Yep, today was a rainy sit on the couch all day Saturday. It also helps that I drank last night and I woke up feeling dehydrated, cotton mouthed, and raccoon eyed. I like being drunk it is fun but I do not like the sobering up process, nor do I like the spins. Lots of people were dressed up for Halloween, I was not one of them. We are considering dressing up and going out on actual Halloween but who knows for sure.

I was legitimately surprised today. I watched Sixteen Candles with Rachel and I actually really enjoyed that movie! Those of you who don't know- I'm not a big romantic movie fan, they are all ridiculously predictable. I guessed Step Up plot within 5 minutes of the movie starting.
I want a Pet. I want a Bun Bun! Especially a Holland Lop Bun bun. Look how god damn adorable this bunny is! Don't you just want to pet the fluffy bunny! I do! My only problem is I live in a tiny apartment that doesn't allow pets.
*SAD FACE*I am a pet person, I like having them. I feel like I am 100% responsible for them too so I'm not sure if I can make that commitment now. I would die if I had to give up a pet.
Also after watching the Producers (2005), I wish they did have a Broadway play called "Springtime for Hitler".I think it would be a swell play. Also, I should re-watch the 1968 version.
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