Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ex-Child Stars

Who is this face? Does anyone recognize it? Well if you are even some what of a nerd you've seen him before. You just may not have seen him in OH, 14 years... Wow that was longer than I thought. I used to have a crush on this ex-child star. We were totally meant to be together. And now, I'm glad that it never happened. He was a freaking cute kid but usually the cutest kids turn into the less than beautiful adults.

Click Here to discover who this Star used to be!
 OH MY GOSH NO WAY! Did you guess correctly?

Other not cute child stars now not so pretty include (Please google if curious)

Taran Nolan Smith from Home Improvement
Macaulay Culkin from Home Alone

I can't think of others right now so... I apologize. 

Today in one of my courses, my professor was trying to explain a topic to us. However he felt like explaining it the normal way would be confusing. So instead he starts off by saying:

 So you're at a frat party and there are three kegs to choose from. 

Well, this guy I guess sure knows how to appeal to an audience! 

Day 3 Mother Fuckers. Look at  me not socialize online! 

1 comment:

  1. I found that kid irritating the first time I saw his little munchkin face.
