Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Campfire Song Song

Day 97, Dirty Bird Joke- I'll do you in the cloaca. *wink wink* If you know what I'm sayin.

I look adorable today. Skirt, T-shirt, Jesus Shoes. Yes freakin' adorable. I also am still sporting my giant bruise. I probably could of worn something wild and wacky and that bruise would still be more noticeable.

I'm still not really focused on school. It is so freaking nice outside and all my homework has to be done inside on a computer! WAAAAHHH! I also have a song stuck in my head and when I asked Rachel what she thought it was the guessed three songs. Two of which belong to KRISPY KREME! Which wasn't actually the current song I have stuck in my head but gosh, that kid is a lyrical genius. "I've been shot 500 times and done about one million crimes" Shit, this kid is like 50cent but cooler.
But anyways, I have a cheesier song stuck in my head titled 'Campfire Song Song'
I personally love Patrick's struggle to sing the Song Song.  And Squidwards Solo.
Pulls at the heart strings ever god damn time. 

So for this next section it is a little more serious. I just wanted to state that I am proud our President can openly say that he supports Gay Marriage. The fact is marriage should be between two people and we should all be more accepting. This will be the era of gay rights. History does repeat itself. Anyone else remember other rights that we fought over that people thought were wrong? Does Woman Sufferage, African American Rights ring a bell to anyone. I predict that Gay Marriage will happen. It might be years before it is legal, but it will happen. I remember in high school I knew a girl who was STRONGLY against homosexuality. And we got into a huge argument about marriage. Her reasoning for the sanctity of marriage was if gays can marry what stops them from marrying animals? The fact is Gay people come from straight people. You can't really argue that it is a choice because obviously there are more than just a handful of homosexual people. I say let them get married. How can a homosexual marriage hurt yours? The answer is it can't you already have a shitty marriage. And preserving the sancity? Its only as sancious as you make it. 
Kim Kardashian- married twice, and one for 72 days
Ellen Degeneres- married since 2008. 

To me marriage is between two people.
 And I would love to go see some of my gay friends get married someday. 
Sorry, some people just need to open their minds, and their hearts. 

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