Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Waxing Good Time

Yeah so last night I went to dinner with a bunch of friends at the new Buffalo Wild Wings and then I went to the store and bought a waxing kit. 


Basically it was a now or never type of thing. 
So I had some friends over to laugh at my impending pain  support me in my time of need. 

Lucky for you folks I got it on video. Please forgive the poor video skills. Just accept it for what it is. There is cursing. So if you don't like the word fuck, you really should realize this is a college blog and alcohol + the waxing of legs = expletives and silly behavior. Also I removed a lot of other inappropriate conversations we had. I think it made it funnier but I don't think I need to share it all with you readers. If the video doesn't work let me know!

OH and after I yelled at Rachel "WHAT ARE YOU DOING"
Her response was " I got it!" 
Yeah that hurt!

I learned some lessons from my experience.
  1. Wax is a lot stickier than I realized. It got EVERYWHERE and it was practically impossible to get off.  Next time- I think I'll try the wax free kind where the strips are already sticky. 
  2. Drink more alcohol. As time went on I got shakey and it got more painful more booze= funnier more distracting time. 
  3. Plan better- My legs looked like a stressed out animal that lost its fur in places. So now I have these hair patches that I have to shave because Rachel accidentally dumped out half of the wax on the floor which apparently was a bitch to clean up. 
  4. Waxing in front of your friends is a lot funner because they all want to rip the hair out of your legs. I haven't decided if that is a good thing or a bad thing...
  5. How on earth do people get brazilians ...ouch. 
  6. I would totally do it again if I didn't have to ever shave again. I loathe it since my hair grows back instantly!
Happy Groundhog Day! You should cozy up on a couch and watch my favorite Groundhog Day Holiday movie! You should already know the title. Groundhog Day, Bill Murray, Check it out. 

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