Monday, April 30, 2012

Just Another Manic Monday


Ugh, I hate online courses. Well, my one credit one is ok, but I would rather be offline...
So I just took my FW 320 Midterm. All I can say is it sucked I felt like I knew what I was supposed to do and I thought I knew how to do it but it just became one large two hour frustrating mass that made me want to throw my laptop off the top of the library. Excel can be just fucking frustrating. Why can't I just write my answer down. I would rather of had a paper test than an electronic excel test. Online courses are frustrating and I just fucking need a nap.

I found something that made me giggle, its not really funny, but I found it amusing. Maybe I'm just a terrible person.  Well I was, I was looking up people in custody from Benton County who got in trouble for drug dealing. I didn't know their names I just know they were sketchy friends of friends. I don't befriend drug dealers, because that's how you get murdered. While I was searching current custody lists I stumbled upon someone from my high school. He got a DUI and I was not surprised at all. I laugh, because I bet he thinks no one will know, I KNOW! BUAHAHA. Eh, it doesn't matter, I am not friends with him nor do I talk to any of his friends. But I can tell mine! Is that maybe slightly evil? Maybe I won't, well its a little late because I told Glenda.  Whoops, Shame on me.

I am so swamped with homework, I have so much shit to do. Does anyone want to take the courses for me? It is all online no one would ever know someone else is completing my education. Come on I want to be lazy and stuff and marry a gozillionaire and spend my days drinking booze by the pool. Dreams come true you know, if you sing about them like princesses do. I am waiting for Rachel to return so we can go home and I can hide in my room the rest of the night and get fat on  peanut butter M&M's and then wake up tomorrow and work off that fat and try to improve my lower abs.

Go ahead, call me crazy but I am not satisfied with my body as of now. I have mini love-handles and a poochy stomach. I am not complaining nor should any of you say 'OH MY GOSH YOU SHOULDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING YOU ARE SO SKIIINNNNYY' I'm not trying to lose weight, I want to maintain that weight but have a killer toned body instead of useless flop. If I had nothing to work on I would be a lazy ass. Keeping my body looking spectacular is important to me.

I apparently had a lot to say today! This is one long ass bloggity blog. 
I'm trying to bring back the daily adorable. For a long time there I didn't find anything cute. 
Look at this kitten! DAWWWWW

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Appliances Please!

Day 80, NO NO NO NO. Sunday what the hell?! Why must you already be here. I need 3 day weekends.

I still have that damn midterm to study for. Why must life be so unfair! I also have a little bit of homework to finish up. Which should take only 15-20 minutes. I really want a lazy day! Like never get out of bed lazy day. But that isn't going to happen any day of the week. Basically I have to go to the library and study every damn day. It is a curse. No, it is me being a grown up. LAME! My inner child is in desperate need of a vacation

My mother requested that I have a blog one day that is happy and does not contain any vulgarity. Maybe someday...just maybe. Right now I am not promising anything dammit. However the mother did buy me ribs and bought me Spongebob Squarepants band-aids because I complained that as a kid I never got fun band-aids. She also discovered that at this lovely age of twenty-two, I want appliances. We roamed up and down the aisle in target and I gushed about how much I want a rice cooker, a large microwave, a blender, a crock pot and a freaking grill. I also went on and on about how I want these pots, these pans, cutlery... When did I start wanting this things?! Oh year, when I stopped living at home. It is weird but true. I don't live at home anymore. The things that are there are high school and child memories and things that could probably just be thrown away because I do not need them anymore.

I think I need a Cat, because they are freaking adorable!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Jenna Marbles Party

Day 79, Sometimes things don't work out but I still had a blast with Rachel last night.

Well that Jenna Marbles party I went to yesterday...
So Rachel and I got ready. Rachel as the boy Jenna rockin a mustache, and myself trying to look nothing like myself. I had my cartoon eyebrows on, wear colors like black because it says I'm a whore and had on my hoochy pink lipstick.

 I apologize for the 'duck' face but it seemed appropriate.
My cartoon eyebrows really threw me off all night.
 I was like BAM! EYEBROWS!
Rachel...this is the funniest photo ever. Fap Fap Fap. 

Now my skin isn't tanned as fuck and my hair is not bleach blonde but I sure as hell tried!

We then headed off to the party which was located about a mile away. Saving gas! We are so mature and responsible. About 3 blocks away from the house I make a mini marriage to my shoes. Come up to the corner where the house is is dead silent. I mean DEAD SILENT. Which is never a good sign for a house party. So confused we call up the person and she never answered so we just walked back home. She texts us about 5 minutes into our 30 minute walk home and says. Oh yeah the party is cancelled....


Really you cancelled the party and it seems like we were the only people who weren't told that it was cancelled. Like Rachel said "We must be the lame people at the party that no one cared to tell" Now I looked so whorish compared to what I normally look like and I was pretty uncomfortable looking like a two dollar hooker. So I wiped off my hoochy pink lipstick and Rachel wiped off her mustache and we drank beer. Frustrated, mad,  and disappointed. But I had a good night looking like a whore. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Analogies of a Stoner

Day 78, is FRIDAY!

Since I am in the library so often I would like to read you table scribes
  • No Sane Person Likes Frats
  • Boobs N Butts = Nuts
  • Tracy's Seat
    • Not Anymore, It's Manny's Seat
  • OSU REC (all within a heart)
  • Lots of my frat is awesome carvings
Obviously Frat Guys are mentally challenged. Prove me wrong, but all the ones I know I look at them like
I have a funny story for you today. 
Last night I was in the library till 11:00 preparing and for crap and doing crap. (Crap=Homework and midterms) I had lent my friend Kate my calculator and had asked her to bring it back to me. She delivered it around 8:00 and with her was this guy, let call him Towelie. (South Park lovers please lol accordingly) Anyways, Towelies eyes were BLOOD SHOT and all I could think of when I looked at him was somebody hit the chronic hard tonight. Now for some reason he was talking about waxing, particularly the Man-zillian...I'll give you a hint if you don't know what that is. It is the female brazillian...if still no, get with the times! Now he was raving about this one waxer, saying she could take hair from places you didn't even know you had hair. Then Towelie did it...
"Now lets say that the unwanted hair is the Sith from Star Wars and the waxer is the Jedi and they have to remove all evil from your body."
That my friends is a stoners analogy.
 I feel like you could write a best seller with comparisons high people make. 
I may or may not of cried from laughing so hard. 

Oh and also my bad day on Wednesday, I forgot I walked underneath of a ladder. I couldn't avoid that ladder either because it was located in a stairwell.
 I'm not normally a superstitious person but damn, I will avoid that from now on. 

I'm going to a Jenna Marbles themed Birthday party today. Gotta put my hot girl disguise on,
 because I'm one ugly mother fucker.

This Toad is skeptical, that is all. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fuckin' Cake

Day 77,

Well day from hell ended and things worked out. I knew they would but, when I get my anxiety it is hard to relax. I almost had a full blown panic attack. No lie people, but I didn't. I almost cried, didn't. I am either suppressing my feelings or am able to control my She-Hulky-ness. I think the cake made me feel better.
Because nothing makes me feel better than the word 'Fuck' on a cake. Tastes better. That could be just me.

I only have one more midterm and I haven't even started studying. Luckily for me it is online so I don't have to stress about deadlines right now I can just focus on that class.

To my Dear Aunt Linda, thank you for kitty picture. If you also want to help me out in the future talk to the mom about getting me a new camera because mine met death. If you want pictures of beautiful ungulates from the summer I need a camera! (preferably no touch screen, they suck, who likes dirty screens-not me)

I'm trying to think of a story to tell you...but the most I can tell you is that I do not know my blood type nor do I have a regular doctor. And then I found $100.

 I still kind of want to cry. This week has been ridiculously stressful. When I get bored and/or stressed my blogs get lame. Sorry people, not much to say today other than study homework and study.

I thought this kitty was pretty. Pretty Kittah!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Bad Wednesday

Day 76, I have decided I am in fact in Hell. All of us living on earth are in Hell. It is just colder than we expected.

My stress level is on extreme danger level. I may or may not become She-Hulk. 
I need a box full of kittens STAT!

Somehow that didn't quite help...

My Quiz for one of my online classes gave me cardiac arrest. The Quiz wouldn't load and by the time I opened it it had been running for 15 minutes giving me only 10 more to finish and it just got super complicated from there and I am very very very upset and confused and ANGRY.

I still have two midterms to go and I think my eye twitch is getting worse. It is tomorrow at 8 am and I feel less than prepared for this crap.  I want to study but because of the fun little event above I am too panicked to focus on studying. Trying to suppress anxiety is very hard to do. I'm probably about to rage any day now. Who wants to pay for my massage that I need to regain sanity.

Also going on tonight is viewing an apartment, studying for FW321 and FW320. Today I made a cake, it is a this week fucking sucks cake.

How can a day kick an ass so badly
I'm going to go cry now, and frost my cake. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Day 75, I used to love Glee. I now watch it every week hating it. It has lost all of its charm, yet I still watch it this is what pissed me off this week. Since most of them are getting ready for graduation, they have been sharing their future dreams.

Like REEALLY?! They all want to make it in show business. Bull Shit. Come on reality check. Not one person wants to do anything outside of the entertainment world. I see no future Veterinarians, Teachers, Engineers, Buisness Men/Women, Doctors. NOTHING! Come on, your writers for future dreams suck. But you know this one high school produces so many celebrities. I'll probably watch tonight's episode anyways.

I am hitting my stressed out breaking point. I still have 3 midterms all of which I am not prepared for. I'M FREAKING OUT MAN! So Stressful knowing that you don't have enough information down. I have spent so much time in the library and I feel like I'm not actually learning anything. Super frustrating.

I have nothing else to say...

Monday, April 23, 2012

War Zone

Day 74, Did my laundry yesterday. I hate hot jeans right out of the dryer because I always burn my damn fingers on the metal thingys. Thingy is an appropriate word I believe.

So Humans vs. Zombies finale was today and I got caught in the center. Funny Story. I feel like the best way to show you how it went down is to open up paint. Oh yes my own creation.

Let me explain how this went down. I was walking back from the atm to go home and I normally take that pathway to go back home. So there were a bunch of 'humans' kind of huddled in the center so I figured that I would be safe... When I hit about the center they all spread out and bolted in different directions. I pick up my pace to get out alive and not be hit by socks, nerf darts or marshmellows. Now when I get to that little yellow dot above I look up...shit... there is a wave of zombies ready to attack. They stand there for a minute and then scream 'CHARGE' all of them rushing past me. I just managed to escape the war zone. The final battle is the funniest thing to watch. Hopefully next time I won't be caught in it. 

I woke up early today to get ready and review before my midterm. Ornithology Today! Sort of ready but I am a little worried. I hate school. Dad, I'm going into stripping. That way you can retire and I could finally get that job you've been wanting me to get. Relax, at least it's not prostitution! Sometimes I wonder how fast I could pay off school if I was a prostitute... 

By the way reader I look freaking adorable today. I just wanted you to know that. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bearded Bear Hat Guy

Day 73, Damn you Sunday. I need 3 day weekends.

So thanks to my brother I finally figured out who this guy is! I find him super hilarious every-time I stumble upon him and he has got the coolest blog every, hardly any words just fun images. Who likes to read anyways! If you are interested in checking out the Frog man
--> LINK!  
The last few months I tried to find him by googling bearded bear hat guy.

Yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL DAY! So after a long day of studying I decided to go on a run. Now I'm not really in shape. I've worked out at Dixon the last two weeks. So I felt like I was possibly ready for a longer out door run. My last few work outs have been on ellipticals so it is a completely different movement. I think I was in Cardio Shape, however my legs apparently are not in muscular enough shape because I freaking ache today! No dad I will not run with you. My 2.5 mile run was painful enough.

Last night I hung out with my good friend Molly, and dammit, she always gets me drunk! Haha! Well last night I was tipsy after sharing a wonderful pitcher of yummy beer. We ended up getting free shots because a bartender threw an ice cube at some guy and hit Molly. We didn't drink them very fast and the guy offered us straws.  Molly begged me to take both of them to save face, I took one for the team. So much for my not drinking alcohol.

Rachel has been gone all weekend and I really realized, I do so much better with her around. The moment she leaves I have no* friends. I also spend more money when she is not around AND the first thing I did was buy soda. She would of said NO we can't spend money and I would still have that money I spent. So Rachel this is me saying:
*I have friends, I just have to actually TRY to be able to see them, Poor Me right?!*

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Trapped in a Prison of Knowledge

Day 72, Facebook free is easier than you think you internet addicts. I do so many more things... Yeah, no I fail at getting out of the apartment.

SO it is a wonderfully sunny beautiful day and I am stuck, inside the library working in midterms. BLARG! Why must you be so cruel life! Its ok, I'll just sprout moles if I go outside. DAMN YOU PARENTS! This is your fault.

I am not focusing... If I leave now then I will have SO much to do tomorrow. And will I have the drive to actually do it. No, I'm trapped inside a prison of knowledge. I would say why can't I be trapped in a prison of fun, but why would I want to be trapped or in prison?

So for this next segment I need a scientist. What the hell causes shoe squeaking! Here I am in a dead silent library and I am walking to the water fountain. Squeak squeak squeak squeak...AAAHHHHHH! Seriously I need an anti-squeak spray. Normally that would be WD40. But I'm sure that it wouldn't help one bit. Squeak! So frustrating and annoying to everyone!

Well Blogger changed the format of the website and I'm not going to bitch about how it was better before hand because I know I will learn to love the new format. I just want to voice my frustration of getting to know a new format. It took me about 2 minutes too long to figure out how to compose an new blog. That was one thing I HATED about facebook. They would change the format and all of a sudden everyone's panties got in a twist and there were all these groups about change Facebook back to the way it was. I bet if they changed facebook back to the first layout everyone would be freaking pissed. I'd be a smart ass and say dude- you asked to change it back! It isn't something that really angers me it is just a tad bit frustrating. I guess they are trying to make out little internet minds enriched!

There are some dorky things on the internet...This might be a personal favorite. 
It is just so, well...Punny. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

420 Special Deal!

Day 71, It is finally Friday Folks and my weekend will be filled completely with studying for midterms and homework and watching shitty movies. I will be so bored...I wanna have fuuunnnnn! 

My dumb underage roommates who are broke as fuck will be celebrating 4:20. How you ask? I assume they are prostituting themselves for the stoners holiday. You think I'm kidding, I wouldn't be surprised if they traded themselves for drugs and alcohol. I think I'm going to create an ad to sell them to drug dealers. I'll make it a package deal. Buy one, get the other dirty whore for free. 

I think the LSD look should give me some great business. Just let me know if you are interested. You probably will want to have money because these two will suck you dry....oh that sounded super dirty. Sorry. I also apologize because this was super bitchy of me. One thing that I really discovered in College, I am a bitch.   Hard Core Parkour Bitch if you get on my bad side. Otherwise I'm Rainbows bubbles and Unicorns!

Now in case you were wondering because I had a whole 4:20 Blog I do not do the MaryJewWanna. I think it should be legalized but I do not smoke. Bleck. However like I told my mother, if someone gave me a brownie I would probably try it. But, since I don't hang out with that crowd I doubt a brownie will plop on my lap. 

I found this last night and my heart melted. I want one. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Day 70! Guess What! I'm TB Negative! SURPRISE! not. But a negative is a positive there for I shall have a positive day? Thing can get all messed up in here, we about to get stupid.

Yay today is Thursday and you know what that means! Tomorrow is FRIDAY! :D Best day of the week until it is over. The internet at the library is a freaking snail! It is taking me forever to download homework, which is very counter productive and is causing me to procrastinate with my blog. See how this all ties together?

I'm studying Ornithology, or trying to. Here are the bothersome events keeping me from studying

  1. Slow Internet
  2. Loud Mouth Bitches Giggling about listening in on conversations. Also giggling about boys. And being overly obnoxious. 
  3. Pouring rain
  4. Needing to go to the bathroom
  5. No focus
  6. Sleepy
  7. Hungry
  8. Lack of scrap paper
  9. Motivation
Yeah, I'm Productive bitches, not. Hana is making her enchiladas tonight. I'm SO EXCITED! I LOVE ENCHILADAS! SO YUMMY. I need to at least say something interesting and worth reading today. So lets see what my little world has to offer you today.




I need a topic, and right now I am stuck watching Retarded Policeman episodes. Don't get you panties in a bunch it is rather humorous youtube show about a Retarded Policeman pulling people over. Don't jump to conclusions that this is not being PC. Just enjoy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Reality of Not Graduating

Day 69, Am I going to be inappropriate. No. But I hinted at inappropriate. I apologize...nah I don't.

Today I went to the Grad Fair with Rachel, which was a total downer. For those of you who don't know, this is the year I was supposed to graduate going into college. Since changing my major to Fisheries and Wildlife I am officially on the 5 or 6 year plan. Seeing a bunch of people I recognize getting their caps and gown and other useless material was just a bummer! That is ok, I will graduate some day. I might be 25 but I'll graduate! According to the super awesome my degree I am 72% done with college and I was FINALLY officially a Senior at the beginning of this term. I was just a super junior for a while. Well, I'm trying to not be too disappointed. But It kind of gets in your head that you are going to graduate in 4 years. Now I know there is nothing wrong with being a 5,6 or 7 year. (My dad would say NOOOO I WANT TO RETIRE!) but its like I've been held back. Except I held myself back. Is that weird or does that make sense?

I just got super deep there. To prove I am still learning here is a passiformes (psssst! it's a song bird!) No, I do not know this exact species. I just googled it and thought it looked super cool!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Humans vs Zombies

Day 68, I had something clever to say to you guys. But for the life of me I can't remember. Must of been not so important.

Currently on campus there is HVZ. I'm betting that few of you know it stands for Humans VS. Zombies. The official Humans Vs Zombies website can describe more of it to you if you are interested. Basically college students run around with nerf guns from zombies. It can be quite entertaining. From what I hear, the Humans have never won. And at OSU there is one session in the Fall and one in the Spring.  This game was created in 2005, so if everyone else does biannual games for the past 7 years...that's a lot of dead humans. It can get pretty intense.

The best day is coming on Saturday...or is it Sunday? I will go to the library early on Saturday and Sunday to see the pandemonium that goes down. The Humans will have a final mission to protect them from all the Zombies. Let me tell you there are marshmallows and Nerf darts and socks flying. It is war. And It is the most entertaining thing you have ever seen. I will never participate in this game, but you know, it sure does look like fun. Maybe they will make another game except based on the Hunger Games.  For some reason I could really see that happening.

So today Rachel and I got TB tests for internships. Anything with needles sucks but it's not like I'm terrified of them. After waiting for like 10 min I got called into the nurses office, leaving Rachel to wait to be called in. Went in, got the shot, felt nothing! I looked over and she was done! So I left smile on my face and told Rachel it was quick, painless, no blood, EASY! Two minutes later Rachel gets called in, and 5 minutes later comes out with a cotton ball bleeding like no other. Now I felt bad, I told her it was piece of cake and her nurse apparently stabbed her leaving this lovely bloody remainder. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

World Without the Internet! NO!

Day 67, I have a quick thought for you. Can you get a DUI in a motorized wheelchair? I googled it. You can. So if you are in a motorized wheelchair drink but stay stationary?

So sad news. Bloggity Blog will not be daily over the summer. I will not have internet access where I will be living. It might be a once a week thing I don't know. Not having internet is like the death penalty these days.

Judge: I sentence you to 3 months with out internet

See, told you. I also would not replace that face. Damn he is good looking.

I have midterms coming up, and no drive to study at all. I just want to sleep. I feel so sleep deprived. But I'm not...Maybe I'm just a college student. That has to be it 2am weekends 12am weekdays. I also am pretty lazy. It is a miracle I'm not fat. Knock on wood.

Oh hey! It's RANT MONDAY!

Dear Underage, Irresponsible, Dumb Bitch Roommates, 
Clean up the god damn kitchen. Do not shove the garbage down, take it out. And if you both can still afford to smoke and drink you can afford to pay rent and utilities. Fuck you. 

Phew sorry about that. Obviously I am done with them. Way done. I want to move out an never look back. They are why I am never having children. God forbid someone produces more of them. I would be an abusive mother. Children & Dumb asses do not have souls. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

House Parties Suck!

Day 66, Oh Sunday. Why can't you be more like Saturday.

Got convinced to go to another house party last night. I stayed for an hour. New Record! It was an ROTC Party at partial boyfriend house. I went with Rachel, Hana, New Roommate Jocelyn, and another girl. It was fine for a while then the testosterone ridden party made me 1000% uncomfortable when two guys started play fighting and knocked over the couch and rolled onto the floor. I immediately looked at my party and said ok lets go. I was the DD so I had say in the matter. Instead we went home and watched The Incredible Hulk in preparation for The Avengers. All I have left to watch is Thor.

So finally I got my lazy ass moved to the library and I am currently preparing for a 'midterm' its not really a midterm but it is. Its a 25 question quiz in 25 min. It is due tonight at midnight and I've been putting it off all week due to fear of failing... and I am still procrastinating. I'm so cool. Don't you deny it. I mean I've been facebook free for 66 days. I have decided sobriety is the best thing (yes I goofed up a week ago  but right now I think being sober is pretty great). Oh I haven't officially announced it yet

I got the ungulate internship over at Wildlife Safari. I'm an official shit shoveler! If some one wants to make me a shirt that says that I will proudly sport it. I found out yesterday and I was so excited to find out I got the internship. I was terrified I wouldn't get one. But now I need to bulk up so I can do hard work!

This is an ungulate if you don't know, a hoofed creature. 

I am currently sitting in front of my computer, heart beating. Wondering if I should even take it now or just study more. Obviously I have procrastinated for a long time so is waiting longer REALLY going to make that big of a difference. I will finish it before posting it, so I will let you know how it goes!

...oh brutal quiz...that was...awful. Fuck man! Well, hopefully I'll do better next time!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Men are Stupid

Day 65, yes it was another night with bars, beverages, and men who...are dumb.

Do not roll your eyes in your reading onezies, I went sober. Which can make it worse at the bars. I decided to not to drink because:
A- I was Hungover last Sunday.
B- Alcohol make me queezy because I relate it to A.

I had one drink at the bar and I had a very hard time sucking it down. When Man A. Approaches. Now man A. is like ridiculously close to my face and drunkenly conversed/tried to get in my pants. When I say ridiculously close to my face I mean like I was trying to lean away because his lips were practically on my face. The following conversation actually took place. The blue text will be my statements.

Man A: Oh hayyyyy whats up? How are you? I'm alright. Just alright? But you have a drink! Everything should be wonderful. What is your major? You're probably a model in fashion design right? No, Fisheries and Wildlife. What?! No way, you are too pretty to be in Fisheries and Wildlife. I'm a communications major so that means that I talk for a living and I can read people. You love your major. DON'T DENY IT!

Yeah obviously that was a more one sided conversation. I eventually told him it was a girls night and he left probably wondering why his model line didn't work. Time for the next actual hit on conversation.

Man B: Hi, you are really hot. Thank you. I mean damn look at you!...thank you. Listen I really would mack with you all night. Like seriously your so hot. But there is this girl crying over me. I would so rather be with you right now, I'm so sorry.

And he walks off. I was *SO* disappointed that he chose another girl over me. NOT. *NOTE* I did not make out with this person! He just told me that he would if he could, but even if he wanted to I would of said- No.

Man C: Hey, where are you going after the bars? Because I want to be there?  I will be sleeping and you are not invited.

Some guys think that if they sweet talk you they deserve some favors. Men are retarded. I apologize to you men reading this. Some men are retarded.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I'm an Attention Whore.

Day 64, Apparently I need attention...

Just call me Attention Whore. This kind of offends me. This is not why I quit facebook. I did not 'run away from home' I decided to leave a fake home. I will be back because I took a facebook Hiatus. But, alas. The internet is doing what the internet does best, create opportunities for shy people to be ass holes and bullies.

Happy Friday the 13th People. For you paranoid people, my advice avoid anyone named Jason. AH COWBOY JOHN LENNON! He apparently leaves the library at approx. 11:53am. Jeez I must be a little unfocused today.  My mind is jumping from one topic to another!

Well I just had a Damn moment. I'm listening to Pandora and I was like, ok this song is alright who sings it...*GASP* NO IT CAN'T BE! Justin Beeper?!*. The main reason I was shocked is because well he may still look like a girl but he doesn't sound like one anymore. I was just surprised I guess. Now I am wondering will I not like this song because of the Artist because I am stubborn or will I accept it. Or I decide I don't like the song or the artist. I will let you know what my stubborn self decides *If you do not know who Justin Beeper that's because his last name is actually Beiber or something like that*

Look at its eye, bushy tail, AH! I want this cat! 
I haven't done an adorable in a while, I just want to pet you.
And smell that weird. I bet you have an awesome warm kitty smell. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Multiple Personalities

Day 63, Zip up into your reading Onezies people, It's blog reading time. 

My hands are sore and feel bruised. My arms ache, and my legs are exhausted. Yest I did just work out but I am also sore from being a Champion Shit Shoveler. It is great to be me bitches. 

Now it is just the long wait to see if I actually get an Internship. I hate waiting, because I'm impatient. And it's raining, which makes me grumpy. I'm impatient and grumpy. And sleepy. Shit, I've got so many feelings I could make up all 7 dwarfs...Except Doc. I do not have a doctor feeling nor do I have a Doctorate. But I guess I am: Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy...I'm not really Sneezy or bashful right now. Um, who is this the 7th? I have 6. This is really going to drive me crazy. HAPPY! Well I'm NOT Happy. Anyways I am determining that I am: Sleepy, Dopey, Grumpy, Impatient, Stress, Sore, Hungry and Thirsty. Would this be multiple personalities or just cranky all wrapped into one?

Speaking of Wrap, I want a burrito.

I Hate Being A Grown Up. Yes This Jenna Video just about sums it up. Speaking of being a grown up. I'm in the library, studying. Yeah, Productivity. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Shit Shoveling Champ

Day 62,

Why are people so suprised that Simpsons creator Matt Groening stated that Springfield is Oregon. Duh! I will give you the obvious clues
  • Matt Groening is from Portland Oregon. 
  • Twilliger Blvd- Sideshow Bob
  • Street Names Flanders and Lovejoy
I can't think of any more. I rest my 'Duh' case. 

So I had my Wildlife Safari Working Interview today. I am pooped! Not realy much happened. Other than picking up HUGE PILE OF SHIT. Now I'm not complaining I just wanted to really describe the massive shit piles to you. Now I am exhausted. I will bet you, my arms and legs will be sore tomorrow.  I shoveled shit like a champ though. Boo Ya! Yes that is poop. I felt like i needed a clarifying image so no one would get confused. 

I now smell like a barn and I think I need to take a de-poopifying shower. I did nothing today, I mean homework wise. I figured I wouldn't want to. Boy do i know myself. Here is for a busy Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday! Everyone cross your fingers in hope of this internship working out! I tried to be my lovable self in the interview! I have no idea if that actually works or not considering I don't know how many people meet actually like me. I told Shawna that I hope it was 70%. 

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Workout!

Day 61, I bet you I skipped a number somewhere extra cool points to find out if I did go wrong where I went wrong. So far, Arizona Josh has the most cool points because he is my only follower. Stay Cool AZ Josh!

When you turn 21, bartenders often give you a free 21st birthday drink. But when you turn 25, do car rental places let you rent a free car? Only seems fair right :)

Tomorrow I have a working interview with Wildlife Safari, so I have to drive two hours to work for them for four hours. Did I mention the interview starts at 8:30. Now add two hour drive which means I have to leave at 6am. I have to get up around 5:30 to be able to leave on time. I haven't been up that early since summer when my internship at the aquarium started at 6am. So hopefully they will see that I don't mind getting covered in crap (literally) and be like HIRE HER IMMEDIATELY! I will let you fancy people know how it go when I get back. It ends at noon, so I will be back to write a daily bloggity by 3. But i'm not promising anything. I really wanted to go home, it is only an hour away form home in the opposite direction. That is an extra 2 hour drive and since gas is an arm and a leg I'm not going to go home.

I worked out today. GO ME! I did a kind of lazy half hour on the elliptical. It wasn't lazy but it was a start to not kill myself the first day. Then I did a bunch of random crunches to be all buff again. Working out alone sucks. I get so lonely. When I get lonely, I get bored. When I get bored I start looking around. When I start looking around I start making eye contact with random guys. When I start making eye contact with random guys I think to myself "Shit, I'm not checking you out, I'm just bored." So That is why at the gym I try not making eye contact with anyone. True Story. I also accidentally super matched today. My dressing in the dark pays off sometimes! I'm just kidding, I just blindly choose clothes.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fill in the Blank

Day 60, I've been without facebook for so long! It is like a distant memory of fake friendships and uninteresting postings I don't care about. No pictures of food someone put, no rants, no nothing. Just ME!

I just blanked on what to write. __________________ So put what you think I would say in there!
I'm currently working on Ornithology. To you dummies, who don't know what that is, they are BIRDS! I'm really bored trying to study it.

I'm very frustrated with my online classes. Just because I did an assignment that was due by last night midnight, on friday, and I went to review my post and it wasn't there. AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH Now I lost points because I am a dumb ass. So I guess I learned a lesson. Double check to see if the post worked. Go me.

I tired looking for something cute, but I'd rather it just fall into my lap.

Oh and apparently yesterday was Easter. I spent the entire day hungover. It's not like I religiously celebrate it anyways. I demand Easter Gifts though. Yes, my whole life is full of hypocrisy. Thank you to my loving parents. I received Candy, Nail Polish, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Good movie! See it. Some brutal scenes though.

I DON'T WANT TO DO HOMEWORK ANYMORE. It is the 2nd week of school. This is going to be a long term. Can I just get my degree. I've worked hard enough right?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hangover Blues

Day 59, Too much alcohol last night...uuugggghhhhh.

This is why I usually drink in moderation. My last hangover was in early December. I originally planned on not drinking very much and shared a large Rum-n-coke with Rachel before going to a house party. I don't like house parties. I never go to them. The moment we showed up they got busted by the cops. So I was said screw this and Rachel and I went to a bar. So there we had drinks. I did some karaoke. Rachel bought the first round, I got the second and she got the third. Then boys came over and bought us a round and Rachel found a guy who wanted to pay her tab. WOOOO. We didn't realize how drunk we were, until we stood up. Let me tell you that was an interesting walk home. For some reason the guy who was flirting with me tried to fight me and took me out. (Jokingly of course no actual fight occurred). Well we eventually said see ya. When we got back and sat down, we got the spins! After spending some time with the porcelain god I eventually fell asleep.

The morning...oh this morning. A cruel world. Thankfully my head wasn't pounding, but nasuea overcame me. Spent the entire morning on the bathroom floor. I never regurgitated anything, I just sat there. I had Rachel take a picture of me drinking water and eating bacon. Normally I would not spend any more time than necessary in the bathroom. What do you think? New Low? Or a big step in the right direction of getting over bathroom phobias.

Its 4:00, I still feel nauseous. I'm taking a nap now. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bad Word Bombs

Day 58, First weekend of the term...yay...zzzzzZZZzzzzzzzZZzzzz

This is how I usually feel in the morning might be a little tmi. But EVERY morning, especially on the weekends I have this battle. In fact the thing that really sucks is comfort never wins. Because I either...

1. Have to pretend to be comfortable while fighting the feeling
2. Get up, lose the comfort
3. Just go man...and become uncomfortable

I guess I have the choice of a Lose-Win or a Lose-Lose.

I would like to state that my underage roommate are inconsiderate irresponsible. And they will be suffering the consequences. There will be plenty of F,S,C,B-Bombs. Basically you won't want to be there.  I will be ruthless. My wrath is nasty and you do not want to be caught in my line of fire. BUT I'm a totally sweet and bubbly. Don't worry about pissing me off because you really have to push my envelop. If you want to test me. Go ahead, but keep in mind I'm done with the days of people walking all over me. If you wanted to do that go back in time and visit me in high school.

Is it warm dress season yet? I have a dress I want to wow the world with. Nah, I just want to be girly every now and then. Sometimes girly is fun.

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Legend Returns

Day 57, Guess who I saw today... SKATEBOARDING COWBOY JOHN LENNON! It was magical, I wish you all could of been there. He walked out of the library- Hat on Head, Board on Hand- rolled away with the wind in his hair. Such a meaningful moment.

WHY MUST READING BE APART OF THIS TERM CURRICULUM. I already I'm struggling with keeping up. I just hate reading, I have no focus for it. I'm trying to write a precis about some borin paper I need to read. I keep spacing off and day dreaming about Summer. Reading is just so hard...Can't I just use 'X' for all my homework and signing. I could be the first illiterate college graduate.  Now, I just have to forget how to read a write. All I need is a nice big blow to the head. Anyone? No one hit me I was kidding.

This is only the first week of school. Kill me now. Or if you would rather not have me killed, do my homework for me, preferably the reading. When you are done reading, please write me a paper.

The weather is freaking out again, warm, cold, rain, sun, warm wind...I hate Oregon.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hungry Hungry Hippo

Day 56, it's Thursday WEEE! I was stopped by a friend asking me if I was going to party tonight. I felt old by saying, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! It's a school night! That's right, a 22year old chooses education over partying. My parents should be proud. I would also like to bring up to parental units attention. I have already been going to the library. Five hours a day keeps the...Grades up.

I have two books to read and those of you who really know me realize. I don't read. The last book I read was Tina Fey's Bossypants. And lets be honest. That book was hilarious from page xii. There was one this that she has written in response to haters that I found roll on the floor funny. I can't quite remember what it was but it was a burn. Anyway, reading non-funny books. Not my strong suit. Its because I'm slightly dyslexic. Today in class I thought we were talking about skateholders for an hour, which sounded weird to me. Skateholders? Oh...switched the damn T and the K. Stakeholders. Got it. The first book I have to read is called 'Salmon without Rivers' which I can tell you how it ends- they die. duh. And the other Eye of the Albatross. I have not started reading this one but if it is 400 pages about an eye of a bird I will be very upset. I hope that while you are sitting in your reading Onezie you realize, yes I am being facetious. Ooh big word!

I have a headache. I'm not going to lie, I've not been eating as much as I should. But man sometimes it is hard to get a schedule going. My dinners and breakfasts are ok, but I;m slacking in the Lunch Department. Lunch is difficult because I have to prepare for it. Lunch is the Lamest meal of the day. LAAAAMMMEEE Unless you get to eat out :P

Aright I've said everything I want to see.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Whorrible Blog

Day 55? I have to look it up every time. LAME! And yes I spelled WHORrible the way I wanted to...

So my Populations and Dynamics class SUPER SUCKS! So much busy work with excel. BLAH! And here is what my Dad is saying to himself.
He always wants to help let me just say I appreciated the thought and no. You can help me by spoiling me with food clothes and money :D No? I figured. 

Our adventure at the water park yesterday was fun. WAY too many god dammned kids though. I tried to control my language. But, a couple 'shits' 'bitches' and 'fucks' may have slipped out. I'm very vulgar, but I at least tried not to use that language at 10 year old girls in skanky ass bikinis. Around the boys too, but they weren't wearing skanky ass bikinis. I'm allowed to wear whore clothes I am 1. old enough to look whorey. 2. am skinny enough to look whorey....well this got weird. I'm not really a whore people...this isn't going to get any better I'm just going to shut up and just accept the weird verbal diarrhea that just came out of my mouth.

As we were driving home from the water park the weather became an angry being. RAIN, HAIL snow on one half of the road and not the other? That was odd. Where is my pot of gold for being in rain while a few meters in the other direction it was snowing. They were separate trust me. It was like that weather line that is rare to see. I mean, it is a cloud, it has edges. We just found the edge of the snow cloud.

Remember that cute black kid from Malcom in the Middle. Innocent, sheltered and well, handicapped (in the show of course.) HE HAS PIERCINGS AND HOLES! Who knew? 

I'm not re-reading this blog before I post it. I'm doing homework. I just typed this out very fast so I'm sorry if there are sentences that no sense. ;)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

They're Called Doctors

Day 54, the month days don't line up with my bloggity blog days anymore it is hard to keep track.

So like I said Rachel and I are going to go to the water park today. It doesn't open until 3 on the week days because who goes to a water park in Oregon on a weekday? I DO! Hopefully there won't be too many people there, no dumb kids and teenagers, or creepy old guys in speedos. More stories to come...

Unfortunately today is not sunny like yesterday. *sigh* Our spring day was wonderful but now it is back to BLAH! My only class of the day was cancelled so I slept in an hour and am now in the library working on my online courses! WOOT! I know I wont be graduating in a year which kind of sucks because of my major change. This is what I ALWAYS think of when people ask me when I am going to graduate from college..

Also something Fun, you all remember Laurie- the whore from that 70's show. 
Well she got arrested! Again... and she isn't looking well, take a look for yourself...
Such a Beauty! She looks really strung out. I'm going to guess she likes heroin...and alcohol. A shame really, but I'm not surprised. Her first DUI picture looked pretty nasty too. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Nerdy Skirts


I found this skirt... AND I WANT IT! Look how darn adorable it is! It is a custom made skirt that goes for $65. Nathaniel said he would purchase it for me if I got on the wait list...Oh wait list. Why must you be so complicated to get too! I WANNA BE ADORABLY NERDY! 

Happy Sunny Monday Bloggity Blog Onezie Readers! It really is pretty and warm out. Unfortunately I still feel under the weather, so all I want to do is sit inside and sleep. I still have to clean my room, cook dinner and do a bunch of other stuff. Tomorrow Rachel and I are going to the indoor water park in McMinville. It is going to be a AWESOME DAY! Yay for flexible schedules!

Today I have something funny for your viewing pleasure. I was listening to Pandora on my 'Weird Al Yankovic' station (yes, I am a goofy goober). If I had the time and energy to be this crazy at college, I'd go for it. It just really makes me giggle since 1. I'm in college and 2. We have ant problems. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Greasy Tacos and Spiryos

Day 52, I hate April Fools day. I would rather not be fooled..

Well, Spring Break I shall miss you. You never quite stay long enough. I always ask if you will stay a little longer, but you always decline. You are always that cool kid that comes to a party and leaves early. It's always a shame!

I need to drive back to Corvallis today which means about 40 something dollars worth of gas. WAH Gas Prices. Maybe my parents will drive me out for lunch...maybe Greasy Tacos :D. Maybe Sonic. Or as my dad calls it Spiryos, Don't ask. Maybe I'll pick up a smoothie. I really want food.

I want to take my cat with me...but I think that would be a miserable trip for both of us.
Me:  LA LA LA LALA LA LA! God shut up LA LA LA LA LA
Still it would be nice to have a furry friend at College.

This Guy, Jason Statham: Ex-Olympic Diver?!
I found that out from a movie theater. 
Who says you don't learn things at the movies!