Thursday, April 19, 2012


Day 70! Guess What! I'm TB Negative! SURPRISE! not. But a negative is a positive there for I shall have a positive day? Thing can get all messed up in here, we about to get stupid.

Yay today is Thursday and you know what that means! Tomorrow is FRIDAY! :D Best day of the week until it is over. The internet at the library is a freaking snail! It is taking me forever to download homework, which is very counter productive and is causing me to procrastinate with my blog. See how this all ties together?

I'm studying Ornithology, or trying to. Here are the bothersome events keeping me from studying

  1. Slow Internet
  2. Loud Mouth Bitches Giggling about listening in on conversations. Also giggling about boys. And being overly obnoxious. 
  3. Pouring rain
  4. Needing to go to the bathroom
  5. No focus
  6. Sleepy
  7. Hungry
  8. Lack of scrap paper
  9. Motivation
Yeah, I'm Productive bitches, not. Hana is making her enchiladas tonight. I'm SO EXCITED! I LOVE ENCHILADAS! SO YUMMY. I need to at least say something interesting and worth reading today. So lets see what my little world has to offer you today.




I need a topic, and right now I am stuck watching Retarded Policeman episodes. Don't get you panties in a bunch it is rather humorous youtube show about a Retarded Policeman pulling people over. Don't jump to conclusions that this is not being PC. Just enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. South Park did the ass burgers thing, too. Cartman was confused.
