Saturday, April 20, 2013

Becoming Proactive

Happy 420 to those who love to toke up! I'd just be a paranoid mess so I'll just wish the rest of you a happy high day! I bet many college kids and stoners drove up to Washington to celebrate legally! Here is hoping stores are fully stocked with snacks and that Taco Bell will have fast service!

I'm not really ok right now. I'm 100% freaking out (see, I freak out enough with out the bud). It may not seem like it but there is one thing I know that I do to feel like I have some control in my life. I clean and I organize. I've done all the dishes- no dancing involved- I've cleaned the bathroom, and my room and organized my clothing. Things will work out but right now I just want to try not to have a complete anxiety attack. I've kind of dug myself a hole with school but luckily it isn't very deep and I'm not totally screwed.

Stop being a Debbie Downer me! I am being proactive about my issue! I woke up early and got to the library as soon as it opened. Unfortunately I can't stay past 3 because I have to show my apartment to potential tenants. Maybe I'll continue my productivity by studying at the laundromat. Cleaning clothes and learning!

Here is my parents 'favorite' song that I truly enjoy. They think it's stupid.
 But I don't care, I LOVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. It's a catchy song. Now that she's crashed her car into the bridge I hope her mom doesn't have to drive her places.
