Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong is a Fame Whore

Lets have a super obvious topic today. I'll start off with a mini story to transition to what I want to write about. Two days ago when I was feeling under the weather I cuddled on the couch with my roommate Hana. We were watching a beloved childrens cartoon. Arthur! 

and I said hey HEY what a wonderful kind of day where we can
 learn to work and play and get along with each other...

Anyways, we were watching quite a few episodes. Dealing with Yom Kippor, Love and Voting. Now this voting episode was about Binky Barns and how he was trying to get various adults to vote for bike lanes. And who else was to appear in the show than disgraced Lance Armstong. 

Now who couldn't write about this topic. That episode of Arthur was just poor timing, talking about how amazing he was and in fact, Lance was a fake the entire time. However now that his has made a full confession to Oprah Winfrey I find the whole situation incredibly interesting and how he doped was scientifically fascinating. 

For those of you who don't know during all of his Tour de France wins Lance Armstrong he cheated by taking testosterone, human growth hormone and blood doping. Now I had to look up blood doping and who ever helped him get that is a genius. Basically blood doping adds extra red blood cells into the blood stream. If that doesn't mean anything to you, or you may think- why would extra blood cells matter. The more red blood cells you have the more oxygen that gets transferred into your body. Therefore the harder a person works the more oxygen is being used, and since there are more red blood cells they can take in more oxygen and compete at a higher performance. Thus being able to in this case bike faster and for longer. 

Now my question is how will this revelation of doping affect future sporting events. If Lance Armstrong was able to cheat for so long how will they be able to identify doping in the Olympics or various other sporting events?

It's hard to believe that Lance, one of the greatest athletes of all time, is a fraud. However, it really doesn't matter anymore. The fact is he let a lot of people down and is more of a fame whore than anything. He is being punished for his decision by having his titles removed, however is still has millions just by telling Oprah what a fraud he is.


1 comment:

  1. What's bugging me is that Lance seems to be the scapegoat for the whole sport. Apparently he did the same thing that everyone did. The difference is that he was a total ass about it. Hey, have you seen Michelle Obama's bangs?
