Monday, February 18, 2013

The Hypothetical Science of the Zombie Apocalypse

I really love the Walking Dead, it's a fantastic show. I won't write much about it but I just have to say my absolute favorite character is Daryl! Especially in this last episode! He just went from a dick-head character like his brother to a thoughtful understanding life saving hero. If only all super pig headed jerk males (not all are super pig headed jerk males, I'm just saying the ones that are) could make this transition. Maybe they just need a Zombie apocalypse to change their ways?

Pretty much if he dies. 
I cry and throw my tv out the window. 
(Which isn't physically possible for me because I can't pick that brick up. I'd probably just tip it off its tv stand or hire a strong man to do it for me)
So I had a long conversation with my brother today about the zombie apocalypse, always interesting conversations to have. And I scienced the shit out of that conversation. To me it seems 100% logical. However obviously there are different beliefs about zombies and just like religion it can turn into a bad conversation because no one will budge. 

The way I think of it is a Zombie Apocalypse on humans would be like the extinction of the dinosaurs. Basically it will wipe out the major population. And lets face it we think we need to limit the population of deer and cougars? Maybe it would be a good thing to limit the human population. Anyways basically if animals are not affected by the zombie apocalypse because it is a human strain, they will end up surviving. How on earth does this work? Basically prey will avoid zombies because they will be seen as predators. Predators will avoid them because they won't want to eat rotting flesh and normally would avoid people in general. So the zombies would eventually starve to death. AND YES I decided they die! Brain power has to cause the need to eat and once that shuts off they have to die again! Thus animals will once again flourish in the once human ridden world. And that is Hypothetical Science of the Zombie Apocalypse!

Happy Day Two of not logging into Facebook. The only thing that is a pain is the fact  that I think I will be less bored on facebook when in fact I will still be just as bored. This is so much easier than before. If I had only logged out the first time I'd be back on there in a heart beat. 

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