Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pet Peeves!

I have to apologize to my mom. I did call her and left her a message but by the time I wrote and posted my new fashionable blog, I forgot to mention it was her Birthday. So I fully apologize for being all wrapped up in school and stuff. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Today I want to talk about pet peeves. I may of had a blog earlier about it but I feel like I need to talk about what disturbs my soul and makes me feel like there is nails on the chalkboard.
  1. Chewing with your mouth open. *SMACK SMACK SMACK* Oh my gosh it makes me want to back hand their face and say holy shit keep your goddamned mouth closed! No one needs to see or hear what is going on in there
  2. People who don't realize they are in the way. I did a massive tango today with a kid who was looking at the microwaves like foreign objects and it took him 3 minutes to finally pick a microwave and 2 more to figure out how to work it. Or people *mostly girls* who have their 5 BFF's taking up one entire sidewalk not letting anyone pass by. STUPID BITCHES MOVE!
  3. Bass. Not the fish. Thud Thud Thud. Especially when you have no idea what song is playing. Just the boom boom boom boom boooom.
  4. Asking questions/talking during movie and or TV show
  5. Our upstairs neighbors who stomp their feet everywhere they go
Maybe I'm just irritable. I think  I need to have a spa the first week of school...YAY!
I think I need to go get some ice cream and eat my four day weekend away!

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