Saturday, December 8, 2012

My 3rd First Day

I started my first day as a Raptor intern. And it was a fantastic day. I got to see all of my old friends- people and animals. It was kind of an odd first day. I worked there my entire Senior Year of High School. I also interned there in the Summer of 2010.

On my technically 3rd first day I cut up some venison- which I haven't done in a couple years. Which means I got some blood speckles all over my jacket. I got to see my friend Brady! Remember him from My Play Date with a Cougar Cub? He is so big now! I couldn't believe it! He is also a sweety. Of course I couldn't have the same interaction with him. He's still a cub but he is most likely heavier than I am now.

I got to work on handing which was challenging but exciting. I still am new to it so I will get better with time. You actually have no idea how many thing you have to think about!

Also while I was there I identified the following birds (wild birds) : Hooded Merganser, Wood Duck, Mallard, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Dark-eyed Junco, American Crow, and the Common Raven.

My education is apparently getting me somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. Yay birds! I saw a loon on the way to work, and have also seen wood ducks and hooded mergansers. Mallards also but they live here all the time so they're not so thrilling.
    A red-tail hawk is an accipiter, is it not? See? I learn things from thumbing through bird books!
