Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day

Day 20! Happy Leap Day! Nothing Counts Today! The next leap day I will be 26...whoa...

Firstly I would like to apologize for yesterdays crazy. I would of tried to make it amusing, but nothing was amusing about yesterday. imagine I looked like the Crazy Cat Lady from The Simpsons. Mom, don't be surprised when I literally become this crazy lady. It is inevitable. Maybe, just maybe, you will be a grand-cat-mother. Sounds like a dream come true right! RIGHT! I feel like I need a name for bitch me so that when ever I'm in a screw you mood I can be like 'Hey Bianca here' and you'd know- Victoria is a bitch today. 

So yesterday in math recitation I was wondering if my Math T.A. would say anything! And she did! It was less awkward than I thought. That is the end of that story, sorry it was very anti-climatic.

I feel like today is a Victoria Fun Fact Day because I know people want to know all of my quirks.
  • Sometimes when I am walking on campus and passing people, I pretend I'm a race car driver and make car noises in my head. VRRRRRROOOOOOMMMMMMM

Is that quirky or crazy? I seem to really be walking that fine line recently. The question is, which side will I fall on at the end of the day? Pray it is quirky for all mankind. 

It may be the kid in me. Or it may be the nerd in me.
 The kid in me screams, OH MY GOSH I WANT A POKEMON!
The adult in me screams, OH MY GOSH I WANT A KITTY AND A POKEMON!
Whatever you call it, this kitty is adorable.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Warning: I Just Boarded the Crazy Train

Day 19, Let us all welcome Shawna to my Bloggity Blog. I hope you find me just as amusing and weird when we were working together at Wildlife Images.

Today was the kind of day where...

If you spoke to me in any tone I would respond with 
If you even looked at me, I would respond with 
I just jumped from cranky to the crazy train. Beware to all. 
I'm full blown bitch today.


To those of you who are wondering 'Oh poor Victoria! Why are you feeling that way?'

In my mom's terms ' I'm not Pregnant'. 
I'm currently eating brownie battery and I really want McDonald's.

Awwww...Now I'm going to cry! Look how sweet!
...I hate hormones. Can I have it?!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Abandoning My Psychic Career

Day 18, VICTORIA'S SPECTACULAR OSCAR REVIEW! To the Males who don't give a rats ass about this. I apologize for boring you. Just be glad that the Oscars is the only award show which I actually watch. It has been a huge dream of mine to hold an Oscar Party. Where we all get dressed up in formal attire and have a smashing good time! But alas, no one wants to do that. Anyways Rachel and I wrote down all of the sections and our Oscar Predictions. We did alright here is our results! These are our correct answers. Unfortunately we got over half of them wrong. Who knew Hugo was going to be such a big movie?! I feel slightly ripped off. Oh, and not preforming the song Man or Muppet, disappointing.

Myself: (8)
Actress: Meryl Streep
Directing: The Artist
Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer
Costume Design: The Artist
Film Editing: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Score: The Artist
Song: Man or Muppet
Animated Short: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Rachel: (5)
Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer
Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer
Score: The Artist
Song: Man or Muppet
Original Screenplay: Midnight in Paris

We were only 100% sure on Man or Muppet. There was no way it could lose to Rio. Even though I have not seen The Artist, I am not surprised that it won so many awards. Takes talent to win an acting award without speaking in a film.

I almost had Skateboarding Cowboy John Lennon today. Almost. I took the picture, but he was too quick and I got a blurry photo of stairs. Alas, I will just have to bring a super awesome camera to take his picture and be Level 10 Creeper.

Time for a switch up. Time for Today's Handsome.
Don't be surprised I picked a man 28 years older than me.
Look how sexy he is, gotta love Clooney!

Sunday, February 26, 2012



For some reason I wanted to do a Vlog Blog. However I don't know how to do that OR edit a video. I was also going to drunkenly blog last night but there was one issue, I wasn't drunk. I figured my tolerance would of gone to poop since I haven't consumed in quite a while. Apparently 2.5 shots for rum does nothing for me. So no questionings of 'should I do this' just, can we go home now.

Going to the bars can be super awkward. Sleazy drunken college boys, sleazy drunken older men who still think they can party in a college setting, and college  professors and T.A.s. I've experienced a whole bunch of awkward at the bars, but seeing my current math T.A. completely wasted was 100% weird. Now she knows who I am, she knows everyone in her recitation classes. Plus I've been into her office hours a few time. I wonder if she is going to say anything on Tuesday during recitation. The class that I am in is usually taken by freshman and sophomores, not super juniors.  I doubt she'd expect to see someone from her recitation there... Should I ask her if she had fun on Saturday Night?

Oh and Mom, rent Moneyball for Dad. He is a sucker for a good baseball movie. There really isn't much baseball involved but its still a baseball movie. He will whine and complain about having to watch a movie but ultimately he will enjoy the theme. Which is Baseball. For those of you who don't know my father, he says there is no such thing as a bad baseball movie. If anyone can think of one I'd be more than excited to prove him wrong. I'm thinking Airbud: Seventh Inning Fetch.

If you can't tell by now, I appriciate fuzzy or feathery cute things. It's a weakness.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Title Fit For A Lame Blog.

Day 16. For some reason being Facebook free has felt rather difficult. Not that I attempt to go to the website. But meeting people in person is so hard! People aren't as willing to be free of the Zuckerburg tryanny.

What should I write about today? I am not really quite sure. It must be a lazy Saturday. I have nothing to say. I'm bored! How am I supposed to shine?! My room needs to be cleaned...


I didn't get very far. I got frustrated tired and hungry.

Maybe I'll finish someday, when I have to move out...

Sorry for a lame bloggity blog today. Hopefully tomorrow I will be spewing with brilliant ideas!
 And all of your brains will just explode in awe!
Anyways, here is the cute I can't post on Facebook!
A Crow playing soccer!?! SWEET!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Matching Underwear and Jumping Cats

Day 15. Not as exciting as a fortnight, but successful nonetheless.

In a conversation with my mom last night she said she found me rather amusing and passed on this link to others. Welcome to my inner mind new readers. This may be too quirky for your gentle soul. I tend to ask the hard hitting questions. Like why does wearing matching underwear automatically increase the chances that it will be a great day? My suggestion for you during the reading this bloggity blog is to do it in a onesie*. Not only will you be warm and comfortable, you will be pretty damn stylish as well. Also, I'm going to pre-apologize for spewing crazy like molten lava later in the future.
*If you do not own a onesie I feel sad for your life. You should go out now and purchase one now.

Here's a random. The next time I'm intoxicated, I will think to myself  'Would I do this if I were sober?' Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm quite a responsible drinker. But there are some past drunken mistakes that could of been solved by- Nope, wouldn't do this sober, shouldn't do it hammered. I'm going out Saturday Night, maybe I'll booze blog...maybe

I now must write a scientific peer review journal about hearing loss in False Killer Whales by using echolocation. This assignment sucks. I really just want to get it over with. Basically I'm using someones information that I know nothing about and writing a paper.

Also a shout out to Arizona-Josh, he says he likes reading my bloggity blog. 

 I was looking for 'Jumping Cats' for today's adorable. 
But I found this and I want. 
It's so dorky. 
It's so ME! 
Someone, make it happen. Consider it another fundraiser. 
Keep Victoria Clothed. 
(and for some reason I feel like my uncle Rob needs this shirt)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Fortnight Celebration!

One Fortnight! WOOT! Yes! I got to use fortnight in everyday life!

I studied for 9 hours yesterday. I have a midterm today and I feel less than prepared for it with no focus. I am quite stressed and unhappy with this. I don't like being unprepared. I also had a huge urge to go to Facebook. I just felt like chatting with someone.

As of yesterday I am officially Scuba Certified :) Now I can go whenever I want, but if the water is under 50 degrees I think I'll pass on the opportunity. Scratch that under 60! I am also done with midterms for the term! Yay! This last one could of one better but, I did the almost best that I could. There was word that I couldn't remember. I know it started with 'Re' but I couldn't remember the whole world! Reintroduction, reinstate, replace, resistance! ARGH! I just completely blanked.

I think I may go pottery painting tomorrow. I haven't been in about a year which makes me sad. It is time to be creative. I'll paint something and share it with all of you :)

I don't have much to say today. It might be due to all of the studying my brain is fried, to extra crispy!

CUTENESS. If I couldn't get a big dog i'd get a Corgi!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Donate To These Funds Today!

Thirteen days of not logging onto Facebook! It's almost a distant memory, I accidentally went to the website today. I've noticed something though, I'm no longer typing in 'F' and then hitting enter. I'm actually typing in Facebook, which means getting rid of the shortcut! Eventually Facebook won't even be in my vocabulary!

I watched The Help last night. I very much enjoyed it. I think it will be on the purchase list. I suggest it :) It is sickening that people used to act that way. Not letting your maid use the restroom because she is of different race?! People are assholes. Technically in the US. racial issues are no longer an issue. However, treatment towards gays and lesbians are kind of the new equality problem. History repeats itself. Differently of course. Ok enough political poop.

I feel like I've been a very angry person lately. Frustrated, short temper, cranky. I'm not a very fun student to be around sometimes. I think I will start a fundraising event called 'Victoria needs a massage but can't afford it'. There will also be a subtitle that says 'First World Problems' Please let me know if you are interested in contributing! You know what I will just make an advertisement for you guys. I will graciously accept donations. As a college student I believe that I deserve a massage every term near finals. This shit can get real tense! I also will open a 'Feed Victoria Fund' because during dead and finals week I live in the library and they won't give me my own kitchen to cook in.

I feel like I'm going to hell now. Oh wait, I'm already going there. 
Have a lovely day readers. 
I am the adorable of today. Did you see me and my cat?! 
Kitty Cuddle! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Ghosts of High School Past

We've got a dozen Facebook free days here. I think celebratory donuts! YEAH! Lets all get fat and eat donuts!

Right now I am experiencing one of those awkward moments. For those of you whose high school career is in the past you should understand unless you liked high school. So walked into my regular area of the library and sat down at my regular table and began my regular tasks. Look up, and discovered I just made eye contact with someone I really disliked from high school. Now obviously this person feels the same way. We awkwardly pretend the other doesn't exist and continue with our business. Unless this person actually doesn't remember me. I honestly don't remember many from my graduating class or high school. But, this person was and probably still is a jerk. I guess I really don't care, but I can't say that I wouldn't be happy if this person disappeared forever! (I don't mean death, I mean out of sight out of mind!)

I've found it hard to focus on studying recently. My LAST midterm is on Thursday and I am excited to finally not be tested! I have been testing for 5 weeks straight! B, D, A, True, False, Short answer, Essay! AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH! I find out my Scuba final score tomorrow. I probably passed and will be certified. BooYah!
*Mini Retraction from 'Lackadaisical Day'. Apparently roommate found a job on Thursday. I know you don't read this, but I feel like you deserve a mental apology.

I want to pick up this cat and baby talk to it. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Operation Cowboy Beetle

Dayyy Eleven. Is it only Monday?! Why don't I get the day off today?! Presidents Day should be off for every education facility! EQUALITY FOR ALL! Except you religous zealots who don't believe in equality for all. You wack-jobs can suck it.

So we all know I read things wrong all the time. Because I put the Dysfunctional back in fun. Not the other way around. On MSN there was this article with the title 'Girl Remains at Rapist's home' My first thought. What?! What girl would choose to stay in a rapists home?! Open up article. 'Girl's Remains at Rapists Home' in bone remains...eww, poor girl. Sometimes I'm really glad and don't say things out loud. However I am writing my illiteracy problems here (Not literally people!I know that statement makes no sense because if you are illiterate how can you write. But if you think about it we are all illiterate in some language, stop being so technical jerks!). And I just realized how close literally and literary are. My other goof up this weekend was- Check writing flatworm. No you do not write on a flatworm, you write on a platform. Don't ask.

Operation Cowboy Beetle was a go today. I almost got a picture of Skateboarding Cowboy John Lennon! I was all sneaky! I turned my camera phone on, and blindly took a picture. I got the very edge of his cowboy hat. But still, now you will have a little idea of what he could look like. Notice the Cowboy hat?! I was bummed that I missed. I will try Operation Cowboy Beetle again Bloggity Blog Readers! Doesn't his ear just remind you of John Lennon? Except a Skateboarding Cowboy version of course.

Now all of that excitement about S.C.J.L made me hungry. 
I was going to post a nasty lion eating something picture to portray my hungry. 
But I saw this Sea Lion and my heart melted. 
Here is today's adorable! Can I keep him?!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Important Life Questions and a Possible Screen Play

Day ten! Because of procrastination Saturday I have to do a shit ton of work today. LAAAAMMMEEEE! I should get out of bed, but I am waiting for Rachel to get back from Hillsburrito. I need a study buddy to be motivated.

So does Homer Simpson have a beard or is it just stubble? Please some one let me know your opinion. Because I am super curious. I suppose it looks like stubble but sometimes it looks, more stubbly or more beard like.
How can you love someone but not like them?
And why does cheese taste so good with popcorn?!
So many life questions!

One thing I've noticed though is that other websites are taking over Facebook. Perez Hilton, Like A Little, The Dirty* and of course Bloggity Blog.*(horrible, awful, terrible. I'm ashamed for checking it regularly. Nik Ritche is a terrible person. But I do have to admit, he tries to get people to quit drugs and partying...I think. And his standards for women; blonde, big fake boobs, good inner thigh gap, and no fat)

 However I am still meeting more people in person! I had ice cream with Partial Boyfriend Josh yesterday. In Facebook days, I would of just opened up chat on but nope. Face to face communication for the win!

Being the library kind of sucks today. It is noisy, and these blonde bimbos next to me are apparently studying partying. Congrats about doinking that frat boy. I bet he wrote a little journal about your sexual experience and you will be forever remembered as line number 100. Because of that monumental number your name might be remembered. (Feel bad for number 27!) So romantic, sounds like a dream come true! Lets get the paperwork moving on this. Anybody want to write a screenplay? I feel like the title should be The Hundredth Lay. National Lampoon are you interested? Catchy, Funny, I smell Oscars.

How effin' adorable is this. Look at those eyes. I <3 Cougar Babies! 
You can tell they are curious.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lackadaisical Day

Day 9. For some reason last night was really hard not to go to facebook. I was just so bored. Still facebook free! I seem to be unable to peel myself out of bed. Just so sleepy and stiff. I've got a final on Monday and a midterm on Thursday and I want to do nothing! I could sleep all day but I probably need all the time I can get. My scuba final shouldn't be very hard if I review properly. I need motivation!

I apologize, I don't feel witty today. I feel very lackadaisical. Whoa! Big word! It is kind of funny how many big words you actually know. They just kind of pop up every now and then.Word.

But very quickly I need to rant.To my two irresponsible underage roommates. Make your own food. Clean up your own dishes. Get a job. Pay rent. If you can't afford rent because you keep buying drugs and alcohol. I will kick you out. You wonder why you aren't doing well in school but party and get high every night and make statements like 'I don't study on these days'. Grow up dumb bitches. That was a cranky bitch moment and I apologize. I feel better now.

 I want an ice cream cone, I feel my heart beat in my foot...Yup it is a slow day.
 Here Cat. 
Nap time again.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Why Can't Melons Marry?

COWBOY JOHN LENNON SKATEBOARDS! I tried to take a picture but alas, he threw his board down and rolled off into the fog. He is usually leaving the library as I get there so I will have to create some sort of secret operation to snap a picture of this kid. Is this considered stalking? I'm not following him or anything, I'm just happening to be at a place where  Skateboarding-Cowboy John Lennon is. This is becoming quite the story. Actually happened after I posted the bloggity blog on Wednesday. So this is not a Friday event.

So I obviously am back from my scuba open water certification over at Mikes Resort in Washington. The water was so god damn cold. 43 Degrees! I froze. Four times. I'm glad it's done with. It was a rough trip for me. Not going to lie, I super struggled. The drive to Washington 5 hours and Rachel and I were singing along to all of the songs. On the way back I had to drop Rachel off so she could attend her sister's wedding, while I drove to McMinville and hung out with my best friend from high school-LINDSAY! (Thank you for dinner and a beer my dear!)

I feel like this writing makes no sense. I must be crazy tired from a 10 hour drive, 4 dives and exhaustion. 

I heard a cute Joke today. Why can't melons get married. 
Because they Cantaloupe. Bahahaha!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I put the 'J' in Magic

Six is the magic number! I also am ashamed to admit, I tried to spell magic with a 'J'...twice. Today is going to be a brainy day. Being dyslexic, I always mix up 'brain' and 'Brian'. In order for me to not make a fool of myself whenever I spell brain I have to say BRIan and brAIN so I won't put the 'I' in the wrong spot and mess it up. Now you know a Victoria FUN FACT!

Early bloggity blog today because I am leaving for my Scuba Field Trip! We will be up at Mike's Resort finishing up our certification and there will be No Internet Access!*gasp* So that means no bloggity blog tomorrow. I don't get to celebrate my first week of being facebook free! Oh well, that means day 8 will mean that much more.

Since I need to leave in two hours, I should stop procrastinating by writing. 
Time for ADORABLE! I want to pet a kitty belly!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day

Day FIVE! What now Zuckerburg?!

Anyways I was going to rant about Valentines Day, but I find it best to just not give a damn. No use getting angry over a consumer holiday. I would like to say something nice though. My partial boyfriend* Josh woke me up this morning and gave me a rose. Thank you Josh, you are the best partial boyfriend ever. Because of you I got to say something positive about today instead of being secretly jealous that no one gave me flowers.
*(Long story short. Josh used to date my friend, and we always joked about how he was like my boyfriend minus the benefits part. Glad I still have my partial boyfriend around!)

I think a tradition should start today. Valentines Day is way to girly. I bet a zillion couples are going to sit down and watch the Notebook, or Twilight (Men should love that Twilight shit. I know it is the worst love story of our time, but it's getting them laaaaaid! Unless their girl is crazy and demand he be more like a fictional character.) Instead of watching that incredibly cheesy predictable crap I suggest a movie like Die Hard, The Terminator, or Rachel and I might watch Contagion tonight. Let us all watch movies with substance! I might be a little biased because I do not love the chick flick genre. Some are enjoyable but for the most part movies like Twilight = total garbage.

If you were really wondering what the hell Anna Howard Shaw has to do with Valentines Day. Here you go.

For today's adorable, I actually have a dog. I just loved this photographers collection of dogs underwater. Looks so happy :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cowboy John Lennon

Day 4, go me! I just watched one of the newer episodes of the Simpsons called the 'DOH'-cial Network'. Basically summed up my feelings on the Facebook matter. I'd post the link here but in a few weeks it would just be expired. In other anti-Facebook news, my brother Nathaniel and maybe my friend Brandon decided delete their Facebooks, I AM A TRENDSETTER! Eh, probably not. Zuckerburg will still own most of the souls on earth. Still, I inspired others to return to life without social networking!

Did you know John Lennon is still alive? Well a college student that looks like him, except he is a cowboy. I think he is at least. He sports a cowboy hat. Long live Cowboy John Lennon! I'll try to snap a picture at some point, I don't see him very often. This could be his other life in which he is in a country band! Bonus points if anyone can create a Country Band name for this Cowboy John Lennon!

I can't wait for tomorrow. It will be Diatribe Tuesday. Well, any day gets to be diatribe day but tomorrow is Valentines Day Anna Howard Shaw Day. 30 Rock watchers please LOL accordingly.

Instead of an adorable cat I am going to switch this shit up! WHOA! I'm unpredictable! 
Here is a song I recently decided I like to listen to.
Train-Drive By

Nah, I changed my mind. Here is the adorable cat. I switch-up my switch-ups.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Studying Makes Everything Boring.

Day 3 FF! Yeah! Facebook login attempts are still happening but not happening as often.

Today I studied the from 11-5, so I'm a tiny bit tired. My face-face socialization was not really social today but I was still around certain people. I hope it still counts in the long run. Conversation doesn't really happen on the quiet area of the library. I was with Rachel*, Erica (by the way yummy dinner last night!), and Amber for most of the day. But nothing interesting happened so all of this is boring.
*For all you readers out there it can be assumed that Rachel (My roommate of 3 years and BFF) is with me all the time. Minus sleeping, showering and other activities that a person should do without a friend next to them. 

This week I am going to complete my Scuba Certification by diving in the Puget Sound. This is my thought on the matter: It is going to be Freeeezing! More thoughts & experiences on that later.

I really have nothing to say. I guess this is the 'uneventful' portion of the blog.
 Well it's that time where I post and adorable cat. Internet would be nothing with out adorable cats. 
Nothing more adorable is a kitten in a hoodie.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Onezie Dinner Parties!

Day Two Facebook-Free! I deserve an award! I will gladly accept cookies for this special occasion. Because I am FF (Facebook-Free) blog postings will most likely be every day. Due to lack of something pointless to do.

As a FF goal I really would like to meet up with one friend a day in person and actually talk and catch up! So far I am two for two! Friday afternoon I drove to Newport and had lunch with Heather. Which was sarcastically wonderful. I wish we could of spent more time together, but she has this thing called a...gob..jawb..job. Whatever that is!

Today I met up with my friend Molly who has been M.I.A. for the last 6 months. She has been FF  for over a year now and swears I will love it! Nothing to weigh me down. I'll take your word for it Molly (36 hours since last being on Facebook. I just need one more hit then I'll quit I swear!)

TMNT Bitches!
Tonight- Onezie Pajama Dinner Party. I'm going to ROCK my Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Onezie. Be Jealous! Erica will be cooking for us, some rigatoni dish. Not really sure. Super excited because we get to play Quelf*! Those of you who do not know what Quelf, you are missing out BIG TIME! Not for the shy. Wild and Crazy antics that can get you posted on the quote board- "Pick your nose today, fly tomorrow"- Rachel Steele. 
*(Note: for you dirty minded people its not related whatsoever to a queef. However, we do call it that on occasion)

Before I forget, here is the adorable cat photo I can't post on FB. However this picture is of my adorable cat.  
Yeah, it's probably unfair to all of the other cats who applied to this adorable cat spot. What can I say. I made a biased decision.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Giving Up Facebook

Giving up Facebook and replacing it with a blog. I feel like a blog is more productive than a social online website.

Since I gave up Facebook (7:20 am) I have attempted to check it at least 20 times. All were a instantaneous reaction, typing just F into the google bar and enter. As soon as I see that blue page I think, CRAP. I'm supposed to stay away from you til the end of spring term! I bet in a week it won't be so bad. I hope. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So I guess I'm not really addicted if I can quit cold turkey.

 Damn you Zuckerburg!!!!  Where else am I supposed to post adorable cats?!