Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Reality of Not Graduating

Day 69, Am I going to be inappropriate. No. But I hinted at inappropriate. I apologize...nah I don't.

Today I went to the Grad Fair with Rachel, which was a total downer. For those of you who don't know, this is the year I was supposed to graduate going into college. Since changing my major to Fisheries and Wildlife I am officially on the 5 or 6 year plan. Seeing a bunch of people I recognize getting their caps and gown and other useless material was just a bummer! That is ok, I will graduate some day. I might be 25 but I'll graduate! According to the super awesome my degree I am 72% done with college and I was FINALLY officially a Senior at the beginning of this term. I was just a super junior for a while. Well, I'm trying to not be too disappointed. But It kind of gets in your head that you are going to graduate in 4 years. Now I know there is nothing wrong with being a 5,6 or 7 year. (My dad would say NOOOO I WANT TO RETIRE!) but its like I've been held back. Except I held myself back. Is that weird or does that make sense?

I just got super deep there. To prove I am still learning here is a passiformes (psssst! it's a song bird!) No, I do not know this exact species. I just googled it and thought it looked super cool!

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