Friday, December 7, 2012

Dr. Sheldon Cooper for President

I saw this t-shirt and it really got me thinking. About useless stuff of course. Like what would Sheldon Cooper be like as President of the United States.

 Some Positives

  • We'd be prepared for any natural or unnatural disaster known to mankind. No matter what there will be a plan.
  • Everything will be so organized
  • Obviously he will not be distracted by the opposite sex nor would there be any sex scandals...unless he actually had some

Some Negatives
  • There will be oddly illegal things like whistling
  • More people will get into trouble and end up getting three strikes and have to take the class. 

Some...not sure...
  • We will most likely have a national holiday for Trains and famous Scientists. 
  • His English will only be made sense by the incredibly smart of the world... or the Trekkies. 

My mother told me that some reader were upset with me because I've not been great about posting everyday. So for this blog I hope most of you keep up with Big Bang Theory otherwise you may not get the clear Sheldon-isms I've described. To fix this issue - watch the show. Its just that simple.
I start my new internship tomorrow! I'm going to be working with Birds of Prey! Very excited. However it's going to be on the chilly side since the barn is freaking freezing. It should be a really fun winter break. I like birds...I think. After that final I'm kind of sick of them but that may of been songbirds. To drop some knowledge on you I will be working with: Accipitridae, Pandionidae, Tytonidae, Strigidae, Cathartidae and Falconidae. Google will become your friend to figure out what exactly those are! ;)


  1. Sorry to be a grammar nazi but...
    'may HAVE been' not 'may OF been'
    You may hit me if you like.

  2. I do not re-read or edit the blogs. It is not an assignment. I cans writ as good as me want two. ;)

  3. I love Sheldon. I also find him frightening.
