Sunday, June 9, 2013

My Ego is Getting Big

I had an ego boosting moment this last week...Actually, come to think of it I've had an ego boosting week. And it hasn't made my head all big and what not. It has just made me feel like I've had a fantastic last few days.

So some of you may know this. But I've never thought of myself of that attractive of a person. I don't know why, some weird insecurity things. I guess the person I see in the mirror isn't the person everyone else sees. I see acne. I see moles. I see teeth that aren't perfect. Sometimes I see a way to skinny person in the mirror and other time I see someone who I believe needs to lose weight. My body image isn't exactly positive but it isn't negative either. There are days when I see my kick ass body and I'm like FUCK yeah. You look tight! Just sometimes the negatives stand out more than the positive. I'm human what can I say.

It has come to my attention- and I'm not meaning this in a I'm full of myself way- that I am in fact a 'slammin hottie' (not my words). I got a lot of male attention this last week and I will not deny the fact that I loved it. Last night I went to the bars and 3 guys told me they liked my shorts. I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't my shorts they liked... I went to the bar last Thursday and this guy asked me if I was single and then proceeded to literally jumped out of his chair and celebrate by yelling 'YYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS' when I told him I was. I've never had anyone celebrate the fact that I am of singleness.

Other events occurred, but what can I say, when it rains it pours. Is it just the confidence I am exuding from all this male attention. My head isn't getting big about it. I just shocked the majority of the time that people are hitting on me. Maybe it is a good thing I don't know what my full potential is. I could be walking around thinking I was the hottest thing treating people like shit. Does that make me the down to earth girl next door type?

 I try to be more confident in my appearance but it can be challenging. I'm more confident about who I am inside over my exterior. Which I would like to think is a fantastic trait.


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