Friday, May 11, 2012

This One Is For The Brother

Day 92, The Father is coming today, he is going to give me shit about my messy room. I tried cleaning it but it's just so damn boring! Maybe I'll get a little more done before he gets here. Yay Procrastination!

Today is my brothers 24th Birthday! Ladies- He is 100% available! WOOT! Now unlike my Dad I know this kid is 24 because he becomes two years older than me. And since I'm so fabulous at math 22+2=24! WHOA! Anyways have a freakin' happy birthday over in Arizona and celebrate with some alcoholic beverages and some bitches. Oh and by the way being the Birthday Boy can get you lots of perks! For instance if these are available to you...

- Free Ice Cream at Coldstone
- Free Dutch Bro!
-Free Hamburger at Red Robin
-Free Drinks at Bars

Just google free birthday stuff and you will get a whole bunch of free things. Good luck beating my record of free things- $250.00

Oh and to my Aunt Linda (or anyone else who is interested), you had mentioned that "it pains me that there is no 'like' button on your blog" Well ---> to the right, below my beautiful face is a share button for facebook. Yeah I know, this blog right now is all about me not having a facebook, but if you want to share my wild and wacky adventures with your friends you can. I tried adding a 'like' button but that is the best I could do. Apparently you can also Tweet it. I am personally not a tweeter. Whatever floats your boat I guess. 

Black, Blue and Purple update. The Calf one goes around to the other side! So much Bluer and Blacker! And Purpler!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog reeks of fabulousness...I will totally share it on Facebook! Thank you. And may your bruises fade quickly. By the way, let me be the first to say Happy Fucking Friday!
