Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Couples Make Me Sick

Guess who is in a Debbie Downer mood. This week has kind of gone downhill for me.
 It started off great, but now I'm feeling cold, withdrawn, and negative. 

1. This weekend my best friend from high school is getting married. Under normal circumstances I would be happy for a best friend. We are no longer best friends. Never getting a return phone call or message and being forgotten about has made me feel very cynical about going to wish these two a happy marriage. No.

2. My other best friend from middle school (whom I am no longer best friends with) invited me to her wedding... I'll go, but I won't be happy about it. 

3. My current best friend has ditched me on multiple occasions for her boyfriend who I just don't like.  And unfortunately I do not believe we are best friends any more. 

People in relationships make me sick. 

If another one of my friends becomes a couple, gets engaged, married or pregnant I think I'm going to vomit. I guess I've been feeling abandoned lately, an insignificant part to anyone else's life. Like their lives would still be the same if I just disappeared. This is the moment where if I were in film life would go all It's a Wonderful Life on my ass. Well, as far as I can surmise I know people would miss me. Days like this I wish someone would throw me a surprise party with all my friends there, just to show me how cared for I am. Alas, my daydreams (which I have many of) are usually better than my actual life. What can I say, I'm a dreamer. 

Well at least I know my mom loves me, I have permanent body art to prove it.
 I think that if I didn't mention that she'd kill me. 


  1. I would so totally miss you! Mostly I would be pissed off at you for the rest of eternity, in between crying a lot. You are my only Victoria and I love you! Soon, we shall all be silly together!

  2. Oh yeah, as for all your happy former friends, fuck 'em.

  3. Thank you for mentioning the permanent body art. Mine tells me that you love me, too.
