Friday, September 14, 2012

Childhood Memories and Growing Up

Since I've been alone in the house for the past 4 days I have decided to clean out my room. Do you have ANY idea how much SHIT I have collected in the last 22 years? SO MUCH. I still have clothes from high school. More than I would like to have considering high school was five years ago.

I found my baby blanket. (Not the late Michael Jackson's child mind you, an ACTUAL blanket). It might not be my baby blanket, but I remember it. The blanket is lined with this soft ribbon, and I used to rub my lips on it because it was so soft! So whats the first thing I do when I find it? Touch my lips to the ribbon. Old habits die hard yippee-ki-yay mother fucker. But here is the thing that got me a little choked up. It might be dumb, but it made me feel sad. After looking at the blanket I found these long hairs on it, only to realize it is the individual hairs of my cat Molly.  Molly was a cat that I had adopted when I was in first grade and died the summer before I went to college from kidney failure. It took me months to wash one sweatshirt that had the last proof of her existence. Finding this blanket reminded me more than my childhood, but to reminisce about a treasured pet. I also drove down by the home where I grew up. For everything being very familiar it looks nothing like it remember it being as a child.

Once I got bored of cleaning shit I had a trying on dresses montage. Long story short, I'm at a normal weight now. In high school I was skin & bones. I'm not a 2x4 anymore. I gots a badonkadonk! (pssst! Old people! Badonkadonk=Butt). None of the dresses fit, except for the one that I bought for super cheap and was too big on me. I was going to give it away years ago. Thank goodness I didn't!

This is how cleaning my room ends- Pounce gets sleepy and I join her in sleepy times. 
It is hard to resist a nice, warm, adorable, purring, sleepy kitty. 

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