Friday, June 7, 2013

Beware of Bieber Fever

If I were a scientist that studied new flu symptoms and I discovered a brand new string of infectious influenza I would have the perfect name ever. I probably just described something that doesn't make any sense but I hope you know what I mean.  

Anyways, I will name it 

Bieber Fever

Now what I hope for is that the term Bieber Fever will change. I mean the term faggot means a bundle of sticks that is primarily used for fuel, but now it is a derogatory remark towards does that make sense? Now i'm not meaning for Bieber Fever to change into a derogatory remark, I'm just stating that the definition of it will change. 

Basically Bieber Fever will stop being associated with the tool of a pop star ans strike fear into the hearts of families across the nation causing mass moralities and world wide panic. 

The individual that contracts this strand of the flu will immediately have a fever followed by extreme vomiting and defecation as well as intense nosebleeds. Extreme headaches, coughing. Pretty much flu symptoms exacerbated and with the chance of death. And for shits and giggles when people get tested for it if a Justin Bieber song plays that means you are infected and you might die. 

It also means you probably will lose your shirt and give you delusions of entitlement.

So far there is only one thing to alleviate Bieber fever. 

 I know I'm not the first one to come up with this concept. I just hope there are scientists out there who have a grand sense of humor and names a deadly something after the tool of a pop star. 

Like I said I'm getting ahead of myself. Wrote this a few days ago because I thought it would be humorous. I also wrote tomorrows blog yesterday! I'm just plugging out these blogs! However I am blanking on the actual important paper I have to write. Oh well as long as you all enjoy this crap I will keep writing it!

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