Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I was dinking around yesterday on my computer. Thinking of childhood and what not. And a movie passed through my head Tall Tales. I used to love that movie, I haven't seen it in ages. And I looked it up on IMDb and the first thing to go through my mind...


When did that happen?! Buffalo Bill used to just be some cowboy, not a famous person! I looked through the cast and I was shocked, I know this guy, this guy, this guy, this guy, this lady. It is funny when you watch things as a kid and later in life you watch it and think Holy Fucking Sheep Balls. Ok, so Holy Fucking Sheep Balls isn't the exact term I think of when I see an actor I recognize in an old movie. But I might have to do it that way from now on, because it's quirky and quirky is my middle name...well it should be.

I also watched the Father of the Bride the other day and its not that I recognized anyone new (that realization happened ages ago. Oh Franck!) But still, Kimberly Williams-Paisley used to look like a woman ready to get married. Now to me she looks like a crazy 19 year old that gets married. 

Funny how perception changes over time. 

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