Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Mom Told Me To...

Day 23, my how time flies. I like being facebook free.

I actually cleaned my room. And vacuumed. Please oooohh and aaaahhhh. Picture will come later when there isn't a bed in the middle of my floor.

So today my Mumzies and I went pottery painting! And we got pedicures! I feel so pampered! Happy Happy JOY JOY I will show you the pottery when I get it back on Wednesday! It's purdy! Also went and saw the always sexy George Clooney in 'The Descendants' it was sooo good. I cried. I tried not to but I totally cried. Totally. Shit, I'm like, Valley Girl now.

The following conversation took place at 9:28pm:

Mom- The highlight of my day is reading your blog
Me- I hope the highlight of your day was actually spending time with me, instead of reading about my life.

A scientific study shows that my mom would rather read about me on my blog than spend quality time together. My mom is demanding that I post a blog for her to read. Such an impatient person! Gosh, you can't force BRILLIANCE! Duh. Some parents try pushing their children to greatness but all they get is a drugged up crazy. Be careful mother. Even though I am not a druggy, I do know where to acquire them*.
*My neighbor is a drug dealer, not joking...I think he only deals the light stuff like MaryJewWanna*

LOOK! It's a Zonkey!
Technically it's called a Zebroid. Which sounds more like an alien.
Cute enough for this bloggity blog :D


1 comment:

  1. The highlight of my day is spending time with you AND reading your blog. FUN weekend except for the pedicure man who made my toe bleed.
