Really could it be? 200 Blogs! I'm such a fantastic writer! I'm going to give myself an award of excellence!
I don't even really know what to say I've had so many milestones with this blog.
And believe it or not my most viewed Blog is: Bearded Bear Hat Guy
I actually know why it is my most viewed blog. The Frogman is a popular tumbler thingy... I don't have Tumbler, don't ask me about it. When I was first trying to find who that guy was I used the keywords Bearded Bear Hat Guy. My hope is that people actually use the link I give them to find a super entertaining guy. It's like I'm a link to his popularity. Do you see that? There it goes again! It's....It's... MY DELUSIONS!
In celebration of my 200th Blog the universe gave me a super special gift. It presented me with a special viewing of none other than Skateboarding Cowboy John Lennon! THE LEGEND HIMSELF! I was beyond thrilled to of seen this undead Beetle (remember I use Beetle instead of Beatle because I'm trying to be humorous. He wasn't ever apart of the Beatles so I created a Doppelganger band, The Beetles) Alas I did not get an updated photo because it is really hard to try and take a picture of a Skateboarding Cowboy.

It is almost hard to remember how this whole blog process started. Oh wait, no I remember I quit Facebook for 6 months. Which was a fantastic experience! I did return to the land of social networking so maybe it didn't work to well. Whatever Whatever I do what I want! I tried looking excited in this picture but it sure would of looked super creepy if I was just smiling in the library and taking pictures of myself with my web cam. So here- SEE HOW MUCH I'VE GROWN AS A PERSON!!!! Yeah That's right mentally I've grown at least 6 feet.
In celebration of my 200th Blog the universe gave me a super special gift. It presented me with a special viewing of none other than Skateboarding Cowboy John Lennon! THE LEGEND HIMSELF! I was beyond thrilled to of seen this undead Beetle (remember I use Beetle instead of Beatle because I'm trying to be humorous. He wasn't ever apart of the Beatles so I created a Doppelganger band, The Beetles) Alas I did not get an updated photo because it is really hard to try and take a picture of a Skateboarding Cowboy.
It is almost hard to remember how this whole blog process started. Oh wait, no I remember I quit Facebook for 6 months. Which was a fantastic experience! I did return to the land of social networking so maybe it didn't work to well. Whatever Whatever I do what I want! I tried looking excited in this picture but it sure would of looked super creepy if I was just smiling in the library and taking pictures of myself with my web cam. So here- SEE HOW MUCH I'VE GROWN AS A PERSON!!!! Yeah That's right mentally I've grown at least 6 feet.
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