Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sexy/Slutty____ Halloween

Halloween! And it is raining out! Which most likely means I will stay in tonight! WOOO! I'm such a party animal. I didn't really have anything prepared for this Halloween. I really wanted to be Catwoman (like always. Not Anne Hathaway or Hallie Berry's version, I'm talking like Michelle Pfiffer or comic book catwoman)

My closet options were a rocker, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or Tom Cruise in Risky Business. You know dress shirt no pants and some sunglasses, easy peasy cheeesy.  I really didn't like risky business. He was just a spoiled teen who got into deep shit when he got involved with a hooker.

Not many college students dress up for classes on Halloween. It is raining,  girls usually don't want to be sexy_____ or slutty______ in the daylight. They might just be confused with day time hookers. And the majority of students will be hitting house parties and the bars tonight in their costumes. I might have sexy/slutted it up last Halloween. I'll let you decide with this scandalous photo. People also dressed up last Friday at the bars. In college the it is Halloweekend meaning Halloween includes the weekend and the days leading up to the 31st. At the bars I saw: Sexy Gangam Style, Sexy Dalmatian, Philip J Fry, sexy caveman, emo kid, and some mad scientists. .

Anyways today I've seen: Captain Jack Sparrow, The Joker, Finn- That kid from Adventure time, A couple devils.

Tonight instead of going out because of the rain, Rachel and I will be watching potentially scary movies. And when I say potentially scary I mean Troll and Troll 2. Movies from the 80's which could have laughing potential like the Leprechaun movies. If they are in fact scary I will be totally and completely screwed. I probably won't sleep for two weeks.

Also fun tip for you Trick-o-Treaters. Unless you like to be tricked only ask for treat. You are asking the stranger at the door to give you a trick or a treat. It is an option that can totally fuck you over. So just say TREAT!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I'm a Crazy Cat Lady!

Sometimes I feel like cats would make everything better! For my birthday I want this box of cats. Because lets face it I need to get started now on being the Crazy Cat Lady. I'm 100% ok with being a crazy cat lady. The only thing that I think would make it unacceptable: the smell of cat piss. Yeah Crazy Cat Lady home will not smell like urine. 

My dad is coming for Dad's Weekend on Thursday Night. I'm excited for him to be here. I have to study like crazy the next two days because I basically am taking Thursday-Monday off. I have to have memorize more bird songs and Taxonomy! Lots of work left to do. I also need to go over my genetics and wildlife ecology. Not only does that need to happen, but I need to clean my room, the apartment and prepare for the arrival of my daddy-o. You guys should be excited for epic dad weekend blogs. YEEAAAH BUDDY.

I found this to be funny! Because it's true.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hey Girl, I'm Batman...

Batman is my favorite Superhero. Now in saying superhero I know that he doesn't actually have any super powers. He just has money, smarts and power. But no doubt about it he still is super in what he uses his resources for and saving people makes him a hero. Ergo Superhero. 

However even through he is my favorite there are somethings that really irk me about it:

1. Batman always wants to give up his secret Identity to the pretty girl. Dude is thinking with the wrong head. Fuck, I'm surprised he is actually alive with all the tail Bruce Wayne gets, I bet it is his pickup line! I can see it now! "Hey Girl, I'm Batman. Wanna come back to my place and see the batcave?" Or "Hey Girl I'm rich" that also may suffice.  He tells so many girls, how does the whole town not know!

2. Why is it when he has his mask on his eyes are very dark and removes it and nothing! Maybe he has like super makeup remover or something. Instant removal. I need to get shit like that. 

Do you see what I mean! Anyways, Michael Keaton is the best. 

3.  Joel Schumacher versions of Batman. Only George Clooney could come out of that movie unscathed. There is probably more, however I still rather enjoy it. They are just some Bat-Peeves! See what I did there!

I'm in the library studying taxonomy. It isn't that hard but at the same time it is super complicated. The best way for me to memorize taxonomy is to write it out over and over and over and over and over and over. 
So right now I am trying to learn procellariiformes. This is my process:
  1. First I try and separate the big scary term in to little easy terms: Pro-Cellari-iformes.
  2. Then I rewrite it like a bajillon times procellariiformes procellariformes procellariformes
  3. After that I try and memorizing the families. And like I said before I make little terms out of big scary terms. 
    • Diomedeidae- Dio- Mede-idae- Albatrosses
    • Procellariidae- Pro-cellari-idae- Sooty Shearwater
    • Hydrobatidae- Hydro-bat- idae Storm-petrels
  4. Then I move on to the next order and just continue through. 
Right now I have to memorize: 3 Superorders, 17 orders and 22 families. That is a lot of funky looking words I have to break apart. But this technique works for me! It just takes soo much time!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sleepy Sunday!

Today is a library day. Because I have a two page paper due at 11:59 pm. I have maybe a sentence completed. I just really don't want to write it because I really don't give a shit. It is for a one credit class and I feel like it is just pointless. The course is supposed to 'guide' me in a direction towards my career, but I already know where I want to go. So it just feels like busy work.

I also have to memorize bird calls and taxonomy. AND I have to spell them correctly! I think the hardest one I have to spell is Apterygiformes, which are kiwis if you were curious!  So I have a total of 35 calls to know. It is a lot and hard to study for because try testing yourself when you are actually typing in the name of the animal you're trying to identify. Rachel was helping me study bird calls, but we both fell asleep. So obviously super successful. But when she wakes back up we have to go through them again!

It is hard to stay awake on rainy days! Just kind of want to...fall...back... asleep....zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Rainy Saturdays

Yep, today was a rainy sit on the couch all day Saturday. It also helps that I drank last night and I woke up feeling dehydrated, cotton mouthed, and raccoon eyed. I like being drunk it is fun but I do not like the sobering up process, nor do I like the spins. Lots of  people were dressed up for Halloween, I was not one of them. We are considering dressing up and going out on actual Halloween but who knows for sure.

I was legitimately surprised today. I watched Sixteen Candles with Rachel and I actually really enjoyed that movie! Those of you who don't know- I'm not a big romantic movie fan, they are all ridiculously predictable. I guessed Step Up plot within 5 minutes of the movie starting.

I want a Pet. I want a Bun Bun! Especially a Holland Lop Bun bun. Look how god damn adorable this bunny is! Don't you just want to pet the fluffy bunny! I do! My only problem is I live in a tiny apartment that doesn't allow pets. *SAD FACE*I am a pet person, I like having them. I feel like I am 100% responsible for them too so I'm not sure if I can make that commitment now. I would die if I had to give up a pet.

Also after watching the Producers (2005), I wish they did  have a Broadway play called "Springtime for Hitler".I think it would be a swell play. Also, I should re-watch the 1968 version.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thursday Night Entertainment!

I watched the Avengers last night. Lets Rank them by Sex appeal! YAY!
 Gosh this is going to be difficult! The contenders are: 
Robert Downey Jr. 
Mark Ruffalo
Chris Hemsworth 
Chris Evans
and Hell...lets throw in Jeremy Renner. 

#5 I would have to put Thor- Chris Hemsworth. 
I'm not a big fan of blondes, and lets face it I think the Greek God at the library is way hotter. 
Plus Thor was a really dumb movie. He is better in the Avengers.

#4 Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye. Putting him at number four was hard! 
They all are just so attractive! I do appreciate his bulging biceps. 

#3 Damn... Damn Damn Damn Damn! Aw Fuck it.

#1 Robert Downy Jr., Mark Ruffalo and Chris Evans.
Each differently sexy in their own way

I also HAVE to mention the 30 Rock Episode from last night. 
I was dying of laughter! Here is my favorite quote of the night. 

"It's a grey sweatshirt? It says "Who Farted?" on the back and there's a bunch of 
tampons shoved in the pockets, I don't know what else to tell you."

Tina Fey is my hero, she cracks me up!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Operation: Greek God

This is how I feel in school

I keep realizing stupid little things that I did wrong on tests 
that could really hurt me in the long run. 
Life fucking sucks guys. 

Rachel identified the Greek God. Her description of him was an amazingly defined jaw line, she also agreed he looks like a God or he belongs on romance novel cover. She doesn't like long hair on guys but she says:

"Oh my gosh it totally works, his face is just so defined and his golden locks, you just want to touch them."

I'll try to get a picture of Greek God/Romance Novel Man. It can be a new mission. Skateboarding Cowboy John Lennon was the last one. Click Here to view the start of Cowboy John Lennon operation! Operation: Greek God is officially a go. I have a poor picture

Well this Blog is full of eye candy and pictures! Here is one more thing I found that I loved
In case you are blind like I am
*And sarcasm rules too*

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

And Relax...

Finally done with midterms so there is a few things I need to do:

  1. Fucking Sleep- That's right. I've only had like 8 hours of sleep the last two days. 
  2. Fucking Eat- I had the worst diet the last two weeks, time to actually sit down and eat. 
  3. Fucking Drink- That's right. I'm getting white trash wasted tonight. I haven't been drunk in a while. I say lets break open a bottle of vodka and make some Dirty Shirleys. (Vodka, Grenadine and Sprite)

My last midterm took me 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete. It's not that I didn't know what I was doing, but I just took a long time. It went all right I didn't fail it, but I didn't pass it with flying colors either

Currently I am sitting under my electric blanket getting sleepy to make up for the last week.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Exhaustion. That is all I have to say. Everything hurts. My brain, my face my body. Just everything.

Two midterms today, One tomorrow.

Birds went excellent-  A, but it was more than a quiz than a midterm, but I wasn't sure what would be on it so this is the first time I feel like I over studied for something.

Genetics. I feel like I studied for it, but I may have gotten a 'C' not sure yet. I knew answers but some questions had things I was just not quite sure about the material was in my head but its like it was fuzzy and I couldn't quite see it. Lame...

Tomorrow is Wildlife Ecology and I have studied the LEAST for that class so I'm super worried. I guess I didn't balance it very well.

I'm going to watch Mondays How I Met Your Mother and hit the sack.

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Pandora Stations

I'm falling apart. Studying for my midterms is starting to make me go crazy.  Like super crazy. I feel like my insides are crying but my outside is like this creepy blank slate. Like no one is home. It is only a matter of time before inner crazy breaks the fuck out. Inner crazy isn't a pretty person. Especially under stress. Hell, outer crazy is a total bitch.

My focus music is actually film scores. It's like classical music but cooler. My favorite thing to listen to that comes on pandora is not really a film score but closer to Michael Jackson. Now I don't like the video because it is my own personal opinion that cello players look like they are strung out on drugs when they really get in to playing music. They look epileptic or something.

Here is a group called 2Cellos, and they rock, but like I said- Don't enjoy the seizure. 

I guess I prefer more 'modern' classical music. If that makes sense, I don't know I've been studying for 8 hours a day for 4 days. It takes a lot out of you. But anyways I really enjoy classical takes on current songs. It's relaxing in a way and not as distracting as when there are actual lyrics. 

Now of course I have other stations on Pandora. My favorites are: Film Scores, Werid Al Yankovic (which has lots of standup and really funny songs) Today's Hits and Rap. Because who wants to listen to songs about ass and titties- This Girl. 

Other stations I have are barely used-Country, 90's, 80's, Disney (too much Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers) I should just delete some. Maybe music is distracting. It's 9:00 in the library and I'm writing about music for studying rather than studying Genetics or Systematics of Birds. 

Two Midterms tomorrow lets hope inner crazy bomb doesn't go off with crazy tears. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

More More Studying! AGH!

Today studying was hard. But that's my own fault. Because I was an idiot today. Today I didn't eat anything before going to the library. So far I've only had a bag of popcorn. I need to eat. Waiting on a study buddy to get here so I can run to Qudoba and be irresponsible by spending all of my money on burritos.

I'm really tired of studying but I can't quit. From what I feel, about my studying I think I could get a 'D' on my midterms. Which is obviously not okay. I either need to change my focus or start studying a lot earlier.

I had to leave the library about 6:30. I was starting to lose my mind so my friend Jayna invited me over to watch Dexter and eat her food. I said yes!

More studying tomorrow and then its 'Game' day. Maybe I will do well... LETS HOPE!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Evil Dyslexia Strikes Again!

I just want to sit an watch movies all day. I've been in the library for 40 min and I have gotten jack shit done. I wouldn't be able to sit on the couch and watch movies all day if I wanted to.

I was just looking through my Genetics notes and noticed something funny. 

Trail- Experiment (pick one) 
Trail- Pick one Event- red
Trail- Example: 

I spelled trial wrong in my notes, every time. 
Apparently I was trying the great Trail experiment:  Which one should I pick?! 
All of a sudden my notes changed from math to paths. 
Damn you dyslexia! 

I feel so fucked for my classes now, I'm getting super stressed. These are tough, lots of memorization  I'm not a good test taker. I should go to a school where grades aren't involved, or at least I should be a
 multi-billionaire so I could pay people to make my grades go up. 

After studying Genetics today I did some genetic problem solving in my own life
I texted my dad today asking him about his fucked up hand lineage. 

So the best way I can describe this is just through the information I know so I could be incorrect but lets pretend I'm a fucking genius.

Dad said that his Grandpa had Fucked-up hand. And He also has Fucked-up Hand. From that little information I can deduce that it is not a Y-linked trait because my grandfather did not have it. I can also remove any dominant traits because it seems to skip generations.However by deduction I can say that the Fucked-up hand is an X-linked Recessive trait meaning I most likely am a carrier for these genes. Meaning if I have a son he will have Fucked-Up hand. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Greek Gods Walk Among Us

I am obviously distracted from studying. Been here since 11 and it is now 3:30.  My real distraction is that there is a GREEK GOD sitting across the room from me. Another way to put it may be man on the cover of a romance novel. Golden Flowing Locks of manliness! His bone structure just is male model material.

Unfortunately he left. So now I have to focus on Wildlife Ecology... I don't wanna! I should probably just go home but there is so much to do.

I ended up being at the library form 11- 5:30. That is one hell of a day! Still need to go back tomorrow, and the next, and the next, and the next.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Studying Like a Mother Fucker

Midterms are almost here! I have six days to prepare for two and seven days for one. I feel like maybe I can't do it. This weekend won't be very fun. Library ALL FUCKING DAY AND NIGHT! Today I maybe got 6 hours in. 3 three of those hours were studying when I had a break and the three more were at the library. So I just got back from studying like a Mother Fucker. 

I am a little worried about my midterms. Genetics makes sense when I study it but there are still some fuzz. Birds I have to work on Taxonomy and bird calls. Wildlife Ecology I need to study my lectures. I have a full weekend of studying. 

I went to take a shower and noticed my summer tan is starting to match my pasty white skin. Depressing, I know what color I will be soon. But it obviously doesn't bug me too much because I don't go tanning. Orange is not a race, its a disease! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Frump Girl

I was on campus all day today. It was dark when I arrived at 6:45 and it was dark when I left at 8:30. Yeah That is a long fucking day.

This evening I at the library I was sitting across from a cutie. Its too bad I looked like frump girl. I'm wearing sweats and my hair is every direction. The only thing I had going for me is I'm in my twenties. So this guy was not only cute, but he was sick! I was like damn, how can this  guy look attractive while he is hacking and blowing his nose. Life isn't fair, I could never look that good sick. Or maybe I do to someone...To be fair he didn't look like death.

I'm feeling really tired. I'm going to go to bed now. Still feeling weird, lets hope that changes soon!

Monday, October 15, 2012

First Week of Rain

Even though I feel better, I still I think I just need to study it out. 
Then I can at least have good grades! I also still feel like I am creatively stuck. I think that the writers block and feeling off are related. I do not have scientific proof but I have a hunch. 

The rain has begun. I am not ready for the months and months and months of rain. I hate that feeling of wet clothes, just being soaked. But then you are stuck on campus all day and can't change so you just spend the day miserable. Yeah, winter sucks. 

This  is the coolest cat ever. Who ever named it Venus wasted the most awesome name ever for this cat.
I totally would of named this kitty Harvey.
  Yes I know this cat is a female, because all calicos are females.  
Still Harvey, Harvey Dent. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Some Much Needed R&R

I apologize for the blog absence. Not only have I been in a writing rut, I myself have been not quite myself. I spontaneously decided to go home for the weekend to get some R&R which I believe has helped me. 

Prepare for super girly-ness. Stop reading if you do not like super girly behavior. 
I know that some of you will not care about this fact, but since I've been kind of down lately I would like to share the most exciting thing of my day. My mom and I went shopping for jeans. However when we went to the store we discovered Bra's on sale for only $8. Now my favorite thing ever is getting matching bra and panties. And I like to wear fun stuff. My underwear has to be colorful and crazy fun. Plain sophisticated underwear is snooze-ville. Some times it really makes the day a little better. I'm hoping that my new matching collection will help me have future better days.

Be patient with my blogs, inspiration for creative writing is low. I mean shit, I just wrote about my underwear! Which I'm sure some readers really don't need to know. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tour Guide Barbie

Annoying moment of the day. Every time someone moves in my apartment my door shakes.
rattle rattle rattle. 

Tomorrow I'm leading an high school teacher a hand and giving a group of high school kids a unofficial tour of the campus. Well, maybe if they show up. My tour I figure will be - Building...Building...Library...Building.
Super professional and what not. Just like tour guide barbie. *Buhbye Buh bye now a buh bye*

Still feel like The Great Writing Rut of October is ongoing. I just don't have much to say. 


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chunky, Greasy, Tired, Cold

Today was a long day.

I feel chunky, greasy, tired, cold

Chunky- I'm not calling myself fat because that is the response people have
but Victoria you're soooo skinny
I have gained 8lbs since the term started. I noticed a mini-pudge forming around the midsection and I had to put a stop to that shit. Because once it gets out of control it is harder to stop.

Greasy- I worked out today. I need to wash my hair. I had panda express for lunch. Grease Galore.

Tired- I woke up at precisely 5:50am. Was at my Systematics of birds class at 7:00am. Went on a field trip. Focused on school and worked out. My brain and body is mush.

Cold- It was 30 degrees when I went to class. Spent 4 hours in the cold. Froze in my class because the air conditioning was on blast.

That is all my friends. That is all...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Productivity Graph

Maybe today I am just in a mood. But my studying drive has crashed. I can make you a graph.

My Excel knowledge became a bit rusty so I had to label axis in paint. 

I am assuming this is how the term goes. The beginning it is easy to study then you think fuck this. Then, SHIT it is midterms, midterms are done. FUCK FINALS! Yeah. I am in week three productivity. So not much is getting done. 

Maybe I need a hug
Maybe I need space
Maybe I need to suck it up and study. 

Still don't really have much to say in the great writing rut of October. I made a graph to take up more space. I'm a sneaky bastard.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Great October Writing Rut!

I guess not much has been going on here in my life. Even less than usual. I must be in a blog writing rut. Today I studied, finished off a pan of brownies, watched Boomerang and Heathers, which by the way is a super dark sick movie. I apologize for the rut. Maybe there will be more to offer tomorrow.

Click Here to do something to keep you occupied during the great October writing drought.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Beavers Win!

This is going to be a short blog. A boring short blog.

Beavers won. I have a headache. Basic Instinct is a soft porn movie. Team America World Police is a really dumb movie. But because it is ridiculous, it is amazing.

That is all I have to say.

Here is a funny Whose Line is it Anyways Clip.

Friday, October 5, 2012

My Ridiculous Advice

I have a confession. After I wrote my soda addiction blog, I had not one but two cans of soda. Rachel and I have been trying to get rid of them so that we can begin our soda free lives.

I'm going to start an Advice Section- well if any one actually asks for my advice.

My first person to not ask for my advice is Vet School Blues:
"I am unable to get into Vet School and I can't get a job. I don't know what to do with my life, what should I do?"
Well Vet School Blues I suggest you not worry. To solve the Vet School issue keep applying until they accept you, persistence can be annoying. Even if you become a Vet at 45 years old, you will still reach your goal. My mom became a teacher in her 40's.  I suggest you follow her path. GO MAKE BABIES! Turn the oven to pre-heat darling! Your biological clock is ticking woman! You may think well I need at least a boyfriend for this. WRONG! Wrong Wrong Wrong! You don't even need a man! Two words: SPERM BANK! Bam, problem solved! I am great!

You may be wondering how I knew Vet School Blues was a girl. This is because I may have made an actual conversation a part of this advice section. If you would like advice please feel free to ask me. I will take every question as serious as possible. Oh an mom thank you for being an exaggerated example!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Soda Addiction

I sort of have an addiction. Many of you who know me, know what I'm going to tell you. 
I'm not addicted to drugs, not addicted to alcohol, but it is still an unhealthy addiction none the less. 
I'm talking about soda. That shit is crack cocaine. 

How many of you remember the soda addiction fiasco of 2003? I do! Long story short I used to drink 44+oz of soda a day and burned a hole in my stomach lining. Since then I usually limit my intake but being in college and needing caffeine to stay awake has caused some bad habits. 

Lately whenever I drink soda. Even just a little bit it gives me a stomach ache and makes me feel ill. I still keep drinking it because lets be honest I love that shit.  I can't keep drinking it though. My stomach just can't handle it anymore. I need to quit. This isn't worth it. Its going to be hard I really adore the stuff. 

It is a little difficult when we have soda in the apartment. My plan is to drink it all and be miserable...
Sounds like a smoker saying I'm going to quit smoking after this pack
Sounds like a fat person saying I'll go on a diet after I eat all my bad food
Sounds like lazy person saying they'll exercise after they finish all 25 seasons of the Simpsons.

Super cute thing here. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is a Blackout Racist?

Wednesday felt a lot shorter than Tuesday. Thank goodness

So there is this Drama going around OSU. Keep in mind our colors are Orange Black and White.

This Saturday there was supposed to be a Blackout at the OSU football game. A blackout is wearing black OSU gear to the football game. But apparently many students consider this to be racist. My opinion in this matter is that it is not racist. The point is to support our athletic team and all be joined in school spirit. It is a color, a school color.  It only becomes racist if you wear it to be in that nature. So if I wear black, is it considered racially insensitive? If I wear orange, is it insensitive to those overly tan people? Does white offend me? No. A color is a color. If black really is so racist then why is that solid color sold at the bookstore.

I suppose there would be the few people who would attempt 'black face' or purposefully making it racist. But why should a few bad eggs change the rules.

Maybe some people being overly sensitive. Or maybe I'm racially insensitive. If you are curious about this issue here is an article. Officials abandon 'Wear Black' Campaign

But now the question is what should I wear to the OSU game. Orange or Black?

Let me know what you think. Am I being racially insensitive? There is a poll on the right. So you can give me your two cents. Or you can write me a pretty comment down below.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Forever Tuesday

Oh buddy, today was a long Tuesday.

7am came bright and early. And it took forever for my class to be over.

In my Systematics of Birds class. We went for a FOUR HOUR BIRD WATCH WALK! We walked 2.5 miles out and 2.5 miles back at a gruelingly slow pace.  BIRD wait 10 min. ANOTHER BIRD wait 10 min. It was fun for the first mile but walking at a rate that a old person could pass you is sooo boring.

After the 5 mile walk I was really tired. My legs hurt. I then sadly had to go to my next class. Which all I wanted to do is sit down. My next class is Cardio Combo and I felt exhausted. I hardly made it through the class. Sweated my ass off.

I then ate lunch and attempted to study, and may have started falling asleep. So I got a soda. Drank it and went to my next class. And almost fell asleep. May have bobbed my head a couple times. And didn't really pay attention very well. Same thing is Genetics.

I just was super tired today. I'm going to take a shower now because I smell pretty bad.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Drag-ulous Darling!

Happy October Bitches!

I don't feel very good. Let me give you a hint...

Was that too much information? Well I think I also don't feel very good  for other reasons either. I kind of feel like throwing up. Little nauseous.

I have a new favorite Obsession. RuPaul Drag Race. It is a wonderful mix of America's Next Top Model, Project Runway with a dash of FABULOUS Drag Queens. It is more fun than watching either of those shows because these ladies have fun, are sassy and humorous. RuPaul is so Beautiful! My favorite contestants so far has been. Jujubee, Raven, Pandora Boxx, Shangela and Minilla Luzon. I know those names mean nothing to you. Google them if you like see how amazing those Queens are.
Today was very unproductive. I have felt not very good all day so I called it a me day and relaxed all day. I got a Football ticket for Saturdays game. We got our tickets at 10:50 and apparently they ran out at 11:00. Seemed to have a good stack when we got there but yay! Lucky us!