Monday, April 23, 2012

War Zone

Day 74, Did my laundry yesterday. I hate hot jeans right out of the dryer because I always burn my damn fingers on the metal thingys. Thingy is an appropriate word I believe.

So Humans vs. Zombies finale was today and I got caught in the center. Funny Story. I feel like the best way to show you how it went down is to open up paint. Oh yes my own creation.

Let me explain how this went down. I was walking back from the atm to go home and I normally take that pathway to go back home. So there were a bunch of 'humans' kind of huddled in the center so I figured that I would be safe... When I hit about the center they all spread out and bolted in different directions. I pick up my pace to get out alive and not be hit by socks, nerf darts or marshmellows. Now when I get to that little yellow dot above I look up...shit... there is a wave of zombies ready to attack. They stand there for a minute and then scream 'CHARGE' all of them rushing past me. I just managed to escape the war zone. The final battle is the funniest thing to watch. Hopefully next time I won't be caught in it. 

I woke up early today to get ready and review before my midterm. Ornithology Today! Sort of ready but I am a little worried. I hate school. Dad, I'm going into stripping. That way you can retire and I could finally get that job you've been wanting me to get. Relax, at least it's not prostitution! Sometimes I wonder how fast I could pay off school if I was a prostitute... 

By the way reader I look freaking adorable today. I just wanted you to know that. 

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