Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hungry Hungry Hippo

Day 56, it's Thursday WEEE! I was stopped by a friend asking me if I was going to party tonight. I felt old by saying, ARE YOU KIDDING ME! It's a school night! That's right, a 22year old chooses education over partying. My parents should be proud. I would also like to bring up to parental units attention. I have already been going to the library. Five hours a day keeps the...Grades up.

I have two books to read and those of you who really know me realize. I don't read. The last book I read was Tina Fey's Bossypants. And lets be honest. That book was hilarious from page xii. There was one this that she has written in response to haters that I found roll on the floor funny. I can't quite remember what it was but it was a burn. Anyway, reading non-funny books. Not my strong suit. Its because I'm slightly dyslexic. Today in class I thought we were talking about skateholders for an hour, which sounded weird to me. Skateholders? Oh...switched the damn T and the K. Stakeholders. Got it. The first book I have to read is called 'Salmon without Rivers' which I can tell you how it ends- they die. duh. And the other Eye of the Albatross. I have not started reading this one but if it is 400 pages about an eye of a bird I will be very upset. I hope that while you are sitting in your reading Onezie you realize, yes I am being facetious. Ooh big word!

I have a headache. I'm not going to lie, I've not been eating as much as I should. But man sometimes it is hard to get a schedule going. My dinners and breakfasts are ok, but I;m slacking in the Lunch Department. Lunch is difficult because I have to prepare for it. Lunch is the Lamest meal of the day. LAAAAMMMEEE Unless you get to eat out :P

Aright I've said everything I want to see.

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