Saturday, January 19, 2013

Dreams and Nightmares

I've been struck with a large case of PROCRASTINATION! I have scientific papers and junk. But I don't want to get out of bed. It's warm in here and cold out there. I'm hungry, I'm lazy and I don't give a shit about anything. Which is going to make me feel super stressed by tomorrow. Whatever I'll manage to live with my terrible life decisions.

I've had some strange dream-ish nightmares lately. Including me pulling my teeth out, as if I was picking m&m's from a bag, easy and painless. I also had teeth crumpling. Its weird. I was holding onto my teeth like you could just stick them back in, like they attached like legos. I also keep dreaming that my roommate yells at me for using too many paper towels.

Some other reoccurring nightmares have had is cutting my brothers nose off at a pool. I've also had a running and can't move dream or its dark and you can't see dreams.  Why is it during dreams everything seems so real. And why can't we live in the good dreams where we have everything. I guess it is the argument of the matrix, inception (which I literally almost wrote conception)  who wants to live in reality vs. a dream.

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