Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is a Blackout Racist?

Wednesday felt a lot shorter than Tuesday. Thank goodness

So there is this Drama going around OSU. Keep in mind our colors are Orange Black and White.

This Saturday there was supposed to be a Blackout at the OSU football game. A blackout is wearing black OSU gear to the football game. But apparently many students consider this to be racist. My opinion in this matter is that it is not racist. The point is to support our athletic team and all be joined in school spirit. It is a color, a school color.  It only becomes racist if you wear it to be in that nature. So if I wear black, is it considered racially insensitive? If I wear orange, is it insensitive to those overly tan people? Does white offend me? No. A color is a color. If black really is so racist then why is that solid color sold at the bookstore.

I suppose there would be the few people who would attempt 'black face' or purposefully making it racist. But why should a few bad eggs change the rules.

Maybe some people being overly sensitive. Or maybe I'm racially insensitive. If you are curious about this issue here is an article. Officials abandon 'Wear Black' Campaign

But now the question is what should I wear to the OSU game. Orange or Black?

Let me know what you think. Am I being racially insensitive? There is a poll on the right. So you can give me your two cents. Or you can write me a pretty comment down below.


  1. not to be academically insensitive, but many students at your school are fucking stupid.

  2. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Who, exactly, is offended by that? I would like to have a chat with them, just to make sure they're aware that they are idiots.
