Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Anna Howard Shaw Day

Day FIVE! What now Zuckerburg?!

Anyways I was going to rant about Valentines Day, but I find it best to just not give a damn. No use getting angry over a consumer holiday. I would like to say something nice though. My partial boyfriend* Josh woke me up this morning and gave me a rose. Thank you Josh, you are the best partial boyfriend ever. Because of you I got to say something positive about today instead of being secretly jealous that no one gave me flowers.
*(Long story short. Josh used to date my friend, and we always joked about how he was like my boyfriend minus the benefits part. Glad I still have my partial boyfriend around!)

I think a tradition should start today. Valentines Day is way to girly. I bet a zillion couples are going to sit down and watch the Notebook, or Twilight (Men should love that Twilight shit. I know it is the worst love story of our time, but it's getting them laaaaaid! Unless their girl is crazy and demand he be more like a fictional character.) Instead of watching that incredibly cheesy predictable crap I suggest a movie like Die Hard, The Terminator, or Rachel and I might watch Contagion tonight. Let us all watch movies with substance! I might be a little biased because I do not love the chick flick genre. Some are enjoyable but for the most part movies like Twilight = total garbage.

If you were really wondering what the hell Anna Howard Shaw has to do with Valentines Day. Here you go.

For today's adorable, I actually have a dog. I just loved this photographers collection of dogs underwater. Looks so happy :)

1 comment:

  1. I was totally gonna send you flowers!
    And by the way this is your Aunt Linda, not Unknown...stoopid blog comments.
