Saturday, March 31, 2012

Where did Spring Break go?

Day 51,  Last day of relaxing freedom. Because Driving 3 hours isn't relaxing.

SPRING BREAK IS OVER?!?! Where did it go? How is this possible! I have to drive back to Corvallis tomorrow?! No!

I know where it went. I spent over half of it dying on the couch. Watching dumb tv shows, petting attention starved kitty cats and eating a shit ton of loaded baked potato soup delicious!

Watched the Hungry Matches with my mom yesterday- just kidding the Hunger Games. It was good. Disturbing but good. I never read the book and I probably never will, I've never been a reader. But all of the people who were in the colorful outfits. I swear, that was a Lady Gaga world! She probably was like- DAMN, I should of been an extra, no one would of even known I was there!

Brandon from Germany felt very disappointed that this video was not in yesterdays cute. So If you read yesterdays bloggity blog this will make you super giggle. Thank you for sharing. Sharing is caring.

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