because I sense my quirky side is out.
 Considering I made an entire blog about how much I like cake.

Get it? Bi-Polar! Bahaha!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bleh...It's Sunday

I had another not so good night. I drank less than one beer so it was totally sober. But I made some less than good decisions. I guess that's what your twenties are for, realizing what a fuck up you can be. I ended up crashing at a friends house sleeping under the most magnificent soft blanket ever. Unfortunately that blanket was on a very uncomfortable futon.

Since I literally lazied around all week when I got home this morning at ten, I changed my clothes and I immediately moved my ass to the library where I studied from 10:30- 2:30. Go me!

So my brother is awesome. Most of you already know this from facebook. But he bought me a pizza online and had it delivered to my apartment. Made my day. I asked him to do it but I didn't think he'd actually go through with it. It's nice to know people care sometimes.

Yeah, it's Sunday and I'm ready to fucking watch a movie and go to sleep. The life of a boring college student.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dreams and Nightmares

I've been struck with a large case of PROCRASTINATION! I have scientific papers and junk. But I don't want to get out of bed. It's warm in here and cold out there. I'm hungry, I'm lazy and I don't give a shit about anything. Which is going to make me feel super stressed by tomorrow. Whatever I'll manage to live with my terrible life decisions.

I've had some strange dream-ish nightmares lately. Including me pulling my teeth out, as if I was picking m&m's from a bag, easy and painless. I also had teeth crumpling. Its weird. I was holding onto my teeth like you could just stick them back in, like they attached like legos. I also keep dreaming that my roommate yells at me for using too many paper towels.

Some other reoccurring nightmares have had is cutting my brothers nose off at a pool. I've also had a running and can't move dream or its dark and you can't see dreams.  Why is it during dreams everything seems so real. And why can't we live in the good dreams where we have everything. I guess it is the argument of the matrix, inception (which I literally almost wrote conception)  who wants to live in reality vs. a dream.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong is a Fame Whore

Lets have a super obvious topic today. I'll start off with a mini story to transition to what I want to write about. Two days ago when I was feeling under the weather I cuddled on the couch with my roommate Hana. We were watching a beloved childrens cartoon. Arthur! 

and I said hey HEY what a wonderful kind of day where we can
 learn to work and play and get along with each other...

Anyways, we were watching quite a few episodes. Dealing with Yom Kippor, Love and Voting. Now this voting episode was about Binky Barns and how he was trying to get various adults to vote for bike lanes. And who else was to appear in the show than disgraced Lance Armstong. 

Now who couldn't write about this topic. That episode of Arthur was just poor timing, talking about how amazing he was and in fact, Lance was a fake the entire time. However now that his has made a full confession to Oprah Winfrey I find the whole situation incredibly interesting and how he doped was scientifically fascinating. 

For those of you who don't know during all of his Tour de France wins Lance Armstrong he cheated by taking testosterone, human growth hormone and blood doping. Now I had to look up blood doping and who ever helped him get that is a genius. Basically blood doping adds extra red blood cells into the blood stream. If that doesn't mean anything to you, or you may think- why would extra blood cells matter. The more red blood cells you have the more oxygen that gets transferred into your body. Therefore the harder a person works the more oxygen is being used, and since there are more red blood cells they can take in more oxygen and compete at a higher performance. Thus being able to in this case bike faster and for longer. 

Now my question is how will this revelation of doping affect future sporting events. If Lance Armstrong was able to cheat for so long how will they be able to identify doping in the Olympics or various other sporting events?

It's hard to believe that Lance, one of the greatest athletes of all time, is a fraud. However, it really doesn't matter anymore. The fact is he let a lot of people down and is more of a fame whore than anything. He is being punished for his decision by having his titles removed, however is still has millions just by telling Oprah what a fraud he is.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Some Sexy Gentlemen Part II

I'm sorry I just can't help it I found some new Gentlemen to fancy since the last installment. However I won't do the Sexy Ladies addition (sorry guys) I pretty much summed up my girl crushes.

Like I said I watched The Walking Dead and immediately was in awe over the main character. Mr. Andrew Lincoln. I loved his southern accent it was just so smooth! Until I discovered...he's a fuckin' Brit!

Then there is someone who is actually my own age. This guy is a youtube celebrity, part of a duo called Smosh. I recently discovered them and they are very silly.  I like silly. Anyways the 1/2 that I am talking about- His name is Ian. Personally I think its the facial hair, that gets me. Lots of these guys have facial hair. 

Then we have the Ryans. Oh yes there is more than one. Ryans comes in great packages. We have Mr. Ryan Reynolds and Mr. Ryan Gosling. Its kind of weird to think people just call them Ryan. I mean their full name is how we the puny people of 'Merica know them by their first and last names. If only we were lucky enough to be on first name basis. 

Zac Efron has come far from his dorky high school musical days. I've really not seen him in anything so I will not vouch for any of his acting. But damn he is looking good! 

There is still a pattern here. They are all dark haired. Well Ryan Gosling is not really but I'll forgive him and most of them have stubble. So I have a type. MANLY!  But not too manly, because that would be gross. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Eatin' & Sleepin'

I spent today on the couch forcing myself to eat some food. I woke up weak, tired and shaky. I don't know how anorexic people do it. Now I don't have an eating disorder, I promise! When I get stressed my body reacts in strange ways. I lose the ability to eat, sleep and am unable to hold onto sanity. I ate the most today than I have eaten all week. Which isn't much but it's still better.

Since I spent the day on the couch I watched How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Big Bang Theory, Home Movies, Seven, Arthur...and other little tid bits of shows and movies here and there. Basically nothing got taken care of today except my health.

If you haven't seen Seven, with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman about a serial killer who is using the seven deadly sins. I suggest you check it out.  It is a nail biter! It had more of an affect on me the first time around but still, it is fantastic.

Also, I watched Gremilins earlier this week. I remember it being a better/scarier movie. It was pretty much a terrible film. I remember watching it for my 8th or 10th birthday and being terrified! I watched this movie this time and practically fell asleep. Gizmo still is adorable. But, I don't think I'll watch it again any time soon. Also, it's a Christmas Movie!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Just a Cat Cartoon

I wish I had more positive things to say but I don't . I'll try and get some creative sarcastic story tomorrow. 

But really, today is just a cat cartoon.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Word Vomit

I don't feel very good. I haven't been eating lately. Don't worry mom I'm not starving myself, I'll start eating eventually. But right now I'm weak, I'm hungry and I'm getting cranky. Every time I try to eat food I feel like I'm going to vomit. I've been forcing things down to keep myself semi fed. This will pass. At some point I will  get hungry enough where it doesn't matter. I'll bounce back. 

I ended up dropping statistics, so now I don't have class on Monday Wednesday or Friday. I'm excited but I wish I could of handled the course load, but reading and math is not my strong suit. 

Well geez have I been a Debbie Downer or what! I apologize greatly.

I will try to stop but sometimes things just come out like word vomit. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Learning is FUN!

I learned a new word today. 


 I spent forever reading scientific papers and this word stood out. Mainly because it was within the thesis statement. It means hidden away! I'm hoping to store that somewhere. You know how when you learn a new word you think yeah, I'll remember that, but then you don't. I usually don't remember.

I've spent most of my day reading scientific papers. It is really difficult for me for me to read papers because of my dyslexia. And then after I read them I'm not exactly sure what I read. I try my best but it doesn't always work. I'm never really sure what is important and I'm terrible at adding to discussion.

I laughed when I saw this. I wish my cat was this chill.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Lack of Education in the Zombie Department

Guess who did absolutely nothing today! ME! It's gonna bite me in the butt tomorrow. I still have SO much to do. And I'm going to write it out for you for my own benefit.
  • FW 435- Read 3 Scientific Papers, write one Rhetorical Precis
  • FW 488- Read 3 Scientific Papers, do an assignment. 
    • Project: Read 5 sci papers, find one. 
It's just a lot of reading for a girl who doesn't like to read.

Basically my entire day consisted of waking up super late hanging out in mah bedroom and starting a new tv show. The Walking Dead. I was terrified to start watching this show. I was expecting jump scares and just basically scary. However I have yet to be scared by anything. There was a time when I was eating food and I felt a little sick. I don't think I've ever watched anything Zombie before. So I really didn't have any idea of what a Zombie apocalypse would be like. Shit, it does not look like anything I would want to partake in. Well I guess no one would want to partake in the end of the human race. 

I thought Zombies were slow things. I mean I know they can be fast but I never realized how terrifying the possibilities could be. I didn't really think they could stoop down to crawl or actually climb over fences. It's like they are smart, fast AND dead. I guess each creator makes their zombies differently. Basically if there is a Zombie Apocalypse I will no longer think my brothers love for guns is ridiculous. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Unreasonable Rainboots

The first week is finally over. It's been kind of a hellish week that kept me feeling on edge.

But since this isn't a pity party... 

It was super icy this morning. I didn't realize how hold it was until I went outside and almost ate shit. It was literally Ice Skating all the way to class. I almost fell outside my apartment. I almost fell in the parking lot. I almost fell crossing the street. I almost fell around the corner. I almost fell stepping onto a curb. I almost fell stepping off of a curb. Its hard not to laugh at flailing people but then you fall...and then you are like...I'm a dumb ass.

And yesterday, I saw something that made absolutely zero sense. High Heeled Rain Boots.

WHAT?! Really?! What the hell kind of dumb idea is that?! I literally don't know who would make these and who would buy them.
"Oh my gosh High Heeled Rain Boots! I've been looking for a fashionable option for walking in puddles. I'd be way cooler than all those other reasonable rainboots"

My rainboots are fashionably reasonable. Minus the heels. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Invisible Driver!

I just came across the funniest prank video. I was literally LOL'ing! 
Which rarely happens in any case of lol.

I love the WHAT THE FUCK reactions of people. 

I don't feel like writing much so enjoy the video.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How College Works

Oh my goodnesssssss. I hate the first week of school it takes for goddamn ever to get through. I'm fairly nervous about my courses if I have not mentioned it in prior blogs.

I think my course load is very strenuous. I am taking 16 credits. However 3 of them will be completed prior to midterms.

Well, the I'm taking a 400 level course that all Fisheries and Wildlife Majors have to take. This includes a large group project as well as reading many scientific papers and write papers.

The other course I am taking that is scaring me is a 400 level Writing Intensive Course in which there is a large group project working with farmers to work on a conservation plan. AND write many papers that will probably be graded in a way that will make me cry.

Another class I am enrolled in is Statistics and I'm confused as fuuuuuuuccccccccccckkkkk. But I'm already studying so I can not feel totally and completely FUUUUUUCCCCKKKKEEEEEDDDD

Then I'm taking an Online Course Avian Conservation and Management. I really don't know what to say about it other than its an online course and I am not a fan of them...unless it results in less work than actually taking the class- which has happened in 3 of my online courses. This one class said I needed to spend 5 hours a week, I spent a good 15 minutes on it every Monday. Easiest Class ever. If I took it on campus I would of had to go to a minimum of 10 hours of class, where as I spent 2.5 hours total on the class.

I really just want to sport the cap and gown like a boss. But we all know where that will take me.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Why I Loathe New Years Resolutions

So I went to the Gym today. And I'm ready to SCREAM! It is 3pm and the gym is packed! WHAT?! This isn't cool people! I'm about to get super mean so please forgive me.

I hate working out in January. I really do. January is the month where everyone is like:

YEAH My New Years Resolution is to lose 50 million pounds so I can be skinny! Oh my gosh! Lets go to the gym every day and make it impossible for the people who go regularly to actually get a workout in! YAY! 

You want to see how I feel about this super go getters? The short answer. No. 

Damn bitches making their New Years Resolutions will be out within a month. Unfortunately I have to wait a month for them to get lazy and not go to the gym! GIVE UP NOW! You'll save yourself three weeks of working out FOR NOTHING! Day by day they will drop like flies and I will walk in and be able to do what I need instead of forcing my way though a bunch of goal droppers! 

I'm coming of very Narcissistic. I'm sorry. Well not really. I could spin it in a more positive light!

I love working out in January! I really do! January is the month that everyone is like:

I'm striving to be the best person I can be and I don't care whose way I'm in!

You want to see how I feel about these go getters? The short answer is YES!

These lovely people are all trying so hard to better themselves! I SUPPORT THEM SO! KEEP GOING YOU CAN DO THIS! Take all the machines you want! I'm already skinny so I'm sure I don't need the exercise!

Now that is just sarcastic. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Semi-Productive *YEAH*

The first day of the term. And its POURING RAIN! NOOOOOO!

I also am already in the library! What?! It's only 10am! I got some things done but I bailed because that was really hard work...focusing. 

Obviously I was not focusing on a blog because it is now 7pm. 
However I did have semi-productive day:
I went to class 
I turned in homework 
I got my nose ring back in
I bought books 
I worked out 

I'm feeling pretty tired now just because I was up and out most of the day. 
Now i'm eating cookies and watching tv. Like a Boss. 

I have a new favorite song. 
Lets just say if I was a stripper my clothes would be on the floor to this song.
Don't worry dad. I'm a not a stripper. I'm still a trainee.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Living in the City

Oh how much I miss the country. Last night was really hard to sleep. I fell asleep super quickly, which was wonderful. However I woke up at two am to all of the noises of the city. My door kept rattling because our upstairs neighbors because they seem to stomp they yard nightly. There is a street light right outside my window lighting up my small bedroom. Cars squealing, squeaking and zooming. Drunken laughs and screams...

I always forget how nice it is to live in the country. The silence and the darkness

I was watching Portlandia today and guess who appeared in an episode.
Tim Robbins with piercings

That reminds me I need to get my nose ring put back in. 

School starts tomorrow. I'm not fully ready to get back. In fact I wish I could never go back. But I'm so close to a degree that I can almost taste it. I'm sure it would be high in fiber. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Drive Like a Dumb Ass Day

I'm officially back in my apartment CAT-LESS! NOOOOOOO!!!! It is freezing in here. I guess I was spoiled with a fire place and heat about 50. I spend most of the day packing and driving and unpacking. I loathe it. It made me pretty cranky as did the drive over because apparently it was drive like a dumb ass day.

This one vehicle in particular was going VERY slow and I gave this person time to move over. But then they didn't so I tail gated. This driver swerved in the lane, braked at every slight curve. They also slowed down to 50 and then sped up to 80. I don't know what the driver was doing but I was over it. Finally when I got the option to pass on the right the bastard FINALLY pulled over. Pissed me off to no end. There was plenty of room for this guy to pull over for 15 minutes. Maybe I should of been more aggressive and passed earlier.

Then later today I had problems with the power company. 

I dislike being a responsible adult. It is way overrated.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Packing Procrastination

I was supposed to go back to school today but I'm currently on the couch, with a cat on my lap and watching youtube videos. I also have laundry that still needs to be done as well as pack up my loads of crap. I've been procrastinating in as many ways as I can possibly imagine.

I have so far:

  1. Threw a Temper Tantrum 
  2. Played with cats. 
  3. Played Nintendo 64
  4. Placed a laundry hamper on my head and ran around
  5. Rolled on the floor screaming "I DON'T WANNNA"
  6. Read online reviews of the Sims 3 because I can't find the Sims 2
  7. Refresh Facebook every 3 minutes. Come on guys something has to happen. 
  8. Opened Youtube to watched this 'Disney Themed Star Wars Trailer' Clicky Linky for dumb Videooooo
  9. Wrote a blog on how I am procrastinating the packing. 
I'm obviously so busy that I am unable to pack the rest of my stuff today. Please do not bug me with your questions and comments. My life is filled with more important things...Like number 5 from above. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Famous Cats of the Internet

After I posted a picture of this grumpy

I decided to inform those internet-less folks of the amazing cats that live on the online world. 

Our first amazing Kitteh is Colonel Meow. HE'S SO FLUFFY! What a Fierce Feline! Seriously google this fluff ball. Like most famous cats, he's got his own facebook page. Clicky to see pictures of Colonel Meow! 
Colonel Meow

Who doesn't like cats in boxes. Meet Maru! This cat LOVES boxes. Maru has many youtube videos and images of jumping in to big boxes, little boxes, long boxes, wide boxes, skinny boxes, odd boxes... It is just ADORABLE!


I don't know this cats name but I'm sure by googling it you could easly find this cat. The most relaxed cat ever often has items placed on top of it and clearly, this kitty doesn't give a damn. But it looks so happy compared to Grumpy cat!

Of course there are other kitties: Nyan Cat, Piano Cat, OMG cat, Simon's Cat... and many others. 
I just wrote and entire blog about cats...
Am I Catwoman, or a Cat Lady? 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Too Much Cookie Dough

Today was my last day at my Internship. I am actually very excited to be done. It just wasn't what I expected. I didn't get to work with birds as much as I wanted. But I did what I did and I got credit for the internship.

I really like the place I've been, I guess I had just too high of expectations. Sometimes I let my imagination get the best of me!

I don't feel very good...I think I ate too much cookie dough!

Well shit. I'm just sleepy, I don't have much to say.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy New Year! 

I brought 2013 with friends at a party...a house party! What?! A house party? Didn't you write and entire blog about how house parties suck?

I did. But I had a good time. There were factors that definitely made me more comfortable. 
  1. I was WAAAAASSSSTTTTEEEEEDDDDD. Like seriously I'm surprised I didn't wake up with a hangover. I had 3 shots of Spiced Rum  (45% Alcohol) and I had 3 beers. Well the reason why I didn't is because at 10:00 I realized how shit faced I was and drank my weight in water. Like seriously it was annoying I had to pee every 5 minutes the entire night. But in comparison to a fate wasn't too bad. 
  2. I knew the majority of the people at the party. I've spent lots of time with these people so it was easy to be comfortable at this party. I got to see some good friends, catch up and drink like a mad woman. 
I haven't really haven't made any new years resolutions yet. Maybe I'll continue to think about them and let you guys know what shit is going to happen. 

I didn't really eat much today. I did have some wonderful tots from sonic. It was the most delicious thing ever. 

I hope you guys are aware of grumpy cat. If not I suggest you google this fine feline!