Friday, May 25, 2012

Rant Friday: Professor Edition

Day 106,  Happy Memorial Day Weekend! The only real day I get off of the term. College sucks in that aspect. We only get one day off a term and every term it occurs towards the end of the term or the beginning. Because I really need a week before dead week off or I really need a day off a week after winter break which was four weeks long! If I could chose the days off I think I would pick week 6. It would be far enough in the term to where I need a break but not close enough to the end so that I have nothing to do. 

I got my ornithology midterm back today. Because of this I am going to make it RANT FRIDAY!
Now, I got the average. I am actually really relieved that I got the average, I thought I did a lot worse after our professor said we bombed the midterm. However I would like to say a few words towards this professor. 

Dear Ornithology Professor,
 Your midterm was graded too difficulty. The entire class agrees with me.
If we bombed the midterm it is YOUR fault as the professor. If you want us to explain the answer we have chosen ask 'List and Explain' not 'List'. Just saying list means like a grocery list. I do not describe what Milk is on my grocery list, nor should I have to. Also if you abbreviate things in your slides, we as a class will learn it that way. So saying FSH, Tb and Ta are inappropriate answers is your fault because you, the professor never defined them. I deserved 10 points more on my midterm. It is rather frustrating when a correct answer is given, but is deemed incorrect because of your impossible grading structure.
Anonymous Student
Yeah, I totally would do this to my bird professor and then yell, 
I've got a bird I want to show you professor...

1 comment:

  1. I just want you to know that I saw my first Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
