Thursday, February 14, 2013

Singles Awareness Day

Well its that time of year again.
As Liz Lemon celebrates

 Am I the only one that loathes this consumer holiday? Maybe I'm just bitter. It is hard not to be bitter. Everywhere reminds you to buy something for that someone special. Do I not like this holiday because I'm single or is it because I'm fucking jealous that no one ever got me that huge-ass teddy bear in the store. Ok maybe it's a little of both. (And when I say huge-ass teddy bear I mean I better look like a child when I sit on it because it is that fucking ginormous )  I also don't like the term Single Awareness Day. I used to think it awesome in High School. But then people had to make it into an acronym S.A.D. Bastards. Or it's now named after the meme Forever Alone. If you are not familiar with it, just google forever alone. I saw this other thing that someone posted Valentines Day is the day where V and D come together. I get it. It's clever, however the first thing I thought of was Venereal Disease. I don't know about you but that sounds super romantic.

You know what, I actually love being Single. I've never been the type of person to attach myself to another. I like being able to do whatever I want! I am not tied down, I can go places I can move out of this state, FUCK, I could leave this country! I COULD LEAVE THE WORLD! Ok, that is a little drastic!

I don't have this checklist set for my future.
  I have to be married by 25, kids at 28, and live happily ever after  
Ha no this is my plan so far
Graduate College, Get Drunk, Get a Job, *Never have Kids
*When I say never have kids I mean as of this moment in time I will not be having children. However my children with be my animals. Sometimes I think I'm more like my aunt than my mom*

How much I miss 30 Rock. In the words of Frank Rossitano
"Valentine's Day is the perfect time to meet vulnerable women.
It's like Scumbag Christmas" 


  1. Hey wait, which aunt? And be honest, wouldn't your wacky Uncle Joe and I have made awesome cousins for you? You must admit we would have. The timing just sucked, and you get furcousins instead.

    1. YOU AUNT! I like furry cousins! The sad thing is I probably know the same about my furry cousins as my English speaking cousins. :S
