Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some Sexy Animals?

Now I just feel plain quirky. Maybe I have really lost it this time. I was laughing the entire time I was completing this blog. It is just so stupid! But gotta entertain myself you know! 
Hopefully you find it equally amusing. 

1. What a Ladies man. Betcha this is actually a female... What a Ladies Lesbian. 

2. I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt too sexy it hurts. This pigeon owns the runway.
Maybe if you are lucky this fine avian species with flash you its cloaca. *Bird Joke*

3. Is this a little too Titanic for you?

4. I found this picture adorable. I fear the fuzzy. Because it's so ADORABLE I MIGHT DIE!

5. I'm Batman. I feel like this Batdog's Secret identity will not be as much as a womanizer as Bruce Wayne. Usually snorting is not a very sexy trait.  

Maybe I'm just running out of ideas. I promise there will be no more Some Sexy Blogs. Because I feel like it can only go down hill from here. I hope my quirkiness lives up to your expectations. If I fall short from your expectations then eh, you shove it where the sun doesn't shine!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Some Sexy Ladies

Hey! We have to make it fair now don't we! While writing this blog I noticed I don't have as much to say about their sexy. I have a few defining features here and there but mostly all I have to say is she's pretty.

Prior to Some Sexy Ladies. It is the first weekend of school and I am in the library studying. WOOT. I feel like I can't afford to not study and get behind. Little nervous about this term but I think I can manage.

Back to the Ladies!

1. Scarlet Johanson- Did any one else notice her ass in the avengers, because I did. So attractive, in a non-lesbian way of course. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Dat Ass!

2. Natalie Portman- Just such a sweetheart!

3. Mila Kunis- Does this woman have sex appeal or what?! And why the fuck was she with Creepy Macaulay Culkin for like 8 years? Well I think she is quite a pretty lady. 

4. Elizabeth Taylor- Could anyone ignore her young classic beauty? I don't think so.

5. Tina Fey- Because funny is sexy. Especially in Liz Lemon form. 

One this I noticed about my sexy choices is they are all brunettes.
 If you haven't seen you can Click Here to check out 
Some Sexy Men Blog to see those choices. 
(Well Scarlett is a blonde) but out of all  my choices they all have brown hair. What does that mean? All my zero many gentlemen callers who are blonde are shit out of luck. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Some Sexy Gentlemen

I was very focused today in the library. Getting shit done you know! 
But then my pen runs out of ink. FUUUUUCCCCKKK
I realize I have no other pens. And I hate writing in pencil because is smudges and looks terrible for future studying. So my productivity went to shit and I made an Attractive Man Blog.

Lets get down to brass tacks. I have never done an attractive man blog. It is about time I do a shallow blog. I would make it a little cruder but gotta keep it semi-family friendly. 

1. George Clooney- Believe it or not George is slipping on the number one man in my life. I guess after a eight year obsession I need to change my main man. 

2. Harrison Ford- ESPECIALLY AS INDIANA JONES-what can I say I'm a sucker for a rugged man look! He may be 60 but he is still smoking today. 

3. Young Val Kilmer- Let me will reiterate YOUNG VAL KILMER! Old Val Kilmer doesn't really make me swoon. Val is a victim of old man fat. It happens to many celebrities. He has got the sexiest lips ever. I once met at guy on Halloween who had his lips...I called him Val Kilmer Lips. 

4. Chris Evans- Captian America is probably his best character he plays, because he isn't a sleeze. He probably is also the only guy on the list who is closest to my age. His rippling biceps are enough for me. 

5. Jason Segel- Only 10 years older than me. He just seems like a sweetheart. 

6. Christian Kane- Oddly enough he is one of those few men who can pull off longer hair. When I say that I don't mean his shoulder length locks. I the more I think about it the less attractive he becomes so I will stop and enjoy this particular image of hair. 

7. Bradley Cooper- Sure he always plays jerks, but damn. His looks for sure make up for it. Or at least I think so. Maybe I just keep getting lost in those eyes!

There are more but I can not really think of any more on a hungry stomach. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pet Peeves!

I have to apologize to my mom. I did call her and left her a message but by the time I wrote and posted my new fashionable blog, I forgot to mention it was her Birthday. So I fully apologize for being all wrapped up in school and stuff. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Today I want to talk about pet peeves. I may of had a blog earlier about it but I feel like I need to talk about what disturbs my soul and makes me feel like there is nails on the chalkboard.
  1. Chewing with your mouth open. *SMACK SMACK SMACK* Oh my gosh it makes me want to back hand their face and say holy shit keep your goddamned mouth closed! No one needs to see or hear what is going on in there
  2. People who don't realize they are in the way. I did a massive tango today with a kid who was looking at the microwaves like foreign objects and it took him 3 minutes to finally pick a microwave and 2 more to figure out how to work it. Or people *mostly girls* who have their 5 BFF's taking up one entire sidewalk not letting anyone pass by. STUPID BITCHES MOVE!
  3. Bass. Not the fish. Thud Thud Thud. Especially when you have no idea what song is playing. Just the boom boom boom boom boooom.
  4. Asking questions/talking during movie and or TV show
  5. Our upstairs neighbors who stomp their feet everywhere they go
Maybe I'm just irritable. I think  I need to have a spa the first week of school...YAY!
I think I need to go get some ice cream and eat my four day weekend away!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


WHOA! CHANGE UP! The blog has different clothes on! I felt like it was time for a color change.
 Pink was just too...

I would like to say my week is awesome but complicated. Tuesday is my Monday and actual Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday is more complicated. Wednesday is my Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday is my Wednesday actual Thursday and my Friday. Did that confuse any of you? Basically every day is Wednesday! Does my logic work? I feel like the multiple Wednesdays may confuse you.

Tuesday= Wednesday because there are 3 days left of my week
Wednesday=Wednesday because, well it is Wednesday and it is in the middle of my week.
Thursday=Wednesday because is the Third day into my week, which is normally a Wednesday.

I'm going to stop now.
I've been hooked on Bridezillas. Evil crazy bitches. I don't know how these crazy ladies get men...The people on these shows are terrible people. But gosh, I can't stop watching.

This song feels like it should be in Oceans 11 or something during a sneaky part of a heist. Can't you see Matt Damon & George Clooney stealing shit to this music.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The End is Near!

First day of School! I felt fabulous darling! All dolled up and pretty! Not! I was in sweats! Because I had to be up at 5:50am and I had a work out class after my four hour lab. I proudly wore my sweatsedo (sweats + tuxedo= Sweatsedo)! It wasn't a bad day at all. Tuesdays I have 9 hours of class. I think this term is going to be a challenge. Lets hope I can be just complete another complicated term.

I feel like I'm NEVER going to graduate college. I have:

  • Field Sampling F&W
  • Exploratory Internship
  • Problem Solving in F&W
  • Effective Communication in F&W
  • Writing Intensive
  • Intro to statistical methods
  • Wildlife Behavior
  • Habitats and Ecosystems 
  • Mammal Conservation and Management
  • Two Human Dimensions courses 
  • Biology of something dumb
If you didn't know that is 37 credits left. Which means a few things. Dad pay attention because I have officially calculated my graduation date. I have a 98% chance of walking at the end of Spring Term. However, that does not mean I would be completed with school until Summer 2013 or Fall 2013. I just have to take about 13 credits a term. And pass all of them... Phew. I'm going to be a 5 Year One Term College Student. 


Monday, September 24, 2012

Goals for the Term

Happy First Day of the Last Year I Will Be In College (I hope)! Well technically I do not start school today because I get Mondays and Fridays off!

So today in order to be productive I was going to workout. However my muscles still ache. My calves hurt from walking on the beach, my joints hurt from walking on the beach. My abs still ache from my workout on Friday. My plan for the day is to buy a planner, print out things for classes tomorrow, and be a lazy ass all day!

I think I need to set goals for myself for this year and maybe if I share it with you crazy kids, maybe I'll follow up with it! I want to set lots of little goals but I'm not sure if it would be too many for you guys to remember and keep up with. Since this was a Facebook inspired blog I should set a Facebook related goal. Since I have returned to the land of social networking I want to make sure I don't get too carried away. Because lets face it, if I get carried away again I will just have to deactivate it...again.

Facebook: Only to be accessed after classes on Tuesday (5:20), Wednesday (3:00), Thursday (5:20). Since I do not have classes on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday I have yet to decide how to limit facebook.

Workout: I have workout classes Tuesday and Thursday. But I think Monday's and Fridays need to be more productive (as well as the weekends) I want to wake  up early to get to the gym. Work on toning up my body.

I want to be more like Vera DeMilo
If you haven't seen the Vera DeMilo workout video you are in need to work on your personal self. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Nice Guys

First night at the Peacock-cock-cock-cock *Katy Perry Song*. To let you fully understand what I am talking about here is a fucking hilarious video. Gotta LOVE Steve Kardynal in a bikini!
Anyways! I didn't drink very much, I would say I could drive. (But I walked so it doesn't matter). There I was dancing on the floor and this guy comes up to me.

Stoner Looking Guy: Hey would you like to dance
Me: No, but thank you so much for asking!
Stoner Looking Guy: Of Course! What kind of guy doesn't. You're really pretty and I really like your hair.

Ego Boost! +10xp! LEVEL UP! I felt bad but honestly I didn't want to dance with anyone. He was very sweet about it. I probably should of talked to him more or blah blah blah. I didn't judge him based on his appearance all the way, he just looked like a guy who loved his ganja. I said no because fuck I wanted to dance by myself. I probably need to be nicer to guys who hit on me. 

I went to the coast this weekend with the roommates. We pretty much saw the coast, watched a surfing competition (I had no idea how the hell it works) and watched movies. Tomorrow is the first day of classes but luckily for me I do not have classes scheduled on Monday OR Friday. 
That means I can get drunk twice as often! 
Just kidding, I can study for four days. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

If I was a Rich Girl...

If I was a rich girl
Na na na na nananana naaaa 
then I'd have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy girl. 

I'll tell you what I would do if I was a wealthy girl. Some really cool shit would happen. 

Well at least I think it would be. FUCKING AWESOME! 
In reality I would pay off my school loans. Probably get a nice house a good car and maybe give my dad a John Deere Tractor. That is right I'm looking after you pops. 

Once again I worked out this morning. However it was a shorter workout than yesterday because I am quite sore today. My workout was significantly shorter than yesterday. My cardio was 10 minutes shorter because my legs ached and my ab workout BURNED. Every crunch was painful. Don't worry I'm tough and I will keep this up and have that killer body I like having. Boo YA! 

Going to Allison's Beach House tomorrow. It should be a nice drunken time before school starts.
This blog feels like a stinker...I'm sorry readers. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Lazy-Productive Day!

Today was an oddly lazy but productive day.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Time 8:30am
I wake up early for someone who doesn't have to do anything. Not only did I wake up early I went to the gym! WHOA! Motivation (or boredom). I ended up doing over three miles on the elliptical, some upper & lower body workout, and abs. There is a few things I recently discovered.

  1. My cardio shape isn't bad. It could be better but I didn't feel like dying. 
  2. My upper body strength is far superiour than what it used to be.
  3. I greatly overestimated the strength of my abs. In the magical lyrics of "My Band" by D-12
    • "50 told me to sit ups to get buff, did two and a half and couldn't get up"
Then at 1:00 was my first Hot Tub Club Meeting. We tried holding the meeting in a hot tub. Then we realized shit wasn't going to get done in the tub. 

After that I bought books- wasn't bad. $160 bucks. Two bird books were $30 each. But this one dumb ass genetics book was $105! It is the thinnest book. If it was going to be that expensive it could at least be hard bound. 

Now I'm sitting on the couch watching Jumanji! Yay

Monday, September 17, 2012

New Hairdo!

Oh Shit, this came off...

Seems like it really wasn't supposed to. It did in fact get removed today. And as nervous as I was, it was liberating. There is something about long hair that becomes a safety net. Long hair for me is the safe choice. When I get nervous I start playing with it and braiding it. My hair gets to the length of Cousin It and it becomes time to remove the growth. Or as I like to put it 'Nipple Covering' length. Hey if I can go topless with the ladies unable to be seen it might be time to get a hair cut. Not that cut it just for that reason... I feel like I just weirded everyone out. 

Anyways I'm making people frustrated on facebook because I haven't posted a picture yet. However I feel like my blog readers deserve the first looksie! I actually really like it. I would NEVER of been so bold in high school. Which is why I think I love it even more. Who gives a flying fuck about what anyone thinks. Not this new adorable hair cut gal. The biggest difference to me is that whenever I touch my hair it is like sitting in a chair. I swear this comparison makes sense let it marinate!You think that the chair your are about to sit in is at regular height. However unbeknownst to you it is in fact closer to the ground than you realized. As you sit and fall past that regular chair height you get that SHIT I'm falling feeling, till your butt hits the seat. Same thing I'm expecting Long Hair and BAM! Hair is actually short. I hope that made sense. I felt rather clever coming up with it. So here you go readers my new trendy do! 14inches removed! 

Please feel free to comment on how sexy I am now. Or since Arizona Josh is STILL my only follower maybe you  the reader could follow my blog and then tell me how AMAZING I look. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Locks of Love

Lazy Sunday

 I'm trying to pack for Corvallis. However I keep getting distracted.
 Like I found a memory card for a camera. 

This is the cat I was talking about in my past bloggity blog. 
Molly has been gone since July 25th 2008. I still think she is the prettiest cat :)

I'm a little nervous, do you see these long beautiful locks of flowing, shiny brown hair.
 I'm removing them tomorrow. They are leaving my head to Locks of Love
If I am brave enough to remove them I will take a picture to show you the new do! I promise though, I will not go all Miley Cyrus on you guys. Props to her though for that daring hair style! I would never myself go with that style ever but hey we are all individuals.

Enjoy the rest of your day you crazy readers!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Open Condom Store

I'm not obsessed with cats I swear but my Pounce pet is currently dreaming. She keeps grunting and twitching. Yesterday I had to figure out how to keep her happy when I was moving around, she kept crying, and following me and sounded just bored. I try picking her up but that only keeps her quiet for so long. I can  extended quiet time by showing her what is in the fridge or pantry. Like I said that only buys me an extra minute of curiosity. So I then placed her in a green bucket and proceeded to continue my tasks. She quietly sits as I carry her around in a bucket, no complaints. In fact she even falls asleep in it while I move about. Put a blanket in it and BAM! Worlds comfiest cat bed. Plus she looks fucking adorable, doesn't hurt.

Also the other day I visited my mom's classroom. I realized I look old enough to have a child in there. However when I go to dinner I do not look old enough to get a beer. Seriously waiter walks towards me with a beer takes one look at me and turns to this older couple a table away and says "Did either of you order a beer?" I raise my hand and say nope that's mine.

You may be wondering why the title is 'Open Condom Store'.
 That's because this next song is the shit. 
It is actually called 'Gangnam Style' but it sounds like Open Condom Store.
 And it has got some of the sickest dance moves of 2012!
 Plus this song is catchy as hell. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Childhood Memories and Growing Up

Since I've been alone in the house for the past 4 days I have decided to clean out my room. Do you have ANY idea how much SHIT I have collected in the last 22 years? SO MUCH. I still have clothes from high school. More than I would like to have considering high school was five years ago.

I found my baby blanket. (Not the late Michael Jackson's child mind you, an ACTUAL blanket). It might not be my baby blanket, but I remember it. The blanket is lined with this soft ribbon, and I used to rub my lips on it because it was so soft! So whats the first thing I do when I find it? Touch my lips to the ribbon. Old habits die hard yippee-ki-yay mother fucker. But here is the thing that got me a little choked up. It might be dumb, but it made me feel sad. After looking at the blanket I found these long hairs on it, only to realize it is the individual hairs of my cat Molly.  Molly was a cat that I had adopted when I was in first grade and died the summer before I went to college from kidney failure. It took me months to wash one sweatshirt that had the last proof of her existence. Finding this blanket reminded me more than my childhood, but to reminisce about a treasured pet. I also drove down by the home where I grew up. For everything being very familiar it looks nothing like it remember it being as a child.

Once I got bored of cleaning shit I had a trying on dresses montage. Long story short, I'm at a normal weight now. In high school I was skin & bones. I'm not a 2x4 anymore. I gots a badonkadonk! (pssst! Old people! Badonkadonk=Butt). None of the dresses fit, except for the one that I bought for super cheap and was too big on me. I was going to give it away years ago. Thank goodness I didn't!

This is how cleaning my room ends- Pounce gets sleepy and I join her in sleepy times. 
It is hard to resist a nice, warm, adorable, purring, sleepy kitty. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Women's Thoughts

My internship is officially over. I've spent the last two days sleeping in my bed. I can feel my muscles deteriorating already into fat. This means I better start working out. I can only maintain the shit eating if I can say in shape-o. I miss the people at the barn. I get so lonely in Grants Pass. I love my cat and everything, but I usually feel like our conversations are very one sided...

Didn't really do much today. Just went to Methford with the pops. I also watched a bunch of dumb dumb dumb movies. Night at the Roxbury, Superstar, Clueless, Coming to America, and  What Women Want. What Women Want is Mel Gibson being able to hear womens thoughts. It got me thinking. There would not me a man who would come close to me with my weird thoughts. I have a very good filter, it's a shit show up in here. If someone could hear my thoughts they might discover I am singing to myself rather than listening to their conversation... There is a certain thought that I will tell my bestie Rachel because she will laugh her ass off. But fellow readers you do not need to know!

I'm planning a vacation with Rachel at Silverwood! It is in Idaho. It is cheaper than Disneyland and is 7 hours closer. Then after that school starts. BLLLLAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Almost Done!

I'm moving into my last week of work! I can't believe my internship is practically over! It has been such and AMAZING summer with great experiences! I got to hang out with so many different animals! And touch them too! I can't even begin to tell you how much fun I had!

Kind of amazing right?! That is what I think. I love what I do. 
I wish I had something funny to say right now. However I cannot think of anything humorous. 
I did just get thigh sweat all over my chair...that is kind of gross. Did you need to know that, not at all but I felt like reminding all of you how truly interesting I am.

OH! I got a $5 tip on my Giraffe Encounter! Made my freaking day.