Thursday, March 1, 2012

Superman-ing is the new Planking

Day 21, I almost made it through my first month...sort of. Technically I started 10 days into the month, but I made it through the rest of the month! Facebook is just a distant memory that people seem to really be into.

Facebook was my everything, my best friend. Now time has past and we are no longer as close. I see Facebook every now and then, but it's awkward. However we both appreciate what we had and we will always remember those special moments!

I would like to share this video because it really made me giggle. 
Like really made me giggle. It seems to be a foreign meme. 
Superman-ing is a billion times cooler than planking.

Recently I feel like I've been using the blog to whine and complain about my life. Which is NOT what I want to do at all. Raise your hand if you want to read a blog about girl problems... I think I see one in the, just stretching? Ok, that makes zero. I'll try to stick to a more enjoyable reading experience. I would encourage all of you to stop reading and go find someone to superman in a car with...that sounds dirty. 

I'm a sick bastard some times. Do any of you ever 'torture' yourselves? STOP, you are getting the wrong idea. Whose the sick bastard now?  I'm talking about how you check for your grade online every 5 minutes, putting yourself through way more stress than you should. I've been checking my email every 2 minutes and I need to stop! Its like an addictive thing, waiting for a friend to arrive- check time every 30 seconds. I'm probably not going to get what I am waiting for in my inbox, so why should I torture myself?! I totally checked my email three times while writing this paragraph. Go me. 

I'm a little disappointed when I found this picture, 
I should of known that it had been photo shopped.
Oh well still adorable! At least I know the adorable truth.

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