Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Super Exciting Tuesday!

Tuesday is here! Well, nothing is actually happening today so we will have to make this seem like an interesting day. The tattoo is healing! Woo Permanence! I hope you readers feel special. I have no intention of sharing this with my Facebook friends. At least not for a while. I took off the protective covering layer they artist stuck on it because ink was coming out the side. Now that it isn't all splotchy it looks pretty nice. 

Here is something that will make my brother squeal like a little girl. 
And I mean squeaking and squealing.
I watched the pilot to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 

I would say the reason I decided to watch it was because of the Big Bang Theory when Leonard tried to get Penny to love this show. It's a really cheesy show.  But for some silly reason I keep watching.  Maybe it is because I have nothing else to do with my life. I'm trying  to make today interesting but I am drawling a blank. Tomorrow is the first of May. I'm excited! 

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