Sunday, June 30, 2013

I'm a Hypocrite

Well shit. I'm a freaking hypocrite.  Yesterday I was complaining  "Why are so many boys calling me? " and here I yet another male my phone number and setting a date. For feeling overwhelmed with the texts and phone calls I did nothing but exacerbate the situation. Well, I guess I am living life. I'm living life large.

I'm fairly sleepy. All this studying (and drinking) is exhausting. Ha! To be fair I didn't drink too much last night. Just enough to wake up feeling like I drank.

I think I am at the slightly sleepy stage. Hunger is the only thing that is keeping me awake. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Bleeeeeehhh, I'm having first world problems. Boys won't stop calling meeeeeeee! They all want to hangout and they all want to go do thing. I should't really complain, as my friend points out, at least boys are calling.

I'm really exhausted from school. This 4 week course thing is going to be killer. I've done nothing but sleep and study. I'm not really in a blogging mood. Like I said yesterday I've been a bit scatter brained.

I don't really have anything else to say. I feel like bleeeeeeeeehhhhh, says everything I need to say.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Scatter Brained!

I'm having a hard time figuring out a solid schedule. I'm having a hard time with the basic self care. Now I've got hygiene down.  I don't smell! However I forget to eat, I forget plans I've made, homework I have and other random shit. I'm a bit scatter brained and my blog readers suffer. For that I apologize. But I think I can make it up to you. This video cracks me up!

I'll try and be better about blogs!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sleepless and NOT in Seattle

Well I'm exhausted. So last night was the first night in my new apartment and I had a shitty night. I was in bed with the lights out at 12:30. I then had a very poor light sleep until 3:30am. Then I was just awake until 5:30. I finally fell alseep and was woken up only a few hours later by my alarm. I forced myself to get up at 11 and go to the library. I spent the day learning about stupid fish. Watching lectures and videos, reading books and scientific papers. Instead of purchasing the $300.00 book I discovered it was on reserve at the library, and I got the time to return it wrong so it was an hour overdue.

I became frustrated and went home. Tired, hungry and cranky. 

Well the day wasn't a complete bust. I road a bike for the first time in like 2 years. The first time I've ever ridden a bike on campus. I had to learn the hand signals for bikes and It was overwhelming but I did it!

We've been watching Music and Lyrics tonight but the DVD player sucks and its been skipping over half the movie and we have watched the entire thing like that. I just don't care. 

I'm still cranky and tired. I'm going to bed...hopefully. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Roommates

Officially moved into my apartment for the summer. I have a few roommates. Their names are Erica, Lennon and Lucy. Two of the three are kitties.

Lucy is a black friendly needy kitty.

I am biased. I love Lennon. He is a big fluffy friendly kitty!

It was hard to get everything unpacked because both of them are lovers! And it is hard to ignore two cute fluffy beings who purr! I think this will be a great summer with these lovely kitties. I just wish I could take Lennon home! In fact Lennon is currently snuggled up on my lap right now! What a LOVER! My other human roommate Erica is afraid of cats. Its kind of adorable and hilarious! But I'm glad we aren't fighting over who gets to cuddle who!

Happy 400th Blog Posting! 

Monday, June 24, 2013


Oh fail, I almost missed today. I'm moving back to school tomorrow so I can complete my FINAL term of college WOO! But right now I'm sleepy and had a way to much of an eventful day. It was GO GO GO! Home, car place, home, vet office, home, back to vet office, Home, dinner at a restaurant and home. That was too many trips.

All I want to do is sleep.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


My last term of college begins tomorrow. This is how I may feel after. 

(if the GIF isn't running above just click the picture, it will explain my feelings much better while moving)

Gawb? Whats a Gawb?

...Not George Oscar Bluth?

With a 'J'. Job? Work?

I officially am beginning my search for a sugar daddy. This job thing sounds terrible. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013


All good things start off with a game of Quelf. If you haven't heard of it. Buy it. It is the silliest game ever. Like very silly. My throat currently hurts because I had to be an upset Gnome who had burnt her cookies and had to act out. Then my dear Uncle Rob got to put make up on my face. I looked more like Liz Lemon from 30 Rock Batman episode

Now guys, don't get confused. This is Tina Fey

This is me.

Yes my shirt is inside out AND backwards.That is the last time I let my uncle do my makeup. He obviously knows how to bring out the most beautiful me possible. Maybe you should be a makeup artist Rob. 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Stupid Celebrity Baby Names

Whoa guess who is writing this blog from her new smart phone! If you guess incorrectly you need to get your smarts checked!

Ok so I tried writing for like 10 minutes and that is the only sentence I got out of the whole deal. Smart phones are HARD! I'm not smert enough fer mer smert phern!

Oh for the least important news ever. Kanye West & Kim Kardashian released their baby name.


Yes, they named their baby girl North West. I keep up on Perez Hilton all the time and I thought it was clever when he suggested that their kids middle name should be Bynorth. Leaving the full name to be

North Bynorth West

I swear celebrity baby names. Their daughter is going to get beat up. Or at least Kayne will probably pay people to be her friend, They can afford it! I mean I've seen some stupid baby names in the past but for some reason ( And I don't know why) I expected a classier name from the Kardashians... Maybe not Kayne. he seems like a grade A douche bag. But that being said I haven't actually met the guy. It isn't fair to judge someone but he just seem like he thinks is a god.

Other celebs stupid baby names include:

Pilot Inspektor- Jason Lee's Kid from My Name is Earl- What? Really?
Apple- Gwenyth Paltrow
Coco- Courtney Cox and David Arquette - Stripper Name anyone?
Sage Moonblood- Sylvester Stallone- Hippy Name!

Seriously? Well Thank god all of their parents are rich and famous and can get away with stupid shit.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Smart Phones

I got a Smart Phone today! Samsung Galaxy S3! Woop! 

It is taking me forever to get used to it. I'm not used to my phones being smarter than me but I'm having a jolly good time with it. However, I do fear being too connected and needy to the internet world. It is a slippery slope and it is easy to not socialize with people while thumbing through your new apps. So I guess my goal is to not focus so much on my phone when there are people around! I want to be able to set it down and not need to be connected at all times. This is the future, but sometimes I wonder if technology is really a good thing. That being said I'm super excited for my new phone! Hopefully I can connect it to blogger at some point!

I'm still trying to figure it out. It's like this big mystery. My uncle showed me something and I just gasped not even knowing that invisible possibility! 

Here is to the future! Lets hope the kids of tomorrow still go outside!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

This Blog Is About My Cat.

Well it is another day. And I have nothing fascinating to write about. 
Except that I have a very needy kitty. Who demands constant sleepies and cuddles. 

I do not place her in these positions. She just squishes up next to me and goes from a tight little ball to taking up my entire bed. It is flipping adorable. Until she wakes up and DEMANDS something else. Then I want to find the kitty mute button. 

I apologize for talking about my cat so much. I kind of like her. Even when she doesn't shut her kitty trap. I promise a much more interesting bloggy blog tomorrow. 

Here is hoping that I get some stuff done tomorrow. Over half of my apartment is still on my parents front porch. We need to somehow get it into my bedroom at home. I also need to go see This Is The End. Because it looks FUCKING HILARIOUS!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Busy Week!

Alright! I'll blog today! I've had so many complaints!

You- "VICTORIA, when are you going to update the blog? Victoria, you didn't write anything today."


So I've obviously been a Busy Beaver. In the last week I had finals & studying to complete, I had to pick up family from the airport, I had to drink with friends, I cleaned & moved out of my entire apartment (with the help of my wonderful family), I moved into my new apartment and I Graduated* from College.
*( I have one more term to complete!)

I finished finals a little nervous about my final evolution grade, not showing up for the last two weeks of school and only showing up to class twice a week made it complicated. But I passed with a C-! Yay for mediocre achievement! My other classes I managed to achieve all B's in so that worked! My final papers all sucked though. Guess it doesn't matter now!

After that was completed I drove up to Portland to pick up my Aunt Linda and Uncle Joe from the airport where I explored Ikea for the first time! And the next night my Mystery 2nd Cousin Brittany drove to my apartment where we met for the first time and had a fun time at the bars! The next day my parents arrived with a surprise. My Brother came to celebrate my graduation! SURPRISE! We then all met up with Linda, Joe & my Uncle Rob.

The next day was Graduation! 

Yay! Bachelors of Science Bitches! 
I majored in Fisheries and Wildlife with a minor in Zoology!

After graduation I was just exhausted. All I wanted to do was sleep for twenty years! Well at least the next few days. I'm sleeping 10 hour nights with two hour naps during the day. What can I say I need my rest. I probably could write pages about the last week but I seem to find the events too difficult to write down. Lets hope the majority of you readers lived it.  

Saturday, June 15, 2013


My lack of internet has made it difficult to create blogs. I'm exhausted. I may have semi-graduated from college today. GO ME! More details when my brain can function. I'll most likely have a normal schedule again by Tuesday! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Another Bar Story

I missed yesterday. I'm sorry guys. I woke up at 6am yesterday and I didn't get back home til late. Plus there is no longer wireless internet at my apartment so I am bumming wifi from the dining hall two blocks away.

Yesterday I went and picked up my family from the airport and spent the day in the Portland/Vancouver area. I returned home that night hoping to get some cleaning done but I had this urge to sing Karaoke. So I booked it to the bars. Before I left I texted a bunch of my friends saying karaoke at the bar tonight! Two friends responded stating that they would be in attendance. 

I drove over to the bars and took a deep breath. I was going into a bar by myself! It' really nerve wracking to do. I mean you are alone in a sense drinking. It feels a little awkward. So I walked in holding onto my confidence with all its might (Well you have to be confident to be wearing a belly baring top with sky high heels, but that's beside the point!). I then handed my ID got my $1.50 PBR and sat at the bar. All. By. Myself. It felt awkward but I just sat there drinking my 'high quality' beer. The benefits of being a girl at the bar is that people come to you. I don't have to nervously exert any energy trying to go talk to someone. 

Less than 10 mintues after arriving at the bar I was approached by a guy who nervously told me that his friend told him if he didn't approach me he was a pussy. I told him to sit down next to me and we talked for half the night. He was a really nice guy and I had a good time. I had two friends show up. One stayed only for 20 minutes and the other I sat down and had a long conversation with. Then my 'hugging friend' and his buddy showed up and I hung out with them until the bars closed. They lived semi-close to me so they walked me home. I was only walking alone for 3 blocks. I then proceeded to run home. Which may have been a bad idea... I could have totally fallen and eaten it. Very poor balance. 

Today I am cleaning up my apartment and getting ready to move out. I'm really tired of it. Which is why I took an internet break! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My Finals Countdown

TUESDAY! Is going to last FOREVER.

 I have 3 final things to do. Unfortunately the last thing won't occur until like 9...

Well two things down, one to go. I'm pretty sure I bombed my evolution final. GO ME. My presentation final was easy and now I am waiting for a friend to get off work and take the last final online. All I want to do is dance.

What's that? I'm a idiotic goofball? Yeah... I am. 

But it really is the FINAL COUNTDOWN!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Another Finals Week!

Finals Week has begun. I have a final Tuesday at 9:30 am, a Presentation final at noon and an online final after that. Then I'm done for two weeks before class starts! I also get to see my family, walk at commencement and drink my liver away.

Finals are a making me stressed. I might not get a great grade in evolution, but that is my fault, I didn't exactly go to class the last 3 weeks so I'll take what I can get.

See I didn't prepare today's blog early. Therefore today I am tired and I have nothing to say.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

My Ego is Getting Big

I had an ego boosting moment this last week...Actually, come to think of it I've had an ego boosting week. And it hasn't made my head all big and what not. It has just made me feel like I've had a fantastic last few days.

So some of you may know this. But I've never thought of myself of that attractive of a person. I don't know why, some weird insecurity things. I guess the person I see in the mirror isn't the person everyone else sees. I see acne. I see moles. I see teeth that aren't perfect. Sometimes I see a way to skinny person in the mirror and other time I see someone who I believe needs to lose weight. My body image isn't exactly positive but it isn't negative either. There are days when I see my kick ass body and I'm like FUCK yeah. You look tight! Just sometimes the negatives stand out more than the positive. I'm human what can I say.

It has come to my attention- and I'm not meaning this in a I'm full of myself way- that I am in fact a 'slammin hottie' (not my words). I got a lot of male attention this last week and I will not deny the fact that I loved it. Last night I went to the bars and 3 guys told me they liked my shorts. I have a sneaking suspicion it wasn't my shorts they liked... I went to the bar last Thursday and this guy asked me if I was single and then proceeded to literally jumped out of his chair and celebrate by yelling 'YYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS' when I told him I was. I've never had anyone celebrate the fact that I am of singleness.

Other events occurred, but what can I say, when it rains it pours. Is it just the confidence I am exuding from all this male attention. My head isn't getting big about it. I just shocked the majority of the time that people are hitting on me. Maybe it is a good thing I don't know what my full potential is. I could be walking around thinking I was the hottest thing treating people like shit. Does that make me the down to earth girl next door type?

 I try to be more confident in my appearance but it can be challenging. I'm more confident about who I am inside over my exterior. Which I would like to think is a fantastic trait.


Saturday, June 8, 2013

Are you Smarter than a Californian?

Ok, I'm not meaning to offend Californians by saying they are stupid. I'm just saying are you smarter than these Californians.

I was watching this youtube series of this guy asking questions about England and Canada. It is days like this where I am glad I am of higher education. I may not know all of the details of these countries, but I obviously know more than the majority of the Californians this guy interviewed. This guy is funny but he is kind of a tool so if you choose to watch the video clips be prepared to either be insulted or laugh. Or both!

On England
  1. Who is the Queen of England?
  2. Where is England?
  3. What is the currency in England?
  4. What color is the flag in England?
  5. What bands have come out of England?
To be fair I didn't know who the current prime minister is, the only names I could think of was Tony Blair. Nor did I know the currency rate.But I did know significantly more questions than the native Californians. Dumb Californians on England

On Canada
  1. What color is the Canadian flag and what is on it?
  2. What is the currency in Canada?
  3. What countries border Canada?
  4. What languages are spoken in Canada
  5. What is a Mountie?
I didn't know how many territories there are in Canada but I still outsmart all of these people!

On America
  1. Who are the faces on Mount Rushmore?
  2. Who was the first president of the United States?
  3. Who was the second president of the United States?
  4. What year did 9/11 happen?
  5. Capitol of New York
  6. Capitol of California
  7. Who Won the Civil war?
  8. Where is the mid-west?
  9. Who is the Vice President?
If you know these you are smarter than these people. Dumb Californians on America

Let this be a lesson to those still in school. PAY ATTENTION! Because you could look like a dumb ass. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Beware of Bieber Fever

If I were a scientist that studied new flu symptoms and I discovered a brand new string of infectious influenza I would have the perfect name ever. I probably just described something that doesn't make any sense but I hope you know what I mean.  

Anyways, I will name it 

Bieber Fever

Now what I hope for is that the term Bieber Fever will change. I mean the term faggot means a bundle of sticks that is primarily used for fuel, but now it is a derogatory remark towards does that make sense? Now i'm not meaning for Bieber Fever to change into a derogatory remark, I'm just stating that the definition of it will change. 

Basically Bieber Fever will stop being associated with the tool of a pop star ans strike fear into the hearts of families across the nation causing mass moralities and world wide panic. 

The individual that contracts this strand of the flu will immediately have a fever followed by extreme vomiting and defecation as well as intense nosebleeds. Extreme headaches, coughing. Pretty much flu symptoms exacerbated and with the chance of death. And for shits and giggles when people get tested for it if a Justin Bieber song plays that means you are infected and you might die. 

It also means you probably will lose your shirt and give you delusions of entitlement.

So far there is only one thing to alleviate Bieber fever. 

 I know I'm not the first one to come up with this concept. I just hope there are scientists out there who have a grand sense of humor and names a deadly something after the tool of a pop star. 

Like I said I'm getting ahead of myself. Wrote this a few days ago because I thought it would be humorous. I also wrote tomorrows blog yesterday! I'm just plugging out these blogs! However I am blanking on the actual important paper I have to write. Oh well as long as you all enjoy this crap I will keep writing it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Embarrassing Story

You ever just have one of those moment where you just pile you face into your hands and can't believe what just happened to you. Well yesterday was one of those days for me. It wasn't horrifically embarrassing because I don't think anyone saw. But I laughed my ass of when I was trying to tell my friend about the whole ordeal.

So even though I had a large lunch at home I got very hungry I became Hobbit like and decided I needed a second lunch. (In this case I am assuming Hobbits are like small rodents or birds, they continuously need to eat to survive. I mean there are some but there aren't really any fat hobbits. Science Bitches.) So I ordered myself and unhealthy lunch with a soda and I sat down and waited for my warm lunch to be ready. It was a long wait. Just me sitting there people watching/being caught people watching. I then get thirsty and I am like...

 'Oh let me take a lovely sip of my soda here'
This shouldn't have been a challenge...

While I was preparing to take a nice tasty sip, a big ole blob of soda splashed all over me. Now it wasn't like this blob of soda splashed on my foot or my shirt. No, it was worse than that. It splashed right where people could safely assume I was this college student that had just wet herself and was roaming around campus. I just kind of sat there thinking- oh god, oh god, oh god- I cleaned up what I could with napkins but there was no way I was going to stand up and try drying the soda spot from my crotch. So I sat there hoping that when I stood up that it wouldn't be noticeable. Thankfully it wasn't however, I had to then walk around with soda soaked short shorts. Super Comfortable. 

Also, a bird pooped on me. Best Day Ever
I must of done something seriously wrong to justify this karma bitch slap. 

I'm currently a day ahead of my blogs so these events actually occured yesterday. I already also have tomorrows written. When ideas come to me I can't just waste them and leave you with a 'I don't feel like it' blog.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Fluffy Cow!


This farm apparently has fluffy cows galore. Fluffy Cows look like they are wearing pants! FLUFFY PANTS! Don't you just want to hug the damn thing?! I bet it isn't as soft as it looks. I'm just imagining like the softest fluff in the entire world. I thought I found this special thing in the depth of the internet. A few hours after I found it it was on Yahoo and MSN. DAMN YOU INTERWEBS! I found this fluff ball before you...I just posted it later.

My to do list is getting shorter. But, my stress level is still ridiculously high. I'm not doing a very good job at working out.  Or eating. Or sleeping... I must be stressed. That only means complete insanity. However when I usually write these blogs its at the end of the day so the only thing It can think of is I'm so god damn tired. And I end up just zoning out at some random object.

I think I will actually go to Evolution today. I haven't been to class in a good two weeks. I just don't care about that class and I never pay attention. But I feel like I should go to class the last week of school. I already missed Monday. I should probably go today. What time is my class again? What is this class about again? This is the first time I've just stopped going to class. Super Senioritis is a bitch folks. Hopefully this lazy decision won't screw me over. I can't wait to get that college degree!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Picture Survey Answers

Shit that was a really boring blog title. I couldn't really think of any thing.

Are you lazy?  

If you could fly, where would you go first?  

What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week?

Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone?  

When will be the next time you kiss someone on the lips?

What do you want to get accomplished today/tonight?

Why aren't you dating the last person you texted?
(Gotta love Pewdiepie!) 

What were you doing at 4am this morning?

Believe it or not I worked way to hard on this blog, searching for images relating to this old myspace survey questions. Well there is one thing for sure. I have a lot of cat memes on here. Cats are the 2nd most common thing on the internet, following porn... Well I have just started my 3rd and final paper and I think it will be a lot easier than I think it will be, if I can get my other homework assignments done as well. I am ready for this term to end. So I get to see my relatives. My Aunt Linda, Uncle Joezilla and my Uncle Rob! Lets get drunk! I know a karaoke bar on the coast! Or we could just do whatever we wanted and just spend fun times together! 

So I have to get my tattoo touched up. Mine healed not very pretty. But I temporarily solve the problem. I took a blue pen and I filled in the areas that looked incomplete. I only have to do this every day for the rest of my life if I never want another needle in my foot! Or at least for the summer. I think I will get it touched up when I graduate. I'm just a smarty who problem solves. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Brain No Function

I completed two of my three papers! Yay! But now I'm exhausted and I still have to prepare for a power point presentation tomorrow. My portion is supposed to be 5 minutes long and I'm barely breaking 3.5 minutes. There is just not a lot I have to say in my portion of the power point. My brain really isn't processing anything

In fact, my brain isn't spurting out any fantastic stories for you. 

Here is a video that made me laugh my ass off. He got it just about right. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Papers Galore

What makes me feel better about this is I probably only have 20 more papers to write before I graduate!

I still have to finish 3 complex papers and the deadlines are fast approaching.  I think I'll survive. However I've hit that point of my paper where it is like you are cleaning your room and there is a bunch of junk you don't know what to do with leftover and you just kind of sit there staring. None of the objects are in anyway related which makes it harder to place it.  

I think I'm just going to open a pack of peanut butter m&m's and just eat away my feelings. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Not My Day

HAPPY JUNE! I get to spend forever inside the library while the sun is shining! I love college! (Note the heavy sarcasm when I say I love college)

I have been at the library since noon working on papers and I realized I did my data wrong and I now have to fix the last hour of work. Excuse me for just one second.

Sorry, I just had to grab myself a soda that was under the table. What?! NO! I haven't been crying PSSSHH, what gave you that idea?! I just got a bunch of dirt in my eyes. Well, the carpet is really dirty. No I didn't put my face to the carpet, it was blown into my face by the...the... air vent. Yeah there is no dirt there now, because...the air blew it under those bookshelves. 


And after spending about two hours trying to catch myself back up from this data crap...Excel stopped working and I lost the stuff I had been working on for the last half hour. Luckily for me only about twenty minutes of work. Today isn't my day.

However, even with all the shit that has been thrown my way I'm in a pretty good mood. 
Which is good because I could look like this.