Friday, June 21, 2013

Stupid Celebrity Baby Names

Whoa guess who is writing this blog from her new smart phone! If you guess incorrectly you need to get your smarts checked!

Ok so I tried writing for like 10 minutes and that is the only sentence I got out of the whole deal. Smart phones are HARD! I'm not smert enough fer mer smert phern!

Oh for the least important news ever. Kanye West & Kim Kardashian released their baby name.


Yes, they named their baby girl North West. I keep up on Perez Hilton all the time and I thought it was clever when he suggested that their kids middle name should be Bynorth. Leaving the full name to be

North Bynorth West

I swear celebrity baby names. Their daughter is going to get beat up. Or at least Kayne will probably pay people to be her friend, They can afford it! I mean I've seen some stupid baby names in the past but for some reason ( And I don't know why) I expected a classier name from the Kardashians... Maybe not Kayne. he seems like a grade A douche bag. But that being said I haven't actually met the guy. It isn't fair to judge someone but he just seem like he thinks is a god.

Other celebs stupid baby names include:

Pilot Inspektor- Jason Lee's Kid from My Name is Earl- What? Really?
Apple- Gwenyth Paltrow
Coco- Courtney Cox and David Arquette - Stripper Name anyone?
Sage Moonblood- Sylvester Stallone- Hippy Name!

Seriously? Well Thank god all of their parents are rich and famous and can get away with stupid shit.

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