My closet options were a rocker, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle or Tom Cruise in Risky Business. You know dress shirt no pants and some sunglasses, easy peasy cheeesy. I really didn't like risky business. He was just a spoiled teen who got into deep shit when he got involved with a hooker.
Not many college students dress up for classes on Halloween. It is raining, girls usually don't want to be sexy_____ or slutty______ in the daylight. They might just be confused with day time hookers. And the majority of students will be hitting house parties and the bars tonight in their costumes. I might have sexy/slutted it up last Halloween. I'll let you decide with this
Anyways today I've seen: Captain Jack Sparrow, The Joker, Finn- That kid from Adventure time, A couple devils.
Tonight instead of going out because of the rain, Rachel and I will be watching potentially scary movies. And when I say potentially scary I mean Troll and Troll 2. Movies from the 80's which could have laughing potential like the Leprechaun movies. If they are in fact scary I will be totally and completely screwed. I probably won't sleep for two weeks.
Also fun tip for you Trick-o-Treaters. Unless you like to be tricked only ask for treat. You are asking the stranger at the door to give you a trick or a treat. It is an option that can totally fuck you over. So just say TREAT!