Monday, March 12, 2012

Krokodil is NOT Pretty Russia

Day 32, Zombies do exist people...they are called Meth Heads. They look very similar. I've watched enough episodes of Breaking Bad now to realize there are no difference! Well, except the meth heads are living...sort of? If you are brave enough to google this next drug beware it is NOT pretty. I mean nasty. The first image is graphic, like you see muscle, tissues, and bone. I would post it but I would not like my readers to vomit on their reading onezies!  My friend Amber told me that there was this new drug in Russia called Krokodil, which eats your skin and turns it green and scaley, like that of a crocodile. Why would people take that shit! Because it gets you high as fuck and is only $6 per shoot up. Sorry, I found that rather insane that it actually exists!

Finals studying is...going. I managed to put actual jeans on today! Go me! But today will be filled with ecology, mathematical problems, and many mechanisms of the insides of mammals and their scientific names! Yay for furthering my education. I am having trouble focusing. Personally I think it is the lack of sleep due to the time change. One hour can really mess you up! Especially when normally I get up at 7:00am daily. 6am just sounds dark and scary! I like sunshine! Especially in the morning. Waking up in the dark sucks. It's like the world is telling you to go back to sleep, I didn't give you night vision for a reason! Fun Victoria Fact: I have night vision, when I use a flashlight. When I offer a fun fact, I really want you to have a fun with it. Otherwise that 'fun' was wasted. We do not waste fun, we conserve it.

Another FUN FACT! Are you ready to have fun with it? I expect a god damn fun party! I'm afraid of running into automatic doors. Yes, I am. It's doesn't terrify me but I seriously get worried when it doesn't open. But Victoria, why don't you just stop and wait for it to open? Because, I'm complicated and quirky. If I lost the quirk, I'd just be complicated and that sounds less fun.

I'm a badass mother who don't take no crap from no one!
This just made me giggle. 
RAWR I'm a Panda!

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